Invited speakers:

Pawel Artymowicz, StockholmObs., Sweden

Mailing Address: Stockholm Observatory, SCFAB, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden


Alan Boss, CIW, DTM, USA

Mailing Address: 5241 Broad Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC20015-1305U.S.A.


Adam Burrows, U. Arizona, USA

Mailing Address: Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ85721USA


Mark Harrison, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Ray Jayawardhana, U. Michigan, USA

Mailing Address: University of Michigan Astronomy Department, 953 Dennison Building, Ann Arbor, MI48109-1090USA


Laurie Leshin, Arizona State U., USA

Mailing Address: Arizona State University Department of Geological Sciences, Box 871404, Tempe, AZ85287-1404USA


Doug Lin, UC Lick Observatory, USA

Mailing Address: UCO/Lick Observatory, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA95064USA


Jonathan Lunine, LPL, AZ, USA

Mailing Address: LPL,1629 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ85721-0092USA,Office location: Space Sciences 522


Kevin McKeegan, UCLA, USA

Mailing Address: Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, UCLA, 595 Young

Drive, Los Angeles, CA. 90095-1567 USA


Frank H. Shu,National Tsing Hua U., Taiwan

Mailing Address: NationalTsingHuaUniversity 101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road, Hsichu30013, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Chris Tinney, Anglo-Australian Obs., Australia

Mailing Address: PO Box 296, Epping 1710 Australia


Contributed talks:

Francis Albarede, Ecole Normale Sup. de Lyon, France

Mailing Address:Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 46, Allee d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex 7, France


Yuri Amelin, Geological Survey of Canada

Mailing Address: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E8


Jeremy Bailey, AAO, Australia

Mailing Address: Anglo-Australian Observatory, PO Box 296, Epping,

NSW 1710


Victoria C. Bennett, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Mike Bessell, RSAA, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Brad Carter, U. of Southern Queensland, Australia

Mailing Address: Centre for Astronomy, Solar Radiation and Climate, Department of Biological and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, ToowoombaQueensland 4350, Australia


Geoff Davies, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Ulyana Dyudina, RSAA, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Justin Freeman, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Andrew Glikson,RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Karl E. Haisch Jr., U. Michigan, USA

Mailing address: Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Michigan, 830 Dennison Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan48109-1090 USA


Masahiko Honda, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Trevor Ireland, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Ing-Guey Jiang, Astronomy, National Central U., Taiwan

Mailing Address: Institute of Astronomy, NationalCentralUniversity, No. 300, Jungda Rd, JungliCity, Taoyuan, Taiwan 320, R.O.C.


Warrick Lawson , UNSW@ADFA, Australia

Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600


Kurt Liffman, CSIRO and Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: Energy & Thermofluids Engineering, CSIRO/MIT P.O. Box 56, Graham Rd, Highett VIC 3190 AUSTRALIA


Charley Lineweaver, UNSW, Australia

Mailing Address: School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052


Sarah Maddison, Swinburne U., Australia

Mailing Address: Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, School of BSEE, Swinburne University of Technology, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, 3122 Victoria, Australia


Rosemary Mardling, CSPA, Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, MonashUniversity, 3800


Franklin Mills, RSPhysSE,ANU, Australia

The Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Building 60, ANU Campus, Canberra ACT 0200


Louis Moresi, Monash U., Australia

Mailing address: School of Mathematical Sciences Building 28, MonashUniversity, Clayton 3800, Victoria, Australia


James Murray, Swinburne U., Australia

Mailing Address: Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, SwinburneUniversity of Technology, PO Box 218, HawthornVictoria 3122, Australia


Marc Norman,RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Allen Nutman, RSES,ANU, Australia

Mailing address: ResearchSchool of Earth Sciences, AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia


Andrew Prentice, Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: Room 329, Building 28, School of Mathematical Sciences, MonashUniversity Vic 3800, Australia


Penny D. Sackett, RSAA, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Thomas Sharp, Arizona State U., USA

Mailing Address: Arizona State University Department of Geological Sciences, Box 871404, Tempe, AZ85287-1404USA


Therese Schneck, Consulting Civil Engineer,France

Mailing Address: 11/13 Rue Lobineau 75006 Paris


Robert G. Smith,UNSW@ADFA, Australia

Mailing Address: School of Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales at The AustralianDefenceForceAcademy, Canberra, ACT 2600


Dave Stegman. Mathematical Sci., Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, MonashUniversityBuilding 28 Victoria 3800 Australia


Ross Taylor, Geology, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: Geology Department, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra 0200 ACT Australia


Mark Wardle, Macquarie U, Australia

Mailing Address: Department of Physics, MacquarieUniversity, Sydney NSW 2109


David Wark, MonashU., Australia

Mailing Address: School of Geosciences, Building 28 Monash UniversityVictoria 3800,Australia


Peter Wood, RSAA, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Chris Wright, ADFA@UNSW, Australia

Mailing Address: School of Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales at The AustralianDefenceForceAcademy, Canberra, ACT 2600


Li-Chin Yeh, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Taiwan

Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, NationalHsinchuTeachers College, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan


Williaml Zealey,U. of Wollongong, Australia

Mailing Address: Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW2500



Daniel Bayliss, MSO, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Adrian Brown, Macquarie U, Australia

Mailing address: Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie Uni, NSW 2109


Andres Carmona,ESO Garching.,Heidelberg U., Germany

Mailing Address: European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, 85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany


Marie Gibbon, Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: 42 Park Street, Seaford Vic 3198


Antti Kallio, RSES, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia


Gareth Kennedy, Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: 2/33 Golf Links Ave, Oakleigh, Vic, 3166


A-Ran Lyo, UNSW@ADFA, Australia

Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600


Marco M. Maldoni, UNSW@ADFA, Australia

Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600

E-Mail: .

Charles Morgan, Monash U., Australia

Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, MonashUniversity, Clayton, Vic. 3800


Craig O'Neill, U. Sydney, Australia

Mailing Address: The School of Geosciences, Department of Geology and GeophysicsEdgeworthDavidBuilding F05, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006

Dr. John Patten, Unaffiliated Student, Australia

Kala Perkins, SRES, ANU, Australia

Postal Address: School of Resources, Environment and Society, AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra 0200 Australia


Tamara Rogers, U. Santa Cruz, USA

Mailing Address: 5350 S. Morning Sky Ln, Tucson, AZ. 85747


Raquel Salmeron, U. Sydney, Australia

Mailing Address: School of Physics A28, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia


Patrick Scott, MSO, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Christine Thurl, MSO, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia


Miguel de Val Borro, Stockholm U., Sweden

Mailing Address: StockholmUniversity, AlbaNovaCenter, Department of Astronomy, 10691 Stockholm


David Weldrake, RSAA, ANU, Australia

Mailing Address: MountStromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia



Yuri Amelin (1), Alexander Krot (2) and Eric Twelker (3)

1) Geological Survey of Canada

2)Hawaiian Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, SOEST, University of Hawaii at Manoa,


Duration of the chondrule formation interval: a Pb isotope study

Chondrules are among the earliest solid objects that formed in the solar system.
We have determined the ages of chondrules from several carbonaceous chondrites using the Pb-Pb isochron method. High precision Pb isotope dates are obtained for three silicate clasts (large chondrules) from the CBa (Bencubbin-like) chondrite Gujba. Additional analyses of chondrules from the CV3 chondrite Allende allowed to improve precision of the age. The summary of precise Pb-Pb ages of chondrules from primitive chondrites is shown below:

MeteoritePb-Pb isochron age, MaComment

Allende (CV3)4566.7±1.0this study

Acfer 059 (CR2)4564.7±0.7Amelin et al. (2002)

Gujba (CBa)4562.7±0.5this study

From these data, we deduce that the period of chondrule formation started simultaneously with, or shortly after the CAI formation [4567.2±0.6 Ma (Amelin et al., 2002)], and continued for at least 4.0±1.5 m.y. If the dates of the chondrules reflect their timing of formation, then there were probably a variety of processes occurring over at least 4-5 m.y. that we now combine under the umbrella name of "chondrule formation". More high-precision Pb-Pb and extinct nuclide dating, as well as geochemical and petrologic studies of chondrules from primitive meteorites, will be required to understand individual processes of chondrule formation.

Pawel Artymowicz

Stockholm Univ

Migration of bodies in disks: Timescales and unsolved problems

Solid bodies with size ranging from dust to planets are present in protoplanetary disks, with which they couple via processes involving gas drag, radiation pressure, and gravitational torques of several types (due to Lindblad and corotational resonances). As a result, several size-dependent migration modes exist, operating on timescales shorter than the lifetime of the disks. Theory of migration studies the role of mobility in accumulation of solids, origin of the orbital distance distribution of extrasolar planets, and the ring-like appearence of some circumstellar dust disks. This talk presents an overview of the underlying physics, timescales, and the outcomes of migration in the scenarios of planetary system formation. We discuss in some detail a newly discovered, fast migration mode of protoplanets (timescale ~1000 yr), dependent on corotational torques (tentatively named type III).

Jeremy Bailey


Evolution of Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres

Time when the process started in the solar system: -4.5 byr

Time when it ended: still continuing

The planets Venus, Earth and Mars have developed very different atmospheres over 4.5 billion years of evolution, although we suspect that their early atmospheres may have been quite similar. Mars has a very thin (7 mbar) and dry atmosphere of mostly CO2. The Earth's 1 bar atmosphere is predominantly nitrogen and oxygen with very low CO2 content, and Venus has a 90 bar atmosphere of mostly CO2 in which a runaway greenhouse effect has heated the planets surface to 720K. I will review some of the processes which have operated on the three planets to control the evolution of their atmospheres, and discuss issues including the "early faint Sun" problem, "snowball Earth" events and the rise of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere.

Jeremy Bailey (1,2), Sarah Chamberlain (2), Malcolm Walter (2) and David Crisp (3)


(2)Australian Centre for Astrobiology, MacquarieUniversity

(3)Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech

Poster: IR Observations of Mars during the August 2003 opposition

We present some preliminary results of observations obtained during the very favourable opposition of Mars in August 2003 using the UIST instrument on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. We obtained narrow band images which we believe are probably the sharpest ever obtained with a ground-based telescope, as well as spectral scans of the disk at a range of near-IR wavelengths and resolving powers. The observations include absorption features due to atmospheric gases, CO2 ice at the south pole, and water ice clouds in the north. We can use the CO2 band strength to image the distribution of surface atmospheric pressure and hence topography.

The data may be used to search for absorption features due to hydrated clay minerals, carbonates and sulphates which might provide evidence for the past presence of surface water.

Jeremy Bailey (1), Phil Lucas (2), Jim Hough (2) and Motohide Tamura (3)

(1)AAO & Australian Centre for Astrobiology, MacquarieU.

(2)University of Hertfordshire

(3)National Astronomical Observatory, Japan

Poster: Direct Detection of Extrasolar Planets by Polarimetry

Despite the detection of more than 100 extrasolar planets by the radialvelocity method, no extrasolar planet has yet been seen directly by its emitted or reflected light. Detections by spectroscopic techniques have so far been unsuccessful while photometric detection requires accuracies which are beyond current ground-based photometry.

However, we believe that planets orbiting close to their stars (Hot Jupiters) might be detected by means of the polarization of the light scattered from their atmospheres. While the resulting polarization of the combined light of the planet and star is small, polarization measurements can in principle be made with very high sensitivity since polarimetry is adifferential measurement and is not limited by the stability of the Earth's atmosphere as photometry is.

We have designed and built a stellar polarimeter which should be capable of achieving the required sensitivity. The instrument is now being tested, and on a 4m or larger telescope should be capable of detecting the polarization signature of bright hot Jupiter systems such as Tau Boo, Upsilon And or 51 Peg.
Daniel Bayliss, Ulyana Dyudina and Penny Sackett

RSAA, ANU, Australia

Modeling of Reflected Light from Extra Solar Planets with Eccentric Orbits

An extra solar planet will shine by reflecting light from its parent star. As the planet orbits the star the amount of light reflected will vary as the phase of the planet changes with respect to the observer, resulting in a light curve with a periodicity equal to the orbital period of the planet. We model the reflected light from extra solar planets at different phases based the reflective properties of Jupiter and Saturn obtained by the Pioneer space probes. Since a large proportion of the known extra solar planets display highly elliptical orbits, our models include changes in angular velocity and orbital distance resulting from such elliptical orbits. Current Earth based photometry is limited to a precision of about 100ppm of the parent's stars luminosity due to atmospheric extinction. However, new space photometers such as MOST and Kepler, are expected to have precisions down to less than 10ppm. At these new sensitivities the light curves from many known extra solar planets should be detectable. These light curves should give us information not only on the size and orbital properties of the planet, but also on atmosphericparticle size, cloud cover, and the presence of rings. We discuss the likelihood of these properties being extracted from the light curves with the data from space and earth based instruments in the next 5-10 years.

Alan Boss

Carnegie Institution

The Formation of Giant Planets

[All times relative to formation of the protosun and solar nebula]
Time core accretion started: 0 MyrError bar: 0 Myr

Time core accretion finished: 5 MyrError bar: 2 Myr

Time disk instability started: 0 MyrError bar: 0.1 Myr

Time disk instability finished: 0.1 MyrError bar: 0.1 Myr

Two very different mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of the gas and ice giant planets. The conventional explanation forthe formation of gas giant planets, core accretion, presumes that a gaseous envelope collapses upon a roughly 10 Earth-mass, solid core that was formed by the collisional accumulation of planetary embryos orbiting in the solar nebula. The more radical explanation,diskinstability, hypothesizes that the gaseous portion of the nebula underwent a gravitational instability, leading to the formation ofself-gravitating clumps, within which dust grains coagulated and settledto form cores. Core accretion appears to require several million years or more to form a gas giant planet, implying that only long-lived disks would form gas giants. Disk instability, on the other hand, is so rapid (forming clumps in thousands of years), that gas giants could form in even theshortest-lived disks. Core accretion has severe difficulty in explaining the formation of the ice giant planets, unless two extra protoplanets areformed in the gas giant planet region and thereafter migrate outward.

Recently, an alternative mechanism for ice giant planet formation has been proposed, based on observations of protoplanetary disks in the Orion: disk instability leading to the formation of four gas giant protoplanets with cores, followed by photoevaporation of the disk and gaseous envelopes of the protoplanets outside about 10 AU by a nearby OB star, producing ice giants. In this scenario, Jupiter survives unscathed, whileSaturn is a transitional planet.

Adrian Brown

Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, MacquarieUniversity

Evidence for the earliest Hydrothermal System on Earth in the East Pilbara Granite-Greenstone Terrane

Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 3.45 Gy

The error bar on the start time: 100 My

Time when this process ended: 3.46

The error bar on the end time: 100 My

The East Pilbara Granite Greenstone Terrane is a well preserved Archaean succession of domical granite batholiths surrounded by thick greenstone synclinoria. The North Pole Dome region in postulated to be a granite dome predominantly covered by greenstones of the Warrawoona Group. Following intrusion of the granite and eruption of the felsic Panorama Formation around 3.45 Gya, it is hypothesized that a hydrothermal event took place, utilising the felsic magma conduits to propel water to the palaeosurface, thereby creating an epithermal hydrothermal deposit at Miragla Creek. The alteration caused by this event is in the process of being mapped using airborne hyperspectral sensing as part of a three year PhD project. It provides an opportunity to examine one of the earliest hydrothermal events in the history of the Earth.
The 600 sq. km hyperspectral dataset was captured in October 2002 and covers the wavelengths from 400 to 2400 nm at 5m resolution. Mapped litholgies so far include sericite, chlorite and pyrophyllite alteration zones, along with a serpentine-rich komatiite flow at the base of the Apex Basalt. These will be discussed and implications of the event, including its possible links with putative stromatolite structures within the 3.42 Gyr Strelley Pool Chert, which overlies the Panorama Formation.