Annex 2

Standard Template

Quarterly Updates

Name of the Asia-wide Programme : Asia- Link Programme
Contract reference no.: TH/Asia Link/010 (111084)
Project Title: EASTWEB - building an integrated leading Euro-Asian higher education and research community in the field of the SemanTic WEB
Name of Beneficiary: Università degli Studi di Trento
Period covered by this Quarterly Update: January 1 – March 31, 2006
Due date of this Quarterly Update:April 18, 2006
Project Budget / EUR XXX
Funds Disbursed by Commission to date / EUR XXX
Expenditure Incurred by Project to date /

First quarterly report (January - March, 2006)


In the first three months we started the project. The main activities were

- the nomination of the boards

- the preparation and the execution of the kick off meeting,

- the start of the First Asian Semantic Web Conference.

Implementation of Activities

1) Kick off meeting.

The meeting was held in Trento on February 20 -21. Each partner introduced their institution and their teaching organization. The overall plan of the project was discussed and agreed upon. The financial details were discussed. All partners agreed to prepare a detailed plan of co-financing.

2) Nomination of the boards.

·  The Scientific Advisory Board was nominated. The candidates were proposed and contacted, and they accepted the duty. They are:

1.  Prof. Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universitiet Amsterdam. He is one of the most visible persons in the Semantic Web area, and is author of several books on the semantic web among which "A Semantic Web Primer"

2.  Prof. Jim Handler, Director of The Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery, and Co- Director (and head of) Semantic Web and Agents Research, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory

3.  Dr. Michael Brodie Chief Scientist of the Verizon Information Technology company

·  The Steering board was nominated. It is composed by: Prof. Marco Ronchetti - University of Trento (chair the Board), Prof. Vilas Wuwongse - Asian Institute of Technology Thailand, Prof. Yanchun Liang - Jilin University China, Prof. R.K. Shyamasundar - Tata Institute of Technology India, Prof. Witold Abramowicz - University of Poznan Poland, Dr Laurentiu Vasiliu NUIG Galway Ireland, Dr. Ying Ding University of Innsbruck Austria.

3 ) The First Asian Semantic Web Conference was started.

It will take place in Beijing, China in September 2006. Eastweb partners play the most important key roles in the conference:

·  Fausto Giunchiglia (Trento) is the Conference Chair

·  The steering committee is chaired by Dieter Fensel, EASTWEB partner from Innsbruck, Austria. Among the 11 members of the steering committee one is a member of EASTWEB advisory board (Jim Hendler) and 7 are EASTWEB partners: Witold Abramowicz (Poland), Chris Bussler (Galway, Ireland), Liu Dayou (China), Fausto Giunchiglia (Italy), R.K. Shyamasundar (India), Vilas Wuwongse (Thailand).

·  The Financial Chair is from Innsbruck, Austria

·  Ying Ding, Innsbruck, Austria is Tutorial Co-Chair

·  Marco Ronchetti, Trento, Italy is Workshop Co-Chair

·  Vilas Wuwongse, AIT, Thailand is Industrial Track Co-Chair

·  Michal Zaremba, Innsbruck, Austria is Demo Co-Chair

·  Leonarda Haid-Garcia, Innsbruck, Austria is Financial Chair

·  Yuting Zhao, ITC-Irst, Italy is Poster Co-Chair


All partners (with the exception of the Associated Partner Hong Kong, China, but including the Associated Partner ITC-Irst from Trento, Italy) participated to the kick off meeting.


The above defined Steering Board is responsible for promoting and implementing all the activities.

Mail distribution-list were prepared to quickly reach all partners.

Videoconference infrastructure was set up and successfully tested among some of the partners.

It was decided to set up a web site with a public part for dissemination and a private part for sharing documents and information.

It was decided that selection criteria for the scholarships will be fixed by the Steering Committee.

Contact person: / Marco Ronchetti

Asia-wide programmes. Last Updated: 02 February 2004