The short session of the Legislature, lasting 60 days, kicked off on Monday, January 11th. This session should be extremely interesting and difficult, as there will undoubtedly be an attempt to reverse Initiative 960 (requiring a 2/3’s majority in both Houses in order to increase taxes or impose fees); while at the same time our Legislators try to find ways to close the $2.6 Billion dollar gap in State revenues. We will keep you informed as things progress during the session. REMEMBER…all bills filed during the 2009 long session of the Legislature are alive again as we head into the 2010 short session. Here is the current status of bills early on in this short session:

House Bills

·  HB 1039 (sponsored by Representatives Driscoll, Ericks, Haler, Seaquist, Simpson, Conway, Hurst, Haigh, Goodman and O’Brien) and SB 5010 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Kline, Fairley, McCaslin, and Kauffman):

Establishing the statewide CBRNE response program. The goal for the 2010 session is to continue the process of studying methods to make the CBRNE program work in our State.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill as one of our goals for 2010.

Requires the director of fire protection to establish and maintain a statewide CBRNE response program. Creates the policy advisory group and the operations advisory group to assist the director of fire protection in implementing and managing the statewide CBRNE response program. Creates the statewide CBRNE response account. Makes an appropriation (projected at approximately $220,000).

Status: HB 1039 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.

SB 5010 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.

·  HB 1080 (sponsored by Representative Simpson):
Allowing impact fees to be used for all fire protection facilities (e.g. fire districts that are part of a city or have had a city annex into them).
The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill as our top goal for 2010.

Allows impact fees to be used for all fire protection facilities.

Status: HB 1080 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status (in

House Rules Committee).

·  HB 2029 (sponsored by Representatives Ericks, Morris, McCoy, Ormsby, Hudgins, Hunt, Takko, Springer, Van DeWege, Conway, Eddy, Hasegawa, Finn, Dunshee, Haigh, Kenney, Kessler, Morrell, and Goodman):

Concerning enhanced 911 emergency communications service.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Finds that: (1) The state and counties should be provided with an additional revenue source to fund enhanced 911 emergency communication systems throughout the state on a multicounty, countywide, or district-wide basis; and (2) The most efficient and appropriate method of deriving additional revenue for this purpose is to charge a service fee on the use of switched access lines, radio access lines, and interconnected voice over internet protocol service lines. Removes state and county enhanced 911 excise tax provisions. Creates a state and county enhanced 911 service fee. Creates the county enhanced 911 service fee account and provides that expenditures from the account may be used only for distribution to counties imposing the enhanced 911 service fee.

Status: HB 2029 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status. House “X” file. (Note: HB 2351 appears to be the bill of choice related to E-911 funding).

·  HB 2224 (sponsored by Representative Simpson):

Concerning the installation of residential fire sprinkler systems.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill as one of our top goals in 2010.

Eradicates barriers that prevent the voluntary installation of sprinkler systems in private residences by promoting education regarding the effectiveness of residential fire sprinklers. Provides financial and regulatory incentives to homeowners, builders, and water purveyors for voluntarily installing the systems. Allows expenditures from the fire protection contractor license fund for use in developing and publishing educational materials related to the effectiveness of residential fire sprinklers. Prohibits a person installing a residential fire sprinkler system in a single-family home from being required to pay the fire operations portion of the impact fee. Exempts a public water system from liability for damages resulting from shutting off water to a residential home with an installed fire sprinkler system if the shut off is due to routine maintenance, nonpayment by the customer, or water system emergencies.

Status: HB 2224 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.

·  HB 2351 (sponsored by Representatives Ericks, Morris, McCoy, Seaquist, Green, Hunt, Van DeWege, Appleton, White, Williams, Kenney, and Nelson):

Funding enhanced 911 emergency communication systems.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Creates an additional source of revenue to fund enhanced 911 emergency communication systems statewide by imposing an excise tax on switched access lines, radio access lines, and interconnected voice over internet protocol service lines.

Status: HB 2351 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.

·  HB 2383 (sponsored by Representatives Simpson and Van DeWege):

Adopting the international wildland urban interface code.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill (and actually had it pre-filed for the 2010 session).

Adopts the international wildland urban interface code, thus amending RCW 19.27.031.

Status: HB 2383 January 11th: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.

·  HB 2396 (sponsored by Representatives Morrell, Hinkle, Driscoll, Campbell, Cody, Van DeWege, Carlyle, Johnson, Simpson, Hurst, O’Brien, Clibborn, Nelson, Maxwell, Conway, McCoy, and Moeller):

Concerning emergency cardiac and stroke care.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Directs the department of health, with guidance from the emergency medical services and trauma steering committee, to address the needs in cardiovascular care as found in the 2008 emergency cardiac and stroke work group's report through a coordinated system of emergency cardiac and stroke care.

Status: HB 2396 December 7th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness.

January 14th: Public hearing in committee at 0900 (9:00 am).

·  HB 2464 (sponsored by Representatives Liias and Johnson) and SB 6231 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Marr, King, Eide, Delvin and Zarelli):

Implementing rules and penalties for drivers when approaching certain emergency, roadside assistance, or police vehicles in emergency zones.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Defines "emergency zone" with regard to approaching certain emergency or roadside assistance vehicles. Prescribes penalties.

Status: HB 2464 December 18th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Transportation. Public Hearing at 1530 (3:30 pm) in Transportation.

SB 6231 December 17th: Pre-filed for introduction

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Transportation.

January 13th: Public hearing in Transportation at 1330 (1:30 pm).

·  HB 2478 (sponsored by Representatives Kelley and Green):

Extending immunity from liability to certain health care providers.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) will “MONITOR” this bill.

Extends immunity from liability to certain health care providers.

Status: HB 2478 December 21st: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Judiciary.

·  HB 2479 (sponsored by Representatives Kelley, Blake, Dammeier, Upthegrove, Conway, Simpson, Green, Orwall, Kenney, Morrell, and Hurst):

Exempting payment of fees at institutions of higher learning for children of certain law enforcement officers or firefighters.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Exempts payment of fees at institutions of higher learning for children of certain law enforcement officers or firefighters.

Status: HB 2479 December 21st: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Higher Education.

January 12th: Public hearing in committee at 1000 (10:00 am).

·  HB 2492 (sponsored by Representatives Simpson, Green, White, Conway, Ericks and Morrell) and SB 6453 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Hobbs, Delvin, Shin and Roach):

Addressing shared leave for members of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, plan 2.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Addresses service credit and final average salary with regard to shared leave for members of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, plan 2.

Status: HB 2492 January 4th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Ways and Means.

SB 6453 January 14th: 1st reading, referred to Ways and Means.

·  HB 2499 (sponsored by Representatives Bailey, Chandler, Roach, Schmick, and Kretz):

Changing regulations concerning black powder.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “OPPOSES” this bill.

Revises black powder regulations (increases amounts that can be regulated).

Status: HB 2499 December 29th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Commerce and Labor.

·  HB 2509 (sponsored by Representatives Short, Chase, Upthegrove, Chandler, Haler, Ericks, Warnick, and Kretz):

Authorizing the department of natural resources to use certain funds to ensure that firefighting equipment does not spread noxious weeds.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) will “MONITOR” this bill.

Authorizes the department of natural resources, at the discretion of the commissioner of public lands, to use any funds provided to it by a general fund appropriation for fire suppression to cover the costs associated with cleaning firefighting equipment used during a fire to minimize the possibility of the equipment spreading the seeds of noxious weeds from one parcel to another.

Status: HB 2509 January 4th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources.

January 14th: Public hearing in committee at 0800 (8:00 am).

January 21st: Executive session at 0800 (8:00 am).

·  HB 2517 (sponsored by Representatives Dammeier and Haigh) and SB 6327 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Regala, Tom, Brandland, and Pridemore):

Exempting housing authorities from laws governing the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of property by other public bodies.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “OPPOSES” this bill as currently written, as it appears too broad and could exempt the Housing Authorities from compliance with State Building and Fire Codes, and other essential requirements.

Exempts housing authorities from laws governing the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of property by other public bodies.

Status: HB 2517 January 4th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Local Government & Housing.

January 14th: Public hearing in committee at 1000 (10:00 am).

SB 6327 January 12th: 1st reading, referred to Financial Institutions, Housing and


·  HB 2519 (sponsored by Representatives Green, Hope and Ericks) and SB 6407 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Eide, Brandland, Hobbs, Kline, Shin, Kilmer, Parlette and Marr):

Addressing duty-related death benefits for public safety employees.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill proposed by the LEOFF 2 Retirement Board.

Addresses duty-related death benefits for public safety employees.

Status: HB 2519 January 4th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Ways and Means.

January 19th: Public hearing in committee at 1530 (3:30 pm).

January 20th: Scheduled for executive session in committee at 1530 (3:30 pm).

SB 6407 January 13th: 1st reading, referred to Ways and Means.

·  HB 2549 (sponsored by Representatives Chandler and Simpson):

Concerning providing firefighting services to areas outside a fire protection jurisdiction.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) will “OPPOSE” this bill as currently written as we have concerns that need addressed.

Facilitates the provision of firefighting services to areas outside a fire protection jurisdiction. Requires a county assessor to collect an annual unprotected lands firefighting assessment from owners of unprotected land for the purpose of creating a firefighting fund for unprotected lands.

Status: HB 2549 January 5th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Local Government and Housing.

January 18th: Public hearing in committee at 1330 (1:30 pm).

·  HB 2578 (sponsored by Representatives Seaquist, Rolfes, and Hudgins) and SB 6216 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Rockefeller, Sheldon, Oemig, Kilmer, Keiser, Shin, Tom and Kline):

Concerning the disclosure of existing property tax levies on ballot propositions subject to voter approval for levy lid lifts.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “OPPOSES” this bill.

Requires additional information on a ballot proposition for a levy that is subject to voter approval under RCW 84.55.050 (election to authorize increase in regular property tax levy).
Status: HB 2578 January 7th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to State Government and Tribal Affairs.

SB 6216 December 8th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Government Operations & Elections.

January 18th: Public hearing in committee at 1000 (10:00 am).

·  HB 2611 (sponsored by Representatives Williams and Hunt) and SB 6287 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Fraser and Fairley):

Concerning annexation of a city, partial city, or town to a fire protection district.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) “SUPPORTS” this bill.

Addresses disposition of existing voter-approved indebtedness at the time of annexation of a city, partial city, or town to a fire protection district.

Status: HB 2611 January 8th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Local Government and Housing.

January 20th: Public hearing in committee at 0800 (8:00 am).

SB 6287 January 8th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to Government Operations & Elections.

·  HB 2617 (sponsored by Representatives Driscoll, Chase, Hunt, Wallace, Williams, Maxwell, White, Kelley, Carlyle, Simpson, Seaquist, and Moeller) and SB 6426 (companion bill sponsored by Senators Prentice and Tom):

Eliminating certain boards and commissions.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) will “MONITIOR” this bill.

Eliminates certain boards and commissions.

Status: HB 2617 January 8th: Pre-filed for introduction.

January 11th: 1st reading, referred to State Government and Tribal Affairs.

January 21st: Public hearing in committee at 0800 (8:00 am).

SB 6426 January 14th: 1st reading, referred to Ways and Means.

·  HB 2667 (sponsored by Representatives Chandler, Simpson, Kelley, and Warnick):

Concerning communications during a forest fire response.

The WFC (Washington Fire Chiefs) will “MONITOR” this bill.

Requires any rules adopted under RCW 76.04.015 (fire protection powers and duties of the department of natural resources) for the suppression of forest fires to include a mechanism by which a dedicated fire mobilization radio frequency is made available during the response to any forest fire that crosses jurisdictional lines so that all responders have access to communications during the response. Creates a regional fire defense board within certain regions of the state.