Math-in-CTE Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: Babies 1st Year Expenses / Lesson #11
Author(s): / Phone Number(s): / E-mail Address(es):
Claire Floyd / 503-259-5218 ex 2727 /
Lorna Heisler / 503-259-5218 ex /
Occupational Area: Early Childhood Education
CTE Concept(s):1st Year of Life Expenses
Math Concepts: Data Collecting, Mean, Bar graph
Lesson Objective: / Compare 0-3 Month Expenses to 9-12 months Expenses
Supplies Needed: / Butcher paper, markers, worksheets, color cards, use of
computer lab, computer, Elmo
The "7 Elements" / Teacher Notes
(and answer key)
1.  Introduce the CTE lesson.
-Today we begin to learn about the expenses of raising a Newborn to One year old Child
·  You Tube video: "Luke Birth to 1 Year"
·  In order to use the data we will collect today we need to understand how to find the Mean/Average and how to create a double Bar Graph.
·  Make a list of the equipment you think is important for the 1st year of life.
·  Class share list of equipment on poster. Students add tally marks on poster from list they made.
·  On Equipment worksheet, write down the top 10, from equipment poster, in order of most to least number of tally marks.
-Computer lab to look up prices from or
·  Look up prices for each item, add each item to your shopping cart. When you have a price for each item, print your shopping cart. DO NOT CHECK OUT.
·  Once you have your printed price lists close down the screen.
·  Transfer each equipment price to your Equipment worksheet. Include the total of all items where requested.
·  Staple your Equipment Shopping Cart list to the back of the Equipment Worksheet.
·  Hand finished worksheet to teacher.
-Read overhead & follow the directions while I take roll.
-Review Equipment Worksheet & turn into wire basket if you didn't get it turned in last computer lab.
-Pick up a colored card from the basket and sit at that table number.
·  Pick up worksheet, from counter, near door for your assigned area. Circle the age range you are assigned to.
·  Staple colored card to top of worksheet.
-Computer lab to look up prices from or
·  Look up prices for each item for your assigned area. Add each item to your shopping cart. When you have a price for each item, print your shopping cart. DO NOT CHECK OUT.
·  Once you have your printed price list close down the screen.
·  Transfer each items price to your worksheet. Include the total of all items, where requested.
·  Staple your Shopping Cart list to the back of the assigned areas Worksheet as this is your proof of pricing.
Hand finished worksheet to teacher. / Reminder sign up for Computer labs ahead of time.
Set up You Tube video: "Luke Birth to 1 Year"
5 minutes
poster paper
Equipment worksheets
(15 minutes)
(60 minutes)
Collect work
Proof = Shopping Cart List
Put directions for students on overhead.
Basket of color coded cards
Worksheets for each area
Remind students to only get prices for the age of baby they are assigned to.
(10 minutes)
Sign up for computer lab ahead of time.
(60 minutes)
Proof = Shopping Cart List
Collect work.
2. Assess students’ math awareness as it relates to the CTE lesson.
-Group together by like color, at same table in like budget & age group areas.
-In order complete the rest of this program we need to understand how to find the Mean/Average and how to create a Double Bar Graph. Then we will use the information we have been collecting.
We now are going to use the Equipment data you've collected the past two classes. First I need to know if you understand how to find the Mean/Average and how to develop a double Bar Graph.
-Take your "Concepts for Understanding" worksheet. I want you to find the Mean using the problem. Show your work in the space provided. This worksheet will be turned in.
-Next develop a double Bar Graph using the information shown on the worksheet. / Pre-Assessment: (30 Minutes)
Mean problem: Find the mean of the following data set 126, 132, 130, and 128
Work: = = 129
So, 129 is the mean of the data set.
Double Bar Graph problem: Make a Bar Graph for the following data set.
Goal Had as Goal # Achieved Goal
Owns a Home 157 109
Happily Married 140 100
Owns a Car 131 150
Has Children 131 113
Financial Stable 113 7
Interesting Job 111 60
Work: "Goals vs Goals Achieved"

Learning how to find the Mean and create a Bar Graph.
One class period to teach and discuss these 2 problems.
3. Work through the math example embedded in the CTE lesson.
Define Mean-
-Have students produce the data from their worksheets giving the Mean of each Category and Age Range. Using colored groups(3 students in each group) find the Mean for your age group.
Teacher then asks each group: Yellow what was your Mean for 0-3, then 9-12 months. Blue what was your Mean for 0-3 then 9-12 and so on until all groups have gone. Students will write in the Mean for each area on their own copy of "Comparing TOTALS for Babies 1st Year of Life".
-Define Bar Graph-
-Students will create own Double Bar Graph, then work in groups to create large poster of the Graph, as below.
-Students will get into groups according to their color groups. Students will be given large poster paper and markers to create their Double Bar Graph from their "Comparing TOTALS for Babies 1st Year of Life Worksheet" . "Concept for Understanding" has example of a Double Bar Graph.
-Bar Graph needs to show the following categories: Title, constant intervals, categories for 0-3 months & 9-12 months and a key.
-Hang up Bar Graph on the wall once your group has completed it. Make sure each of your names are written on the back.
Key: / Mean Definition: Find the sum of the data set values and divide by the number of data in the set. This produces the Mean of the data Set.
Teacher asks students who share common Category and Age Range to state their total cost. Students then find the Mean of the given values. Teacher records on board then all students copy category & age range onto their "Comparing Totals……" worksheet.
Repeat this procedure for each Category and Age Range.
Bar Graph Definition: X – axis uses categories and not number ranges. The Y – axis will be numbers that use equal intervals covering the Mean values. A bar for each Category is then drawn representing the Mean value.
Go over what should be on Bar Graph
3 days for Math area to here.
4. Work through related, contextual math-in-CTE examples.
We have been using the word Mean. Can you give me a word that you learned and used in your math class that would have the same definition and/or process.
Show a Triple Bar Graph and have the students tell you if the graphs by category are showing Growth, Decay, or staying Constant. / (Day 4 in Math area)
Growth: Goes from lower to higher
Decay: Goes from high to lower
Constant: All bars are equal in length

5. Work through traditional math examples.
Answer the following problem:
A student in Denver is keeping a record of the daily low temperatures in degrees Celsius during the month of October. Her readings for the last two weeks of the month are 5, 4, 4, 1, 7, 2, 2, 0, -1, -2, -1, -2, -3, and -2. What is the Mean/Average low temperature for these two weeks?
The following graph shows the percent of Americans ages 14 to 17 who have purchased each type of shoe.

1. What type of graph is this?
2.  Which type of shoes decreased in popularity from 1992 to 1994?
3.  Estimate the percent who purchased aerobic shoes in 1993. / Answer: 1 degree Celsius
(students need to show their work)
(adding only not subtracting)

1. Bar Graph
2. Gym Shoes
3. about 8.6% ͌ 9%
6. Students demonstrate their understanding.
Students produce their worksheets, packet, and graphs, and their computer proofs, / Students turn in completed packet with all parts stapled together in order listed below.
-1st Year Baby Rubric, completed & totaled
-Equipment List with proof sheets attached
-Assigned Category List with proof sheets
-Comparison of Category Sheets with Means
-Bar Graph of comparison Data
7. Formal assessment.
Students are assessed according to the given rubric. / Rubric Handout