PLACE:Public Service Center Room -1324C

PRESIDING:Nancy E. Stamp, Vice Provost and Dean of the GraduateSchool

MEMBERS:Christopher Bishop, Michael Conlon, Carmen Ferradas, Mark Fowler, Brandon Gibb, Robert Guay, William Haver, William Heller, Dina Maramba, Chuck Nelson, Beverly Rainforth, Olga Shvetsova, Pamela Stewart Fahs


MEMBERS:Susan Currie, Dara Silberstein, Stephen Gilje, Lindsay Tremain

EXCUSED:Jacques Beaumont, James Fang, Stephen Gilje, Sarah Lam, Andrew Merriwether, Pamela Mischen, Gerald Sonnenfeld, Wendy Martinek

ABSENT:Wayne Jones, Edward Li, Mr. Debi Mishra, Max Pensky, Nan Zhou


Vice Provost and Dean Nancy Stamp called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.


Introductions of the members were made.


The minutes of the May 11, 2008 were approved as written.


Dean Stamp reviewed the purpose of Graduate Council. She stated that Graduate Council is the governing body for the GraduateSchool. The mission statement for the GraduateSchool, the core values, the strategic plan, and the By-Laws are all posted on the GraduateSchool website.

Curriculum Committee

This committee sets guidelines for proposing new courses and programs. This committee also reviews and recommends for approval to the Graduate Council all new graduate courses, new graduate programs and any major revisions of existing courses and programs. There has been a standing rule regarding new proposed courses that come to Curriculum Committee. The rule is the course comes to Graduate Council approved unless there are two graduate council members who feel a further discussion is warranted. Graduate Council always votes on new graduate programs.

Grievance Committee

This is the committee that hears graduate student grievances. We hope this committee never meets; last time they met it was to review the grievance procedures. If there is a grievance appeal in the department, then it would come to this committee.

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee several years ago developed the graduate school’s strategic plan, the mission statement, the business statement and the core principals. This year, the Strategic Planning Committee will be reviewing the Strategic Plan and, if necessary, will make alterations and submit them to Graduate Council. Another key issue for the Strategic Planning Committee this year will be addressing information technology and how it is changing how people are doing research. Given those changes and how rapidly this is occurring, is affecting how we train graduate students. We want to prepare our graduate students for the IT skills for research and scholarship, and the committee will be looking at ways to accomplish this.

Clark Fellowship Advisory Committee

This is an ad-hoc committee. We have a special fund from the NYS legislature for supporting diversity in graduate programs. It is separate from other money that we receive in support of graduate students. We have guidelines as to how we can use that money and this committee helps follow those guidelines. They also develop policies for the budget allocation and design of the program.

Overview of Graduate Education

Nationally, in the last ten to twenty years, there have been a lot of agencies and organizations looking at graduate education in this country. There has been concern that, while the US is still the gold standard in terms of graduate education, there has been a lot of activity around the world in terms of graduate programs, in some cases, modeling their programs after US graduate education. Increasingly, it has become very competitive internationally for quality graduate students. The Carnegie Initiative Study had two large books with 40-50 universities in the country that participated and made recommendations about what the nation is to accomplish in doctorate education. This fall, the results from the National Research Council 2006 Doctoral studies will be released. Regarding the European Union, it is trying to make it easier for Graduate Students to move from one university to another across all of these countries.As a consequence of that, increasingly graduate education is taught in English. They have come up with clear definitions of what a master’s degree should be and there is a high element of professionalization in that,and a clear definition of what they think a doctoral degree should be and the time limit. The time limit is a two year masters and a three year doctorate. This will affect what is happening in the United States.

Public/Higher Education funding for the University has seen a decline in New York as well as other states, in the amount of funds that go to higher education. The actual cost of educating a graduate student is in excess of $35,000 per year. The tuition and fees for in-state graduate students is $8,000 and over $13,000 for out of state. The money we take in doesn’t begin to cover the actual cost. And the money that the state gives us doesn’t begin to cover the cost. All our public competitors in the northeast’s’ tuition and fees for graduate students are twice ours. Binghamton is offering an exceptional high-value graduate education for a very affordable cost.

Dean Stamp gave an overview of what Graduate Council did last year. Graduate Council approved the Physics Ph.D. formal proposal, along with two of The Decker School of Nursing proposals; the Doctorate in Nursing Practice and the Psychiatric Nursing. Graduate Council also streamlined the Certificate in College Teaching to make it easier for the doctoral students to satisfy requirements. Graduate Council also set standards for TA’s who were instructors of record.

Dean Stamp asked the group for their advice regarding the personal statement/essays that the students are asked to submit with their applications. Many departments have stated that the personal statement/essays are not very helpful. Other universities have expressed the same opinion regarding the personal/statements, stating they all seem to be the same. The University of Michigan came up with a solution by having the student write two essays, not more that 500 words. The first essay is an academic statement, where the student describes what their academic background is, what their academic goals are and what their career goals are. The other essay is their personal statement where the student outlines their experiences and their personal strengths. They also asked the student to submit a short resume.The University of Michigan felt having the questions separated out helped changed the quality of what they received from students and helped them in their evaluation of students. Discussion ensued regarding the personal statements at Binghamton. It was suggested that each department be able to ask the students for specific information relating to their field of interest, rather than just having all students answer the same personal statement. Another suggestion was on the graduate website, the student could be directed to appropriate department for answering the personal statement. The Dean will bring this issue to Graduate Cabinet for its opinion.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 on a motion by Professor Guay and seconded by Professor Olga Shvetsova.


Minutes recorded by Cheryl McGowan,

Secretary to the Vice Provost and Dean

of the GraduateSchool