Language IIK
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Blondin, John (Illus. Ray McSwain). (2007). Ekwo dozhia wegondi: The legend of the caribou boy. Penticton, BC: Theytus. ISBN: 9781894778480
Bouchard, David, & Aleekuk, Pam (Illus. Leonard Paul; Music Buffy St. Marie). (2009). Long powwow nights. Toronto, ON: Red Deer. ISBN: 9780889954274
Bouvier, Rita, & Hodgson, Margaret (Illus. Sherry Farrell Racette). (2007). Better that way. Saskatoon, SK: The Gabriel Dumont Institute. ISBN: 978-0-920915-85-1
Brookes, Diane. (1990). Passing the peace. Toronto, ON: Penumbra. ISBN: 0921254202
Browne, Vee F. (2008). The stone cutter and the Navajo maiden. Flagstaff, AZ: Salina Bookshelf. ISBN: 978189354920
Central Coast of Labrador Archeology Partnership, The. (Illus. Cynthia Colosimo). (2010). Anguti’s amulet (Trans. Sophie Tuglavina). St. Johns, NL: Pennywell Books. ISBN: 978-1-897317-91-4
Courchene, John C. (nd). Sagkeeng legends, Sagkeeng aadizookaanag. Black Point, NS and Winnipeg, MB: Roseway/Fernwood Publishing. ISBN: 9781552665176
Ducharme Elementary School. (1990). Byron through the seasons: A Dene-English story book. Calgary, AB: Fifth House. ISBN: 1895618339
Flett, Julie. (2013). Wild berries, Pikaci-Mīnias. Vancouver: Simply Read Books. ISBN: 978-1-897476-89-5
Football, Virginia. (1971). How the fox got his crossed legs. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books. ISBN: 9781894778749
Football, Virginia. (2010). How Fox saved the people. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books. ISBN: 9781894778756
Highway, Tomson. (2010). Iskooniguni Iskweewuk: The rez sisters in its original version: Cree. Markham, ON: Fifth House. ISBN: 9781897252529
Highway, Tomson. (2011). Fox on the ice. Calgary, AB: Fifth House. ISBN: 9781897252666
Jameson, Catherine. (Illus. Julie Flett). (2006). Zoe and the fawn. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books. ISBN: 189477843X
LaFontaine, Harlan, & Mckay, Neil. (2004). 550 Dakota verbs. St.Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press. ISBN: 9780873515245
Maillet, Marguerite (Illus. Raymond Martin). (2005). How the Petitcodiac river became muddy. Elsipogtop, NB: Bouton d’or Acadie. ISBN: 9782922203813
McLellan, Joe, & McLellan, Matrine. (Illus. Rhian Brynjolson). (2007). Goose girl. Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican Publications. ISBN: 9781894717441
Nicholson, Caitlin Dale, & Morin-Nelson, Leona. (2008). Niwechihaw, I help. Toronto, ON: Groundwood Books. ISBN: 9780888998125
Panas, J. D., & Whitford, Olive (Trans. Norman Fleury). (2004). The beaver’s big house. Saskatoon, SK: Gabriel Dumont Institute. ISBN: 092091571X
Rideout, Flora. (2009). Tansi. Winnipeg, MB: Goldrock Press. ISBN: 9780981216409
Thomas, Penny M. (Illus. Melinda Josie). (2013). Powwow counting in Cree. Winnipeg, MB: Highwater Press. ISBN: 978-1553-793922
Thomas, Vital (Illus. Archie Beaulieu). (2007). Yamoozha Eyits’o West’ekee Tsa: Yamozha and his beaver wife. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books. ISBN: 9781894778572
Trottier, Maxine (Illus. Patsy MacAulay-MacKinnon). (1995). The voyage of wood duck. Sydney, NS: University College of Cape Breton Press. ISBN: 0920336701
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