Our MinistrySunday objective isto raise awareness of the importance of the proper Stewardship in our life. This concept is based on the teachings of the Holy Bible and the Christian experience from the beginning and through the centuries. The concept is simple:

Who calls us to be Stewards?

  • God is the Creator of all things "visible and invisible" as we profess in The Creed.
  • He gives us Life in all its fullness and with all its blessings, asking that we be His "co-workers," good stewards, or "managers" of all that He gives to us. God calls us to Stewardship.

What is expected of us as good Stewards?

  • As good Stewards, we spend our life caring for all that we have received. To list all these things would be impossible, as everything comes from God, and therefore, we are called to be good stewards of everything...our whole life.
  • So, a good steward is concerned with taking proper care of the health of their soul and their body as well as the environment around them; with how they spend their time and their money; with how they use the talents and gifts given to them; and with how they maintain all their relationships, including with their family, friends and even strangers.
  • Stewards strive to keep all things good and beautiful, as God created to be. Therefore, good Stewards do no waste any time, money or talents on frivolous, meaningless things. Rather, they take good care of everything, as an offering back to Him in thanksgiving.

What is among the most important of God's Gifts to us?

  • Perhaps the most important gift which we have received and therefore must take good care of, is the Church which Jesus Christ, the Son of God has established on earth so that we can learn the way to salvation and eternal life.
  • Taking good care (being good stewards) of the Church is vital to the spiritual growth of each one of us and to the spreading and sharing of the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ. This care involves offering our time, talents and money to the community of the Church. We wisely spend our time worshiping God, receiving His Sacraments, uniting ourselves to Him and to each other, sharing our talents for the good of the community, and making our joyful and sacrificial financial gifts to the Church...all out of love for Him and to express our desire to be His "Co-Workers" in the world.

What should we be doing each day?

  • God gives us all things, and asks us for just a tithe...just 10% of it as a small sign of our love and thanksgiving and as our proper understanding that it all belongs to Him anyway.
  • So, we have one lifetime on this earth. Regardless of the number of years that we are given, let's remember that each day, as life itself is a precious gift and be sure to take good care to keep it good and beautiful in the site of Him from whom we receive it. This is what good stewards do.