MTHS Freshman Health Syllabus Mr. Field


Course Description: Freshman Health covers a variety of topics that young adults come in contact with. The curriculum covers the following topics:

·  Character Education

·  The Healthy Personality

·  Tolerance and Acceptance

·  Drug Education and Addictions

·  Sexual Maturity

·  Reproduction, Prenatal Care-Pregnancy-Birth, Contraception / Birth Control

·  Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections

·  Anxiety-Depression-Suicide

·  Aging-Death-Dying

PREPARATION: Each student is to bring their folder, iPad, 3 ring binder, headphones, and colored utensils with a pen or pencil each day. If you are missing one, it will be noted in your preparation grade. You will be required to take notes and keep a journal.

BE ON TIME: It is important that you arrive to class on time. Once the bell rings, you should be in your seat. If you arrive after the bell, you are considered late if you do not have a pass. Late without a pass is -3 off your grade. If you skip/cut class, you will be given a zero for ALL of the day’s work.

TECHNOLOGY: On-line participation, download & uploads pertinent class-work, web searches, electronic tools for class participation and final presentation.

FOLDERS: Each student is required to maintain a complete folder due to number of handouts given in this course. A full sized notebook is highly recommended for organizational purposes. A complete folder means all handouts, quizzes, and homework will be included in your folder for your personal reference and study. Students are responsible to keep all their handouts. Towards the end of the marking period, I will give you a sheet of paper that has the order I want all the papers and handouts to be in. This is worth a portion of your final grade in this class. Lost or misplaced papers will not be replaced, except in cases of extenuating circumstances.

READING: From text and articles as assigned.

·  Students will be required to read from the health textbook when assigned and are expected to be prepared for class. Make sure you bring a pencil and pen to each class.

·  There will be extra time at the end of most of our classes for you to work on homework, assignments, and projects. Use this time effectively. On occasions, when we are working on group projects, students will be able to work quietly with their partner/partners for a time before the bell rings.

·  Quote/Word of the Day- Each day we will have a “Word of the Day” and “Quote of the Day”. For each word I want you to first…

o  1. Give YOUR definition of the word.

o  2. A short story of where the word was most memorable or significant to you.

o  3. Lastly, give the definition of the word from the dictionary. Each short story should encapsulate not only a definition, but also a moment in your own life in which the word’s true meaning became abundantly clear. Short story should read at least one paragraph.

·  Throughout the quarter we will have random quizzes where I check the effort of your diary. Your effort put in will be a test grade at the end of the marking period.

For the “Quote of the day”

1. First describe the meaning or significance of the quote.

2. Apply it to a particular time in your life.

·  Notebook: It is important that you keep a notebook throughout this course. At the end of the marking period I will check all the work you have completed in order from the beginning of the marking period. This will count as a test grade so I encourage you to keep a neat organized notebook.

·  Quizzes/Test : We will have several quizzes through-out the course and there will be a mid-term test. You will be given ample time to prepare for the test. If your test score falls below 63, you are in danger of failing the test. 65-69 = D and 64 and below = F. If your test grade is or falls below 69 (D) and you would like to take a new test covering the same material, however, it is your responsibility to request the opportunity to take a new test. If you don’t ask, I will assume you are satisfied with your initial test grade. The new test must be taken within a few days of when the first test grade was returned. I will then take the average of both test grades and that will become your new grade unless your new test score is lower than the first. If that is the case, the first test grade will remain your grade.

Example: 1st test 62 (F) 2nd test 85 (B) New final grade for tests 73.5 (C)

HOMEWORK: Homework assignments are due upon next class period unless otherwise noted. Books are now online so there is no excuse for not having the homework completed

Current Events: Current Events are due the last class of the week for each class (Every Friday class!!!). Topics have to be related to health. You can use any appropriate article from a credible website, magazine, newspaper etc. Also you may work with a partner as long as you have PRINTED documentation of your article.

Sample Websites: www. -Health

You’re required to write a 1-2 paragraph essay summarizing the current event you chose. You must provide the source of the article or website. Student loses 10 points for each day their current event is not turned in. You can not turn in your current even in any later than two classes after the expected date.

FINAL PROJECT: Hot Topics Projects and Presentations. All projects must be ready by the due date. Your due date will be provided the first week of the quarter. Any student who is not prepared for his/her presentation will lose 10 points per day. All projects are meant to be FUN as well as EDUCATIONAL & INFORMATIVE. Your classmates will be asked to assess your project, however, ultimately, the final grade will be decided by me.

Personality Poster: Personality Poster is a poster that describes you in a nutshell. If a stranger saw your poster they would have a good idea about you. This poster should be printed out in color on a piece of computer paper or designed on small poster board. Your poster should include a photo of you with all the things that are important in your life around the photo. You can include your favorite foods, color, sports, music, activities, hobbies, TV shows etc. The more creative, the better!!! Poster is worth 10% of your grade.

A Day Due Date:4/11 B Day Due Date: 4/10

GRADING and EVALUATION: If you are absent, your assignments will be the first day you return to class. You are responsible to make-up all work you missed while out of class. If you are cheating on a test you will receive a zero for the test/quiz grade.

Method of Evaluation / Point Value / Percentage of Grade
Attendance, Behavior and Participation / 100 / 15%
Homework, Class-work / 100 / 8%
Personality Poster / 100 / 10%
Current Events / 25%x4=100 / 8%
Hot Topic Project & Presentation / 100 / 15%
Test / 100 / 15%
Quote/Word of the Day / 100 / 15%
Notebook Check / 100 / 15%


·  Cellular phones are not permitted. -2 points off behavior grade for each infraction

·  “Hot Topic” projects should be properly cited. Plagiarized work will result in a failing grade.

·  Substandard and late work will be discounted from grade.

·  All assignments are to be legible and spell-checked.

·  We will have an “open and student-centered” classroom. This means that all opinions are welcomed if not offensive to others in the class. I want everyone to participate in class discussions without feeling intimidated. You are not required to agree with everyone else’s opinions, however, everyone is required to be respectful of each other’s opinions and feelings.

·  It is your responsibility to stay informed and to be aware of all homework, project and other deadlines.

I “ ______” am in agreement with all expectations for Mr. Field’s health class and will to the best of my ability contribute to a positive overall learning environment.



Freshman Syllabus/Health/Mr. Field