Outstanding Staff of theYear
Loyalty and Commitment Award Information
College of Education and Human Services
Classified Staff Executive Committee
To acknowledge, celebrate and reward West Virginia University, College of Education and Human Services staff employees whose work accomplishments and/or demeanor at work exemplify excellence, quality service, loyalty and commitment to studentsand faculty in the College and West Virginia University.
Any CEHS employee may submit a nomination for anOutstanding Staff member for this Award. (Self-nominations will not be accepted.) Classified, hourly, and administrative CEHS employeesare eligible for nomination and selection. Nominees must be employed with West Virginia University for at least 12 months and must be in good standing.
The nominee may not have any formal discipline issued within the previous 12 months. Nomination forms must be signed by the staff employee's immediate supervisor or the department head signifying the employee is in good standing.
The program will be initiated with an announcement from Dean Denzine, College of Education and Human Services. Information regarding the Outstanding Staff of the Year Award will be posted on the CEHS website.
The Outstanding Staff of the Year award is administered by the Classified Staff Executive Committee. A selection committee composed of CSEC members of various CEHS departmentsreviews the nominations and selects the top three nominees. These members are not eligible for nomination during this year’s selection; (Eva Taylor, Barbara Rocovich, Donna Staggs and Eva Thomas). These nominees will be submitted to Dr. Denzine who will make the final decision and present the award at the Spring Faculty and Staff Luncheon.
Outstanding Staff of the Year
Loyalty and Commitment Award Application
Due by 4:45 April 6, 2016
Employee Name:______Title:______
Employee Unit: ______Supervisor: ______
Criteria to nominate a staff employee may include the following:
Loyalty and commitment to student success
Outstanding accomplishment that benefited the College/department/students
Extraordinary service -- internal and external
Inspiring leadership
Enthusiasm/energy given to assigned work
Team work (especially when challenging circumstances present)
Exemplary efforts to nurture a climate of care, concern, respect, and civility
Creative innovations
Performing extra duties beyond those normally assigned
Performing other roles when the department is short-staffed
Volunteering for and working on special projects
Volunteering to serve on a College or University-wide committee and contributing to its success
Developing new work methods that reduce waste or stretch resources
Making creative suggestions that save the department time/money
Providing services to others that are beyond assigned responsibilities
Performing normally assigned responsibilities at an exceptional level (must be verified by Supervisor)
Reason for this nomination:
Why does this employee deserve to be Staff Employee of theYear?
Describe how this nominee demonstrates Loyalty and Commitment to student success:
Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the area of Positive Attitude, (boosting morale)give specific examples:
Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the area of Leadership/Initiative,give specific examples:
Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the following area of Dependability, give specific examples:
Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in Service and Benefit to the College, give specific examples:
Completed nominations should be submitted the Dean’s Office, 802 Allen Hall to Kim Mocniak Chair of CSEC or Eva Thomas. Any question please call Kim at 304-293-5705.
All forms are due by 4:45 PM, April 6, 2016.