Data / Date : / 05.10.1999 / Bollettino / Bulletin n. / BT 12-1999
Novità / News / Revisione / Revision / Applicazione / Application /
Codice SIATA / SIATA code : / Presa di forza 84-SEG2S
Descrizione / Description : / second microswitch assembly
From now on is possible to have an active outlet free contact on the controller during the regeneration , that allows the activation of uses such pumps, or inhibit the functioning of eventual others water treatment equipment.
Independently from the controller used the better way to obtain what is desired is to install a second microswitch to be installed above the ending cycle microswitch ( see picture n. 5) it is started by a notch already predisposed on the presea di forza 84-SEG2S (see picture 7).
The following pictures show how to install the second microswitch.
As it is showed in picture n. 1, pull softly the column of the microswitch holder code 88 as indicate on point 1 of picture 1, to open the blocking lever pull the microswitch site block (point 2 picture1).
As showed in picture 2 extract the microswitch site .
On the disassembled plate you have to install the second microswitch, and place it as showed in picture n. 3
To install the micro in his site, make the operation as showed in picture 4, pay attention to place before the metallic lever of the microswitch to the presa di forza, and then re-place the plate between the fixing columns.
When you have obtain the position of picture 4 push on the left side to fix the sustaining lever within the vertical left site, as showed in picture n.5.
Now it is possible to connect cables, considering that with the mounted micrositch the left connector (n.1 in the picture 5) is the common, the central connector is( (n. 2 in picture 5 ) the normally open contact, the right connector (n.3 in picture 5 ) is the normally closed contact.
By connecting on the external connectors, we obtain an open contact during the service, and a closed one during the regeneration.
In case the user needs a similar contact to the one already illustrated, that should be activated during a precise phase of the regeneration, it mst be used the section indicate in picture 6, cut in the middle, and insert it in the prse di forza 84-SEG, the previous version, on the point of the microswitch during the desired phase.
Picture n. 8 shows an installing example to obtain a free contact during the second phase of the cycle
For any further information you may need please contact us on the following numbers:
S.I.A.T.A.s.r.l.Tel.+39(0)571-630215– Fax+39(0571) 603269 e-mail:
/ S.I.A.T.A. S.r.l.Via Virginio, 370/372
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