Minutes of Meeting held on 9 February 2017 at Ralston Primary School

Present – Bill Whyte (BW), Alison Scott (AS), May Fernie (MF), Ian Rae (IR)

In Attendance – Cllr J Sharkey, Cllr M Sharkey, David Dougan, Hugh Sherry, Matt Paul, PC Carter, PC Young, Kenneth Speirs (Paisley Daily Express)

Apologies – Paul Masterton (PM), Rebecca Kowalski (RK)

Welcome – Meeting opened by BW deputising for Chairman Paul Masterton who was unable to attend due to family illness.

Police Report – There had been 9 crimes in Ralston area since the last meeting. Police are driving around the area in response to reports of people walking around the area late at night. It was confirmed that the new Community policing system will begin from 3 April 2017.

Councillors Report - Cllr M Sharkey confirmed £1m investment into Barshaw Park includes work on improving drainage equipment, pond surround, paving work, resurfacing and improvement to play equipment. The work is intended to last 20 weeks, In response to a question, Cllr J Sharkey said this is 1st phase of the work and there should be no disruption during school holiday time. Cllr J Sharkey had come from LAC meeting and said representation of Ralston Community Council at meetings re future investment plans would be beneficial.

Minutes of Previous Meeting – The Jan 2017 minutes were proposed by IR and seconded by MF.

Matters Arising - No update re non-attendance of St Mirren Football Club representatives. Chairman will be asked to urge their attendance giving them advance notice of next meeting date/s.

It had been hoped to co-opt 3 new members on to the Community Council but there is a question of what maximum number is permitted. BW will consult with Council for clarification.

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Secretary’s Report – No report.

Treasurer’s Report – AS advised a balance of £2319.This includes an uncashed cheque of £60 which will become invalid on 10 March 2017.

AOB – High Sherry asked if the acoustic fencing at St Mirren FC (SMFC) training ground meets current specifications and Matt Paul asked if we can we have sight of the requirements. He also asked if the fencing can be extended to the Bowling Club as this could be helpful. Cllr J Sharkey will check the spec. David Dougan queried the fact the a light is shining directly onto the road and asked if this can be re-aligned, the light had been re-aligned several years ago. Cllr J Sharkey will speak to SMFC re this. Hugh Sherry expressed the belief that SMFC should maintain the grounds including the attenuation tank to prevent water over-running into residents’ gardens. David Dougan said that solutions to problems arising from the training ground should be the responsibility of SMFC.

Next Meeting – 9 March 2017. Location to be confirmed, subject to completion of renovations at Ralston Community Centre

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