Fungus hunts and courses

with Anne Yarrow

at Wilderness WoodAutumn 2014

They’re beautiful, they’re weird, in an amazing variety of shapes, colours and sizes; some make a delicious dinner and a few can kill you. Fungi are everywhere, and the natural world can’t function without them.

Come and find out about the mushrooms and toadstools that you see along your autumn walks, and learn which ones promise a tasty dinner, and which ones likely death. My fungus forays and courses are relaxed and good fun, whether you are a complete beginner or already know a little. The emphasis is on identification and understanding rather than foraging - you may go away with a specimen or two to cook later, but this cannot be guaranteed, and safety and conservation are always placed first.

Wilderness Wood is an ideal place to learn, with a range of species that you’re likely to find in Wealden woodlands and heaths. One of the excitements of fungus-hunting is its unpredictability, but in my 28 years at the woodI built up a good picture of what to look for andwhere. Fungi are weather-dependent, so we can’t be sure what or how many we will find.

NB Picking of mushrooms and toadstools is not allowed in Wilderness Wood, except in very limited quantities on these walks. We normally make a collection (one or two per species) for identification purposes, and put them on display at the end. You are welcome to bring your own puzzles for identification.


Events are held at Wilderness Wood, Hadlow Down, Nr. Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 4HJ, tel: (01825) 830509, email: ,

Numbers are restricted and therefore booking is essential. Please contact me on 01825 831972 or to check availability; then post a cheque. NB I am away till July 16, and will deal with enquiries on my return. At present there are plenty of places on all events.

Accompanied children welcome on all walks, but not fry-ups and all-day courses. They quickly turn into keen hunters, near the ground and with good eyesight! Pushchairs may have to be carried in places.

Wear appropriate outdoor gear – we are not put off by rain! No dogsplease. Let meknow about walking difficulties/wheelchair. Meet in the Wilderness café.

1."Woodland fungi - Death or Dinner?"

Very popular 2 hour (¾ - 1 mile) fungus hunts for beginners, learning about and identifying mushrooms and toadstools, with the emphasis on edible and poisonous ones. Maximum 20 people.

Adults £12.00 Concessions. £11.00 Children (6-15 yrs) £6.00 Children (0-5 yrs) free

Saturday, September 2710.30 am – 12.30 pm

Friday, October 172.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Saturday, October252.00 pm – 4.00 pm

  1. "Fungal fry-up"

Hunting and identifying our woodland fungal harvest, followed by a fry-up and tasting of edible fungal finds. Bring specimens for identification / tasting if you like! Maximum 15 people.

Adults £35.00 Concessions £36.00

Saturday, October 18 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

3.“Family fungus-hunt”

A special fungus hunt for the whole family to enjoy, especially geared to children. Who can find the largest? The smallest? How many different colours and shapes can we find? Find out how the fly agaric gets its spots, and how to make a spore print. Maximum 25 people.

Adults £9.00 Concessions.£8.00 Children (4-15) £6.00 Under 4’s free

Saturday, October 42.00 – 3.30pm

Wednesday, October 2910.30 am – 12 noon

4."Fungi for Starters": Day course for beginners

Spend a day getting to grips with mushrooms and toadstools – what they are, how they grow, their life-cycle, the basics of identification, how to identify some key species and groups, and which ones are edible or poisonous.

Coffee and introduction in the shelter, then a brief foray, followed by principles of identification. After lunch, a 1½- 2 hour hunt in the wood (¾ - 1 mile) , then tea and identification of our finds. Bring identification book, if possible, a basket or plastic box, and packed lunch. Max.15 people.

Adults£65.00 Concessions £60.00 Including teas/coffees

Saturday, October 1110.00 am – 4.00 pm

5.UK Fungus Day

Life on our planet can’t continue without fungi! Come and join in thecelebration of the fungal kingdom– bring your fungal mysteries for identification (donation to charity welcome), make a spore print, find out how the fly agaric gets its spots, labelled display of Wilderness Wood fungi. Further details TBC.

Sunday, October 12

6.Your own fungus event

A fungus hunt or course at Wilderness Wood makes a very special and memorable birthday celebration, gathering of family or friends, club or society outing.Prices depend on the nature of the activity. Alternatively, I canlead a fungus hunt on your own land or appropriate public land near you. Enquire at 01825 831972/.




Anne Yarrow,

Huggetts Furnace Mill, Stonehurst Lane, Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6LL

NB I am away till July 16, and will deal with enquiries on my return.

At present there are plenty of places on all events.

BOOKING FORM for Fungi 2014

Name: ......

Address: ...... …………………………..

...... Post code: ...... …………

Tel. no...... mobile......

Email: ...... ……......

Course/walk name......

Course/walk date: ......

Number of adults ...... Total charge £ ......

Number of concessions...... Total charge £ ......

Number of paying children ...... Total charge £ ......

TOTAL DUE £______

Date ......

I enclose a cheque for £...... , made payable to Anne Yarrow