Adult Fèis Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th 2012

Callander: Venues: CallanderPrimary School and Bridgend Youth Hub

Accordion / complete beginner / Danny McGuinness
Band / both levels / Tia Files
Bodhran / Complete beginner/beginner / TBC
Clarsach / complete beginner / Sarah McNeil
Fiddle / complete beginner / TBC
Fiddle / beginner / Adam Sutherland
Fiddle / Intermediate / Mairi Campbell
Fiddle / Upper Intermediate / Adam Sutherland
Flute / intermediate/upper intermediate) / Hamish Napier
Gaelic Language / Both levels / TBC
Gaelic Song / Waulkingsong open to all and improvers / Joy Dunlop
Guitar / beginner and intermediate / Mike Bryan
Guitar / complete beginner / Fiona Allen
Scots Song / Song, open to all / Mairi Campbell
Whistle / beginner / Hamish Napier

Adults of any playing level, or none, are welcome to come along to experience expert tuition from leading specialists. There will be classes in:

Gaelic Song, Gaelic Language, Fiddle, Guitar, Flute/Whistle, Band, Accordion, Clarsach, Bodhran, Scots Song.

Cost: £85 for the weekend, includes tea/coffee, and Saturday night ceilidh. Food can be purchased at the Hub. Hostel accommodation is available at the Hub at £18 pp/pn. For bookings contact the Bridgend Youth Hub, 01877 330141.

We are piloting a new online booking system which will be up and running at from 1st September.

Simply create an account in our online shop and choose one class from column A and one from Column B.

Column A / Column B
Gaelic Song (improvers) / Gaelic Song –Waulking songs, all welcome
Gaelic Language (Complete Beginners) / Gaelic Language (improvers)
Fiddle (Beginner) / Fiddle (Upper Intermediate)
Scots Song / Fiddle (Intermediate)
Guitar (Beginner) / Guitar (Intermediate)
Guitar (Complete Beginner) / Accordion (Complete Beginner)
Fiddle (Complete Beginner) / Clarsach (Complete Beginner)
Band (Intermediate/Upper Intermediate) / Band (Beginner)
Whistle (Beginner) / Flute (Intermediate/Upper Intermediate)
Bodhran (Complete Beginner/Beginner)

Guitars, fiddles, accordions, clarsachs and bodhrans will be available for complete beginner classes. All other participants require their own instrument.

If you have any problems/queries please contact Fiona Allen on 01877 331098 or

Information on the tutors teaching each class will be available on our web site

A Fèis is an opportunity for individuals to come together to develop skills in the Gaelic arts – song, dance, drama and traditional music – on a wide range of instruments. Tuition is accessible and fun but professional and effective.

Is e Fèis cothrom do dhaoine tighinn còmhla gus na sgilean aca sna h-ealain Gàidhlig a leasachadh-òrain, dannsa, dràma, agus ceòl thraidiseanta air iomadh seòrsa ionnstramaid. Tha an teagasg fosgailte do na h-uile agus spòrsail, ach tha e cuideachd proifeiseanta agus èifeachdach.

Fèis Fhoirt has been in operation for three years now. We offer tuition in Gaelic arts to young people aged 8 – 18 at our twice yearly fèisean, our weekly Saturday classes in the Tolbooth, Stirling, and our monthly band workshops. This is our first ever adult Fèis, brought about at the request of parents who wanted to experience what their children were enjoying so much.

Tha Fèis Fhoirt air a bhith dol 'o chionn trì bliadhna. Tha sinn a tathann oideachadh
ann ealain Gàidhlig do'n òigridh eadar ochd agus ochd-deug bliadhna dh'àois
dà uair 's a bhliadhna aig na Fèisean, gach seachdainn air Di-Sathairne anns an Tolbooth
ann a' Sruighlea agus gach mios aig na bùthan-obrach air son còmhlain.
Is i seo a cheud fhèis inbheach againn an dèidh iarrtas bho na pàrantan eòlas
fhaighinn air na bha còrdadh ris a' chloinn.

If you have any problems/queries, please contact Fiona Allen on 01877 331098 or