Application to work on behalf of the Permaculture Association, and use its charitable status for funding purposes
Part 1: Organisation/group name and contact information
Organisation/group name:
Contact details for the main contact person
Tel: Fax:
Email: Web:
Part 2: Promoting your work and the Data Protection Act
We need your permission to use and store the information provided on these forms. We can help to promote your work in a number of ways. Please indicate which you would like us to use. Because we will need to report on your work to the Charity Commission and in the Annual Report, you need to be able to tick the following statement.
yes / no
I agree to this information being stored electronically and used for the purposes of processing the application and to enable the Association to report on its activities. It can also be used by the Association in the following ways:
Available to other members and the public via the office yes / no
On the Association’s web site. yes / no
In the Association newsletter Permaculture Works. yes / no
Part 3: General information about your organisation and its work
This section is asking you about your overall organisation, not just a specific project you may be seeking funding for.
1. A brief description of what you do.
2. How your organisation/group demonstrates permaculture ethics.
3. How you have used permaculture design in your organisation/group.
4. What elements are included in the work your organisation/group does? (for example, forest gardens, running courses, community building, composting, farm demonstration, etc.)
5. Please tick the topic/subject boxes that apply to your group:
yes / no Advice & information yes / no Animal husbandry yes / no Appropriate technology
yes / no Arts & crafts yes / no Aquaculture yes / no Architecture
yes / no Biodiversity promotion yes / no Community development yes / no Composting
yes / no Design consultancy yes / no Disability issues yes / no Education & Training
yes / no Energy production yes / no Energy conservation yes / no Finance
yes / no Food production yes / no Forestry / woodlands yes / no Health & welfare
yes / no Housing yes / no Local economies yes / no Manufacturing
yes / no Media and publishing yes / no Recycling / Reduce / reuse yes / no Research
yes / no Site design yes / no Site development yes / no Strategic development
yes / no Water conservation yes / no Wildlife conservation Other:
6. When did your organisation/group begin?
7. Why?
8. Does your organisation/group have a formal structure? eg. not-for-profit company / voluntary group / other:
9. If your organisation/group is land-based, how much land do you have?
10. Is this land: owned by you / rented / council / other:
11. How many people are involved in the organisation/group?
12. If you work with other groups, which ones?
13. Is your organisation/group open to the public to visit by prior arrangement? yes / no
14. What skills or resources does the organisation/group need?
15. What skills or resources can the organisation/group offer?
16. If you need volunteers for the organisation/group, what do you want them for?
17. Does your organisation/group publish a newsletter? yes / no (If yes, please enclose a copy)
18. Does your organisation/group run a membership scheme? Yes / no (If yes, please enclose details)
19. What are the most challenging issues your organisation/group has had to deal with so far? How have you dealt with the challenge?
20. What could the Permaculture Association assist your organisation/group with?
21. If your organisation/group runs training courses, please describe them:
22 If your group doesn’t run training courses, is it because:
Don’t want to yes / no Difficulty in recruiting yes / no Access to teachers yes / no
Lack of venue yes / no Lack of skills yes / no Funding yes / no
Other reason:
Part 4 A description of the project for which you are seeking funding.
Project title:
A brief outline of the project’s aims:
Other general things you want to tell us about this project:
Contact details for the specific project for which funding is being sought (if different from contact above)
Tel: Fax:
Email: Web:
4a: if you are applying as an EDUCATION project
Describe the education/training activities that will be undertaken:
If you are working with children or vulnerable adults, please note that the appropriate CRB and other checks required by current legislation must be confirmed by the signatory.
(If you have a proposed schedule of work or detailed project description, please enclose them.)
4b: if you are applying as a RESEARCH project
Describe the aims and objectives of your research:
What research methodology will you use?
How long is the research likely to take?
How will the results be disseminated?
(If you have a proposed schedule of work or detailed research description, please enclose them.)
Part 5: Skills, management, funding, benefits, planning
Skills and qualifications
What skills, qualifications or experience does your team have that are relevant to this project?
Does anyone in your group hold the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design? Yes / No
Is anyone in your group registered and working towards the Diploma? Yes / No
(If you have CVs, or a team description, please enclose them.)
Managing the project
How will you manage the project? (people, meetings, communication systems, accountability, day-to-day etc)
Funding the project
What is the likely total budget for the project: £
How much funding have you already secured? £
How much funding do you still need? £
Funding has already been sought from:
(If you have a budget / breakdown of likely costs, please enclose them.)
How does the project relate to permaculture?
How will the public benefit from your work?
How will the Permaculture Association benefit from your work?
Planning permmission
Is your project applying for planning permission? If yes, please tell us about your application.
Part 6: Demonstrating member support for your project
First supporter's name:
Tel: Email:
q I have taken a full design course (Where and when achieved: )
q I have the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design/ I am working towards this (delete as appropriate)
q I have visited the project and I recommend that it receives support from the Permaculture Association
Comments to support the application:
Signed: Date:
Second supporter's name:
Tel: Email:
q I have taken a full design course (Where and when achieved: )
q I have the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design/ I am working towards this (delete as appropriate)
q I have visited the project and I recommend that it receives support from the Permaculture Association
Comments to support the application:
Signed: Date:
Part 7: Project declaration - to be signed by Project leader
I the undersigned agree that I will:
● Keep the Association informed of project news and developments, including an annual report each year.
● Contact the Association if there are financial, legal or other difficulties.
● Send applications using charitable status to the Permaculture Association for approval before sending to funders.
● Provide annual accounts, if funding is received using the Association’s Charitable Status.
● Not undertake any activities which are illegal, unethical, unhealthy or dangerous.
● Take responsibility and accept liability for all activities undertaken in the name of the project, and make sure that appropriate insurance policies have been secured, and other statutory requirements covered (eg. CRB checks).
● Not enter into any agreements, contracts, applications for planning or any other legally binding agreemen in the name of the Permaculture Association without prior consent and written permission from the trustees of the Permaculture Association.
● I have read the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.
● I understand that if any of these requirements are not met, then our use of Charitable Status may be terminated, and that Trustees reserve the right to terminate this agreement with or without notice, and that their decision is final.
Print Name: Signed: Date:
On completion email the form to , but please send a hard copy of this page with signatures and any supporting documents to: BCM Permaculture Association, London, WC1N 3XX.
AMPPS 1: Record of decision by AMPPS member
Group name:
Project name:
Application received on: / / Application complete: yes / no Signature sheet received & correct: yes / no
Application sent to AMPPS: / /
Name of AMPPS member:
Any declaration of interest in this application? yes/no
If yes, what:
yes / no The application is complete – it has two eligible supporters and the declaration has been signed.
yes / no The proposal falls within the scope of the Association’s charitable objects and powers.
yes / no The project will be well managed and has a suitable management structure.
yes / no The project is being carried out by a not-for profit / charitable organisation.
yes / no The project has a suitable budget.
yes / no The work is likely to be of a good quality.
yes / no The project will achieve a public benefit.
yes / no There is a clear benefit for the Permaculture Association.
yes / no The project is directly related to permaculture design.
yes / no The project is a member of the Permaculture Association.
yes / no This project is exceptional and the Association should proactively seek funding support.
Education projects
yes / no The educators / trainers have suitable skills and qualifications.
yes / no They have completed or are working towards their Diploma.
Research projects
yes / no The researcher has suitable skills and qualifications.
yes / no The research has a suitable methodology
I support this application, for the following reasons:
I do not support this application, for the following reasons:
Do you recommend re-application? yes/no If yes, what is needed in addition?
Signature: Date:
AMPPS 2 - for office / record of decision and follow up action
Group name:
Project name:
Application received on: / / Application complete: yes / no Signature sheet received & correct: yes / no
Application sent to AMPPS: / /
Names of AMPPS members involved in this application: (minimum of two)
ACCEPT yes / no Acceptance letter sent
yes / no Letter of endorsement
yes / no Charity status terms and conditions sent
yes / no Logo sent as TIFF etc.
REJECT yes / no Rejection letter sent, with reasons
Summary of reasons:
Further work needed for reapplication:
Information added to:
yes / no Website
yes / no Newsletter
yes / no Database
yes / no Added to MPS (PPN) files with supporting documents.
Permaculture Association, 2015 AMPSS application form