7:29p.m. meeting was called to order by Ruth Esposito. There were 16 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report:Secretary Jaime Nucifora presented the October Meeting Minutes for circulation to the members. Minutes are also available on under “News”. The attendance sheet was also circulated.
Treasurer’s Report:Treasurer Tracey Hamlin presented the Treasurer’s report for circulation to the members. The balance as of today is $9,557.72.
Chickfila Spirit Night:Total sales were $1,738. We earned 25%, totaling $434. 7G-Friedman won a munchkins party. The cow was late.
Fall Skating:Went well. The Contis attended. We had the face painters. Holiday provided coupons for $20 off a birthday party and a 2 for 1 admission, and they donated 2 birthday parties for our Auction.
Fall Fundraiser:The classes who won ice cream parties are: 1-Toth, 2-Fitzwater, and 5-Stockton. Top 3 sellers won emoji pillows. Mr. Conti picked individual winners: Kyliee Schroeder 3-Smith, Kalin Walter 2-Fitzwater, and Katelin Castick 7-W. Our profit was $3,477.35, with 652 items sold.
Box Tops:The classes who won soft pretzel parties are: 3-Smith and 6W-Zacher. We made $701. There were far more entries for the Target gift card, so we may consider either adding another Target card, or replacing another gift card with a second Target.
Yearbook:Suzanne Iwanicki: Go to use code OXBWPU to upload pictures for the yearbook. Please upload all your class party and event pictures.
Other:Everything went well with the Halloween parade and parties.
Fall Fundraiser:Delivery is Tuesday, 11/15 in the Pearson Gym Foyer at 3:00-4:00 and 5:00-7:00pm. Please sign up for specific time slots to assist.
Holiday Auction:Wendy Flanigan & Cathryn Plum. The Auction will be December 2, doors open at 6:00pm. The 350 tickets sell out fast, get your order forms in quickly. Each grade has a theme to donate, and the PTO donates items to make baskets. Cathryn sent around sign-up sheets for donations and for contacting local businesses for donations, in addition to the sign-up sheets to help with the basket assembly, snack bag assembly, and selling tickets during the auction. 11/29, 6pm basket assembly. 12/1, 1:30pm snack bag assembly. 12/2, 9am auction set up. And 12/2, 5:30pm, need about 22 people for the event. Donations have already been received, but we are looking for people to follow up with other businesses to acquire more donations. A list of businesses is being passed around. Cathryn is sending out a Word file for the room reps to send to their class parents as reminders for the auction donations. Ticket order forms went out today.
Little Shoppers/Breakfast with Santa:Saturday, 12/10, 9-11am. Shoppers Thurs & Fri, 12/8-9 during school. Friday night set up. We need someone to take over this event after this year or this will be the last year we have it. Our Santa has had some health issues, so we may want to consider finding another Santa, if we find someone to chair the event next year. [NOTE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED]
Other:We are signed up forMixed Bags for our Spring Fundraiser. They have new items.
Spiritwear:We sold 204 items, and the gray hoodies were the most popular. These should arrive before the Christmas break.
Mr. Mersinger: was not available because he is at the Township Committee Meeting with our 7th graders.
Mr. Conti:November and December are busy. Report cards come home this Thursday. Friday and Monday – Wednesday are early dismissals before Thanksgiving Break. Ms. Donnolly is running the canned food drive. Picture retakes are 11/22. All Chromebooks at WSS have been given out. Holiday Concert is 12/15, 7:00pm, and the poinsettia sale forms went out last week. Kindergarten and first grades will have their Thanksgiving Feast at 9:30am on Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who helped with the Halloween parade and parties.
Delanco Library:A schedule of events is available. 12/10-17 is the Library’s 5 Below fundraiser, flyers will be posted on the Library website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. 12/23-1/2 the Library is closed. There will be another Delanco Rocks session at the Library in January.
Miss Lipinski advised that we made $2,500 in books from the book fair. We also have thank you cards from some of the teachers’ for wish list items.
Mrs. Deaner set up a fundraising page to get a 3D printer for the STEPP program –, and requested additional donations of Legos, Play-doh, etc.
Upcoming Events:
11/15Fall Fundraiser Pick up, Pearson Gym Foyer, 3-4 & 5-7pm
12/02Holiday Auction WSMS Auditorium, 6:00pm
1/31Library Night with Steve Woyce “Turtles” 6pm & 7pm
The next PTO Meeting will be Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7:30pm in the Pearson Conference Room. This is our holiday gift exchange party. Please bring a wrapped gift ($10-$15) as well as an appetizer or dessert for a short meeting and gift exchange.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s & Secretary’s reports was made by Cathryn Plum and second by Wendy Flanigan.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Liz Rottinger and second by Tracey Hamlin.
*Thank you Delanco Township Education Association: Your Children’s Teachers
and Educational Support Professionals for your continued support*