Catullus unit

How do poets convey meaning?

Students will translate selected poems of Catullus and read them for narrative and literary value.


a)Test, with limited choice in short answers, but no choice in translation, grammar, or poetic terminology. (everyone)


CSFootnotes; Recipe for Disaster

ASCreate a CD; Essay

CRSpeech by Cicero; Talk show interview

ARJournal; Write your own set of Poems



Poem XI is the final poem in the cycle. How does it draw upon previous poems? In footnote format, highlight and explain the references to other poems. Be sure to discuss the thematic/emotional connection between the original and its echo.

Recipe for Disaster

Cook up a doomed love affair.

Select and measure ingredients (characters, emotions, actions, words) from Catullus’ poems.

Stir, fold, or mix at high speed.

Bake, roast, sauté, steam or fry at desired temperature for necessary length of time.

Test for doneness.

Create a CD

Create a CD that could serve as a movie soundtrack for “Catullus and Clodia: the Movie.” Select one song for each poem. Songs should relate to their respective poems in thematic content and/or style. Include the lyrics. Have fun with the cover!


How does Poem XI, the final poem, draw upon previous poems in the cycle? Be sure to include meter, diction, and poetic devices as well as thematic content. What is the effect of, or the poet’s purpose for this walk down memory lane?

Clodia vs. Catullus

Clodia has formally accused Catullus of attempting to poison her. You are Cicero. Using the poems as evidence, defend or prosecute Catullus. Did his passion run its course, or did Clodia drive him to (attempted) murder? Read and use Cicero’s “Pro Caelio” for reference to Cicero’s style.

Talk Show Confessional

You are Dr. Phil. Drawing upon the poems as evidence for your questions, interview either Catullus or Clodia about “The Break-Up.”


You are Catullus. You are Lesbia. Whoever you are, write a journal chronicling your love affair. There should be at least one entry per poem. Use poems as evidence.


Drawing upon the imagery of the poems, paint/draw a set of illustrations. Each poem should be represented by an illustration that evokes either its imagery or emotional impact.


Create poems of your own to chart the course of this affair. Draw upon what you have learned about poetic devices to enrich your work. Speak to me if you also would like to work in meter.


Demonstrates knowledge of narrative scope of poems. / The poems are not presented as a unit. / You have shown me that you know their love turned sour, but you don’t understand the progression. / Your product shows me that you know the arc of the love affair. / You demonstrate that you understand Catullus’ inner conflict.
Demonstrates appreciation of literary value of poems. / You have not presented anything beyond the narrative content of the poems. / You know what distinguishes a poem from prose, but you only partially account for the various poetic devices. / By highlighting such devices as simile, metaphor, and elision, you have shown me you know what tools a poet uses in his/her craft. / You have managed to incorporate these devices into your product.
Demonstrates understanding of thematic content of poems. / You have not presented anything beyond the narrative content of the poems. / You know Catullus is using his poems to evoke emotion, but you are not sure how. / Your product shows me that you see how Catullus conveys his emotions through a set of fixed ideas. / You understand the connection between imagery and emotion, as well as the degrees of inner turmoil presented.
Effectively integrates poems as evidence. / There are no quotes or direct references to any of the poems. / You use quotes from the poems, but either you do not have all poems represented, or your quotations do not effectively convey your point. / Your product weaves quotes and references from each of the individual poems in a way that gives strength and body to your ideas. / You could give Arachne a run for her money!