Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery

Advisory Council

- Meeting Minutes -

April 21, 2010

Joe Foster, Montana Veterans Affairs Division Administrator, called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. The meeting was held in the VFW Hall in Miles City. Present were:

Edith M. Pawlowski, VFW Auxiliary

Myrtle F. Meissner, VFW Auxiliary

Ed Saunders, DAV Chapter 10 (Laurel)

Claire Bolton, American Legion

Pauline Bolton, American Legion Auxiliary

Sylvia Beals, American Legion

Bob Beals, 40 & 8

Keith Beach, Disabled American Veterans

Bill Hopkins, Disabled American Veterans

George Keniv, Disabled American Veterans

Ray Sallgren, Veterans of Foreign Wars

Irene Sallgren, VFW Auxiliary

Gwen K. Wacker, representing Alexander Russell, Purple Heart

Milo Huber, Custer County Commissioner

Michael Cohan, MT Veterans Affairs Division Veterans Service Officer II (Miles City)

Kurt Holmlund, Cemetery Manager

E. Wayne Carlson, State Veterans Cemetery Program Manager (Helena)

Joe Foster called the meeting to order by welcoming all attendees and leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then asked that each attendee introduce her/himself.

Joe asked if everyone had received a copy of the October 14, 2009 meeting minutes and asked if there were any additions or corrections. It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes, as written.

Joe explained the budget report handout, beginning with the portion showing donations and plot allowances for each cemetery. The cemetery receives $300 from the federal VA for each veteran interred in the cemetery; the amount noted in parenthesis is the amount billed to the VA, but not yet received. This revenue is the only funding the cemetery receives from the federal government, exclusive of grants for approved cemetery construction projects. Currently, the U.S. Congress is considering some bills which will raise the plot allowance. Questions were raised pertaining to the frequency of the billing and the timeliness of payment by the VA. Wayne explained the agency’s billing is submitted monthly.

The lower portion of the report shows the various funding accounts and the spending authority given the division for the cemetery program. The division is authorized this spending authority by the legislature, as proposed and approved by the Governor’s Office. Joe stated that he does not anticipate any problems in financing our cemetery program through the rest of the fiscal year, nor are there any expected budgetary

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shortfalls for the next biennium. He stated the Governor has mandated that state agencies reduce their budgets by 5%; while the division is subject to this requirement, the cemetery program budget will not be reduced in this process.

The revenue from the sale of Veteran license plate sales was discussed. It was noted that the license plate sales report is still not being received from the Motor Vehicles Division.

The lack of this report concerned some council members, who felt it helped track the plates’ sales in each county and confirm that the proper revenue the cemetery program should be receiving. Joe explained that in 2005 the Legislature passed a bill which changed the system from cemetery program revenue based strictly upon the sale of Veteran license plates to a percentage of the revenue continually received by the Motor Vehicles Division through vehicle registrations. Joe stated that this is actually a more reliable and secure process which ensures consistent funding for the cemetery program.

The question was asked if a columbarium would ever be built at the Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery. Joe stated that he did not believe funding would be available to add a columbarium anytime in the foreseeable future; and based upon higher veterans cemetery program priorities, he would not be asking for the funding.

Construction Update: The Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery manager, Kurt Holmlund, reported that all of the headstones accumulated through the winter have now been set. He stated there is a draining issue by the main gate that will need to be fixed.

He reported there are only 16 plots left in Section A. Planning is underway for the opening of the new section E, across the road from Section A. Currently, Kurt is checking on what the expense would be for road construction/paving and irrigation system modifications. When the exact cost is determined, a decision will be made regarding funding – whether it be with state cemetery funds or through a VA grant request. However, this new section will be utilized as the next interment area, since we cannot wait for a prospective federal VA grant to be approved – which typically takes years.

Kurt stated there may be a problem with enough water for irrigation this summer due to the lack of snowpack.

Sexton Report: Kurt passed out the sexton report, showing the total veterans/spouses buried at the cemetery. In response to a question, Kurt stated there is no special section reserved for cremations since the cemetery has very few cremation interments.

State Cemeteries Update: Wayne Carlson stated that all three state veterans cemeteries are very busy and exceptionally well maintained. He is pleased with the staff at each cemetery.

The only construction project currently in process is at the Montana State Veterans Cemetery at Fort Harrison, which is development of Section D. It is projected for use in approximately two years, and it will be used exclusively for full-size casket burials. The division has requested a $1.2 million VA grant to fully develop Section D and accomplish other cemetery improvements such as roadwork and a columbarium.

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However, that grant request is presently a Priority 3 status – which means that it will not considered. In the meantime, the initial work of seeding, irrigating, well drilling and road work has been accomplished and funded through the cemetery program’s budget. If or when the grant is funded, past expenditures on Section D are expected to be reimbursed to the cemetery program by the federal VA.

Open Discussion:

Joe showed the new Gold Star Family license plate, and explained the process by which an authorized family member could obtain the plate. Also discussed was the ceremony planned on May 27 in the State Capitol Rotunda, which will formally introduce the Gold Star Family license plate to the state.

Joe then discussed the decision to discontinue the state veterans cemetery advisory councils through the process of non-renewal as their expiration dates come up. Regarding the Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery, that expiration date is August 31, 2010. This decision is one of the Governor’s many initiatives necessary to reduce State of Montana expenditures. However, Joe has encouraged the state veterans cemetery managers to continue to hold advisory meetings to maximize input from and information dissemination to interested citizens. Further discussion determined an interest to continue holding these type meetings at the current six month interval. Joe assured them he would make every effort to continue to attend, and his office would continue to send out meeting reminders and furnish the members with information regarding the Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery. However, there would no longer be any minutes kept of these informal meetings.

Kurt Holmlund reported on the success of obtaining new headstones for two Medal of Honor recipients who are currently interred at the County Cemetery. There is a ceremony planned when the new headstones are emplaced. The council is hopeful that this effort be ongoing in regards to other cemeteries that have a Medal of Honor recipients interred.

Memorial Day will be held at the cemetery on May 31, the host and time are yet to be determined.

There being no further business, the last formal meeting of the Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery Advisory Council was adjourned. The next meeting will be held at 11 a.m., October 6, 2010 in the VFW Meeting Hall.