EARN Meeting Notes

April 6th, 2016

  1. Opening remarks- Benton Shirey


  1. Creating Lists in the SSC:Matt Schumacher

Matt provided step by step instructions via a training document on how to upload a watch list in the SSC.

Step 1.: Create a spreadsheet of EKU Id’s, save as CSV file.

Step 2.: Upload your saved CSV File to the SSC.

Refer to document for more information.

One way to use this is for Recruit Back, Create a list of your advisees not registered for Fall 16, export this list and reviewed the Registered Column “No” and filter out all No’s. You can then reimport this list as a watch list into the SSC as “My Advisees Not Registered”

  1. New ITV Product- Dr. Ryan Wilson

Dr. Ryan Wilson introduced a new ITV product that will replace the current system. New system will still use the equipment that we have, however has more capabilities. The new system can work with any room that has a webcam, internet access and a monitor. It may also use multiple connections such as tablet or phone to view and can record lectures. Main goal is to grow enrollment and the new system opens up the door to dual enrollments with K-12 schools as they would now be able to access from their home site and already have compatible equipment. Students may also view lectures from home in the case that an extended campus is closed due to inclement weather, which offers a better service to students. The new system is similar to Adobe Connect, only function that a lot of faculty like that it does not have is the Whiteboard Function. Hoping to demo over the summer and have in place by Fall 2016.

  1. Summer Bridge Update-Tremain Williams
  1. Orientation Updates/Student Packets-Allison Bullins

Allison provide the schedule and advising/registration locations for the Dual Credit Early Registration Day on April 19th (note date change). The event will close on Sunday April 17th. As of today we have 34 students registered for this day and this session is being offered because these students are already invested into EKU and we want make sure that they end up attending EKU as a NFTF Freshman. These students will be asked to come back for a regular orientation day but will not be required to stay for the Advising and Registration segment of the day. We are working on students packets, DegreeWorks audits will be printed and provided in each student packet and have coordinated with the Registrar’s Office to print DegreeWorks audits 5 days prior to each Orientation day. As of now, two dates are already closed, June 3rd and June 7th and Admissions has recently purchased an app for Orientation called the Guidebook. We will bring back a demo to the May EARN meeting. Anyone that would like to include links etc. for items they do not necessarily want to print can include it into this product.

  1. Readmits Policy and Process Change- Benton Shirey and Tiffany Hampton

Benton and Tiffany provided an update to the readmission policy. Based on data presented by Tiffany, students that were readmitted with a 0-1.49 gpa over the Fall 13-Fall 15 semesters, only 12 students have been retained. Based on historical data, there is a clear indicator that retention statistics increase between 1.4 and the 1.6 GPA mark. Based upon this data, the Academic Affairs Workgroup determined that increased standards for readmission and higher levels of intervention with these students are needed to increase the success and retention of these students. Tina Davis will be moving forward with the following changes to the Readmission Policy:

  • All students with a 0-1.49 GPA will be required to go through the Readmissions Appeal Committee (current policy is that anyone less than a 1.0 must go through the Committee).
  • Students with a 1.5-1.99 GPA will be required to complete a Student Success Agreement with College Advisors and copies will be sent to Lara and the Student Success Center for monitoring
  1. Reminders/Announcements
  • Next Meeting May 11th (9:30-11:30)
  • Math Department will pilot a MAT 105E course in the Fall. Students will be selected at random from those registered for MAT 095. This will be a 2 year pilot.
  • MAT 110 should appear in the schedule book for Fall and be available to add in the planner for DegreeWorks any day now. This course takes the place of MAT 098.
  • Please refer any single parent students you may have to the Education Pays Office to determine if they can qualify for services available to assist single parents as they complete their education at EKU.
  1. Meeting concluded at 10:35 a.m.