St Vincent Primary School

East Kilbride

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 1st February 2012


Stacey Barbour Chair Sharon Treasurer/Secretary

Joe Parent member Maire Parent Member

Laura Foster Parent Member Tricia Wilcock Parent member

Fiona Esler Parent Member Grace Gordon grandparent member

Maureen Parent Member Thomas Parent

Mrs Joanne Droy Depute Head


Stacey Barbour Joe Maire Laura Foster Fiona Esler Grace Gordon

Tricia Wilcock Mrs Joanne Droy Depute Head Mrs Eileen Tompkins Head Teacher


Sharon Thomas Maureen

1) Bank Balance as at 31st December 2011

Meeting was advised that there was a bank balance of £747.15 as at end December 2011. Sharon verbally advised (via text message to Fiona) that there had been a sum of £1006.60 deposited into the bank during January 2012. Enquiries will be made with the bank regarding a specific type of account for PTA users e.g. substantial amounts of money required whenever a function has been organised to enable the purchase of items for tuck shop, this sometimes requires a PTA member using their own cash prior to being re-imbursed. The possibility of using a debit card has been suggested however this matter will be dealt with and members advised at the next meeting. Annual independent audit has been carried out on the books, however these have yet to be handed over to Joe. Action: Joe/Sharon/Stacey

2) Correspondence

A substantial amount of correspondence was collected from the ‘PTA in tray’ including two outstanding ‘lets’ for 2011 bearing the name of a previous member of the PTA. This matter will be investigated and updated information passed to the South Lanarkshire Council. Action: Joe

3) 200 Club

The 200 Club was launched in October and whilst there is still space for more members, an amount of £550 has been issued in prize money and £550 given over to the school. Many thanks to Joe for all his efforts in setting this up. It was brought to Joe’s attention that two members from the Church had not yet been notified of their 200 Club number, this matter was resolved at the meeting when Joe gave the appropriate information to Grace. Future winners will be announced in the Church bulletin (if Fr Ivan agrees) as well as through the school newsletter, in an effort to increase number contributing. Action: Joe/Grace

4) Fundraising Activities

General discussion took place on ideas for fundraising and the following has been agreed:

8th February – Family Movie Night

P1-P3 3.15 – 5.00 pm. P4 – P7 6.00 – 7.30 pm. Tickets for children £2.00 (incl of hot dog and drink) Adults £1

Stacey agreed to print tickets, Joe elected to do posters, Grace to prepare newsletter for issue to parents.

Tuck shop will also be available. Head Teacher to check if any teachers will be available on this night.

23rd March Race Night

Meeting was in favour of hosting a Race Night on 23rd March 2012 to be held in the St Vincent de Paul Church Hall. Joe kindly agreed to organise this event following enquiries by Grace to ensure availability of the Church Hall and Fr Ivan’s approval. If approval given Joe will organise this event, other members of the PTA agreed to assist where possible. Action: Joe/Grace

June 2012 Enquiries will be made regarding the hire of a professional DJ for the fun disco nights towards end of term. Head teacher will enquire about costs of DJ and come back to PTA. Action: ET

5) Any Other Competent Business (AOCB)

Fiona advised that the school uniform ordering facilities will be issued this week. Grace to include this item in newsletter.

Meeting closed at 8.30 pm Date of next meeting was set for 20th March at 7.00 pm.