By Daniel Veronese

Translation by Jean Graham-Jones
Caleb Hammond as Ivan
Aimée Phelan-Deconinck as Ulrika
Jorge Alberto Rubio as Roger
Eric Dean Scott as Rainer
April Sweeney as Lucera
Zishan Ugurlu as Bettina
Scenic Design Peter Ksander

Light Design Justin Townsend
Costume Design Oana Botez-Ban

Dramaturgy Peter Campbell
Assistant Director Rachael Rayment
Directed by Jay Scheib
With the support of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and ITO-NY Actors without Borders.

Nothing appears as it should in a world where nothing is certain. The only thing certain is the existence of a secret violence that makes everything uncertain. Lucretius
Oana Botez-Ban. A native of Romania, has designed for major theater and dance companies including The National Theater of Bucharest and was involved in different international theater festivals such as the Quadrennial Scenography Show in Prague. Oana is part of the first Romanian theater design catalogue, Scenografica. Since 1999, her New York costume collaborations in theater and dance include Richard Foreman, Richard Schechner, Brian Kulick, Zelda Fichlander, Karin Coonrod, Jay Scheib, Eduardo Machado, Gus Solomon Jr. & Paradigm, Carmen de Lavallade, Loy Arcenas, Gisela Cardenas, Erwin Maas, Veniamin Smekhov, Doris Mirescu, Erin Mee, Alva Rogers, Saviana Stanescu, Judith Ren-Lay, Michael Sexton, Pig Iron, Charles Moulton.

Peter A. Campbell has recently worked as dramaturg on Jay Scheib’s The Medea (La Mama E.T.C.). He has written and directed an adaptation of Ajax (La Tea/The Fall Collection) and a performance piece entitled The Cassandra Project (The Brecht Company). Other recent directing credits include the New York premieres of Sarah Kane’s Phaedra’s Love (LITE/The Chocolate Factory) and Suzan-Lori Parks’ Devotees in the Garden of Love (Minor Latham Playhouse). He was the Literary Manager of the Chekhov Now Festival from 1999 to 2006. He has an MFA in Dramaturgy and a Ph.D. in Theatre from Columbia University and is an Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts at Penn State Berks College.

A scholar, actor, director, and translator, Jean Graham-Jones has translated the work of such Argentinean playwrights as Daniel Dalmaroni, Marcelo Ramos, and Ricardo Monti, in addition to the four BAiT playwrights. She recently edited a volume of her translations of Monti's plays, entitled Reason Obscured: Nine Plays by Ricardo Monti. Graham-Jones, a professor of theatre at the City University of New York's Graduate Center and Hunter College, has written extensively on Argentinean theatre and is the author of Exorcising History: Argentine Theater under Dictatorship. She also edits Theatre Journal.

Caleb Hammond

Caleb Hammond

Selected Works: Premiering March 2007: This Place is A Desert (Tomasso, Mr. G) ,directed by Jay Scheib: Boston ICA. Erik Ehn’s Seal Skin (Direction): Boston Fever Fest. Sam Shepard’s True West (Lee), directed by Eileen Rooney: Dangerous Animal Productions, Boston. From Richard Foreman’s notebooks: DESTRUCTION

(Direction and Adaptation): The American Living Room Festival, HERE Arts, NYC. From Checkhov’s Platonov Fragment: In This Is the End of Sleeping (Porfiry), directed by Jay Scheib: Chekhov Now! Festival, Connelly Theater, NYC. Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros (Direction): TheaterZone, Chelsea, MA. From Richard Foreman‚s notebooks: I am Perverse Enough to Desire Something I Think (Direction and Adaptation): Red Room, NYC. FIRE (Writer, Performer, Video Design) Tour: Canada, Prague, New York, SF, MA, CT. From Edward Lear’s Poetry and Diaries: How Delightful to Know Mr. Lear! (Direction, Adaptation, Video Design): New Haven Festival of Arts and Ideas, New Haven, CT. America / The Body of Hermes in Transit (Writer, Director, Video Design): Project 100, Hartford, CT.

Peter Ksander is a sculptor and theater artist currently based in Brooklyn NY. Credits include designs for: Arms and the Man (Intiman theater), The Misanthrope (Portland Stage Company), Laude in Urbis (Compania di Colombari), This Place is a Desert (Jay Scheib/MIT), Major Barbara (Theatre of a Two-Headed Calf). As a company member of

TENT Peter has taken part in the creation a number of performance events, most recently Your Shipwreck is No Disaster. He is co-founder of Tiny Elephant, a theater company dedicated to the performing object, and has continuing artistic relationships with the Theater of a Two-Headed Calf, Quinnopolis NY, and Banana, Bag, and Bodice. In

2005 Peter was one of the recipients of the NEA/TCG Career Development Program.

Aimée Phelan-Deconinck. Theatre: THE WINTER’S TALE (Hermione) and TWELFTH NIGHT (Olivia) -Denver Post 2005 Ovation Award for Best Actress in a Comedy, Colorado Shakespeare Festival; SIE GESTATTEN!, Volksbühne 3 stock, Berlin; GHOSTS (Regina), Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY; WEST PIER (Claire) Koltès NY 2003 Festival; ISADORA (Isadora Duncan) Symphony Space, NYC; VUILLARD’S ROOM (Marie Vuillard), International Fringe Festival, NYC; THREE SISTERS (Masha), Chekhov Now Festival, NYC; TROJAN WOMEN: A LOVE STORY (Hecuba/Dido), Phil Bosakowski Theatre, NYC. Dance: PANORAMA, Martha Graham Dance Co.; KILLING ANGELS, Choreography by Bill T. Jones; POWER PLAY, The Kathak Ensemble; TIFFANY & CO.’s RARE PEARL COLLECTION, Choreography by Merryl Tankard; STRINGS OF LIGHT, Directed by Noritoshi Hirokawa - video installation for the BMW 5 Series, BMW Corporation, Munich.

Rachael Rayment
Rachael has worked as a dramaturg for 'The Transifguration of Benno Blimpie' by Albert Innaurato and 'Arabian Night' by Roland Schimmelpfennig, both directed by Marcus Stern (American Repertory Theatre Institute), 'The

Keening' by Humberto Dorado, directed by Nicolas Montero (A.R.T Mainstage), 'Romeo and Juliet' directed by Gadi Roll (A.R.T Mainstage). Originally from London, Rachael lived in Scotland for 8 years before coming to the USA in 2004 to study Dramaturgy at the American Repertory Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre Insititute at Harvard University. While in Scotland, she worked as a dramaturgical assistant for GridIron Theatre Co, Suspect Culture and Perhilion. She also performed in 'The Same Old Story' by Franca Rame and Dario Fo (Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2003).

Jorge Alberto Rubio

Recent and upcoming credits include roles in Jay Scheib's This Place is a Desert, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Boston; with Intar " New Works Lab," Daniel Jaquez and several roles at American Repertory Theatre including: Amerika, dir. Dominique Serrand; Dido, Queen of Carthage, dir. Neil Bartlett; The Provok'd Wife, dir. Mark Wing-Davey; and with the ART Institute: A Bright Room Called Day, dir. Scott Zigler; Pinter Project, dir Sam Weisman; Spring Awakening, dir. Janosh Szasz; Brecht Caberet, dir Adolph Shapiro, The Jealous Husband, dir. Will Lebow; with Thick Description, Dreamlandia, dir. Octavio Solis; at Mixed Blood Theatre, Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, dir. Wilma Bonet; San Jose Stage Co., Ghosts, dir. Tony Kelly; with SF Shakespeare Festival, Winters Tale as Polixenes, dir. Paul Berry; at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, Twelfth Night, dir. Whitney Le Blanch. Mr. Rubio took an MFA away from the American Repertory Theatre Institute.

Jay Scheib

Recent credits include Tolstoy's 'The Power of Darkness' at Trafo in Budapest; 'Ein Vormittag in der Freiheit' and 'Fernsehen 2' both by Lothar Trolle at the Volksbuehne Berlin; 'Herakles' after Euripides, Müller, Händel with Chashama in New York; Elfriede Jelinek's 'Bambiland,' at the Norwegian Theater Academy, Norway; Kathrin Röggla's 'Draussen Tobt die Dunkelziffer' at the Mozarteum in Salzburg Austria.

Other New York Credits include: Koltès' 'West Pier' at the Ohio Theater, 'The Medea' with the International Theater of New York at LaMaMa ETC, and 'In this is the End of Sleeping' after Chekhov at the Connelly Theater. Scheib's work on Antonioni, 'This Place is a Desert,' will premier at the Institute for Contemporary Arts in Boston next year. Other upcoming projects include 'ALL GOOD EVERYTHING GOOD' after Shakespeare with Margareth Kammerer Raum Space, in Bologna; Irena Popovic's opera 'Mozart Luster Lustik' with performances in Belgrade, Serbia, Vienna, and Salzburg and a Novoflot opera series 'Kommander Kobayashi' at the Schauspielhaus Saarbruecken.

Current recipient of the TCG/NEA Career Development Program for Directors, Scheib holds an MFA from Columbia University School of the Arts and is Assistant Professor for Theater at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Eric Dean Scott. Previous works with Jay Scheib include Kevin Oakes’ The Vomit Talk of Ghosts (Flea Theater) and In This is the End of Sleeping (Chekhov Now! Festival). Other acting credits: 13P’s Mark Smith by Kate E. Ryan, Ken Rus Schmoll, dir. (Walkerspace); Sonnet Rep’s Uncle Vanya (Melissa Johnson, dir.); The Scarlet Letter, Wier Harman, dir., (The Culture Project); Bernard Marie Koltes’ Battle of Black and Dogs, Doris Mirescu, dir., (Ohio Theatre); Richard Maxwell’s Cowboys & Indians (Soho Rep); Jeff Weiss’ Come Clean (P.S. 122); Marie Irene Fornes’ Mud (Kate Whoriskey, dir.); Einstein’s Dreams (Rebecca Holderness, dir.); WaxFactory’s Story of Rats (after George Bataille), Doris Mirescu, dir.; Horse Country at HERE (Julia Barclay, dir.); Hamletmachine (Ivan Talijancic, dir.); As You Like It (Gorilla Rep); The Winter’s Tale; and Stephen Brantley’s Distortion Taco: Analog Hunger in a Digital World (dir., Stacy Dawson); Founding member of Gorilla Rep and the Faux-Real Theater Company. Film/TV acting credits: Alison Bagnall’s Piggie; Daniel Housman’s One Hand Clapping; Nanette Burstein’s Ann’s Portrait; Law & Order. EDS trained at NYU’s Experimental Theater Wing under Kevin Kuhlke, Mary Overlie, Jonathan Hart and Ryszard Cieslak (Polish Lab Theater) and at The Actors Center under Lloyd Richards.

April Sweeney’s most recent New York/Regional credits include: This Place is a Desert (Jay Scheib) MIT/Boston 2006 (premiering March 2007 ICA-Boston), the National Tour of Streetcar Named Desire (Montana Repertory Theatre), Grapes of Wrath (Arkansas Repertory Theatre), The Idiot, (Manhattan Ensemble Theatre), Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya (Cynthia Croot) ChekhovNOW Festival. International: Willadea’s El Arca de Babel in BA, Tucúman, Salta, Argentina and the 5th Festival Internacional de Teatro, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Godard (Distant and Right) Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, France. Film: Leah Gelpe’s Julia, Alone She Cried (Julia) and Ted Magee’s Adante Cuba and Four Legs and a Tentacle. Other collaborations with Mr. Scheib include Herakles, and West Pier. Ms. Sweeney is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Colgate University.

Justin Townsend With 2HC: scenic design for Major Barbara at LaMama, and Lighting for Tom Thumb. Additional: Intiman Theatre(Homebody/Kabul d. Bart Sher), Kirk Douglas Theatre (Apollo [Part1]:Lebensraum d. Nancy Keystone),Hartford Stage (Othello d. Karin Coonrod), Playmakers Rep(Frozen d. Drew Barr, Cyrano de Bergerac and Not About Heroes d. Joe Haj), Georgia Shakespeare Festival, Boston Court, Portland Center Stage, Nicky Pariaso’s House Boy, MaYi’s Savage Acts. Recent NYC work includes the premiere of Eve Ensler's new play, The Treatment. Company member of Two Headed Calf. Graduate of California Institute of the Arts and founding member of TENT. Upcoming work includes Onion, a new work at ART in Cambridge, MA, with Marcus Stern, Christine Jones, and the Dresden Dolls.

Zishan Ugurlu is an actress and director-in-residence at La MaMa ETC, Great Jones Repertory Company, in New York City. With the company she has performed in numerous productions and toured extensively in Asia and Europe, including the The Trojan Woman, directed by Andrei Serban, which she was featured as Helen..Under the direction of Ellen Stewart she performed as Draupadi in Draupadi, as well as Jocasta in Oedipus Rex and Yunus’ wife in Yunus. She played Carmen in Robert Wooduff’s Godard-Distant and Right, which was awarded the Grand Prix at the Festival Des Jeunes of the Theatre des Amandiers Nanterre in Paris.

Other recent roles include the world premier of Dario Fo’s one-woman-show Peasants’ Bible, Dante in Dante and Caliban in Caliban Remembers.With Jay Scheib, she has played Desdomona in Othello, Monique in Koltes’ West Pier and Medea in The Medea. Ayline in Master Builder, directed by Kristin Marting, Antigone in Antigone, Masha in Three Sisters, directed by Ergin Orbey and the Featured Singer in Musica Alla Turca.

She has been featured in two international films: The Letter, which was shown at the Cannes, Argentina, and Calcutta Film Festivals; and Dog Race, which was awarded the Martin Scorsese, Grand Marnier and W. Johnson Awards at the New York Film Festival. She is the Artistic Director of “Actors Without Borders-ITONY” and full-time faculty member at Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts.

Daniel Veronese One of the co-founders and co-artistic directors of the acclaimed theater group El Periférico de Objetos, Mr. Veronese is an accomplished author and director. He has published two books that comprise his entire work: Cuerpo de prueba, and La deriva. His plays have been translated into Italian, German, French, and Portuguese. He has received numerous awards and his work has been presented in international theater festivals in Brazil, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Belgium, and France. The last time that a New York City audience saw his work as a director was at BAM's Next Wave Festival in 2000.