The Bergen Town Board convened in a regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall with Supervisor Cunningham presiding.


Supervisor Donald Cunningham Michele Smith, Town Clerk

Councilman Brian Stone Mike Johnson, Highway Superintendent

Councilman Ernest Haywood

Councilman Daniel VanValkenburg


Councilwoman Belinda Grant


Pam Patmore

Dave Kropf



TOWN HISTORIAN POSITION – Pam Patmore discussed interest in position if it became available

SWAMP ROAD PROPERTY – Dave Kropf is happy with the progress with the cleanup on the property at 7665 Swamp Rd. next to his property, the deck and pool are down.

MINUTES: Councilman VanValkenburg made a motion to approve the minutes of October 13, 2015; seconded by Councilman Stone and carried by a vote 3-0. Councilman Haywood abstained. Councilman Haywood made a motion to approve the minutes of October 10, 2015; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried by a vote 4-0. Councilman Stone abstained. Councilman VanValkenburg made a motion to approve minutes of October 17, 2015; seconded by Councilman Stone and carried by a vote 4-0. Councilman Haywood abstained


Information & proposal from V2D for network improvements

Mercy EMS report for September 2015

Resignation notice as Court Constable from Peter Lanphear

Resignation notice as Court Constable from Michael Crosier

Local Law for Tax Cap Override


HIGHWAY/REFUSE: State Snow Ice Extension Agreement was discussed – the board may request Patricia Reinhold from NYS DOT to attend a meeting if necessary. County Snow & Ice Contract was discussed and numbers are up from previous year. Roadside mowing coming to an end; Hydrant markers are to be ordered. Loader replacement $53,940 from DB fund balance Increase DB5130.2 Councilman Haywood made a motion to approve to increase DB5130.2 by $53,940 from DB fund balance; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried by a vote 4-0.


BUILDINGS: Bid specs for Cleaning contract RFP for 2016 – Councilman VanValkenburg made a motion to put Cleaning contract RFP out to bid with the opening on November 16, 2015 at 3:00 pm; seconded by Councilman Haywood and it carried by vote 4-0. November for Library bid opening for windows and door is set for November 3rd. Councilman Haywood will contact Triple-O for a maintenance agreement for Town Hall, 13 & 15 S. Lake for HVAC.

PARKS: Nothing to report

VILLAGE RELATIONS: Nothing to report


Americas Best Communities Grant Update: Final stages for this round plan to be submitted by November 6th addressed the questionnaire and Leroy will also submit their questionnaire; the Public forum on October 19th went well.


Website minutes need to be easier to find and update pictures Town Clerk Smith will contact Webozy.

Network Improvements Councilman Stone made a motion to approve V2D proposal for network improvements not to exceed $354.95; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 4-0.

Court Constable Resignations Councilman Stone made a motion to accept Court Constable resignations from Peter Lanphear and Michael Crosier; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried by a vote 4-0. Councilman Stone has been in contact with 2 potential candidates for the positions.

Adopt 2016 Preliminary Budget Councilman Stone made a motion to adopt the 2016 Preliminary Budget; seconded by Councilman Haywood and it carried by a vote 4-0.

Tax Cap Override Local Law Councilman Haywood made a motion to set Public Hearing for Local Law #1-2015 Tax Cap Override for November 5, 2015 at 6:00 pm; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 4-0.

2016 Budget and Fire Contract Public Hearings Councilman Stone made a motion to set the 2016 Fire Contract Hearing for November 5, 2015 6:15 pm and the 2016 Budget Hearing for 6:30 pm; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and it carried by a vote 4-0.


Local Law #1-2015 Tax Cap Override Public Hearing – Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Courtroom

2016 Fire Contract Public Hearing – Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 6:15 pm in the Courtroom

2016 Budget Public Hearing – Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the Courtroom

Regular Meeting – Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Courtroom with the audit of the bills at 6:45 pm

ADJOURNMENT was at 8:20 pm on a motion by Councilman Stone; seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg and carried by a vote 4 -0.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele M. Smith

Michele M. Smith,

Town Clerk