St. Alban’s Episcopal Church

885 Shore Road

Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107

October 12, 2014

Dear Parish Family Members,

Miracles. Are they even possible these days? We are all so BUSY that we do not have time to

look for miracles, never mind to make miracles. Or do we?

Recently, Rev. Kelly and several volunteers spent a weekend at Heifer Farm with some of our

middle and high schoolers. There is always work to be done on a farm, and surprising things to

learn… some of them unexpected things about ourselves. Many of the animals there are going to

“work” in disadvantaged countries, where what they produce can be used to feed a family. Our

kids discovered that when a family learns how best to use what an animal can produce, and passes

on that knowledge along with any offspring of the animal to other families in need, in time a

whole village can be lifted out of dire poverty. That’s a miracle, right?

Here WE are in the middle of our stewardship season, which just happens to coincide with one of

the busiest times of the year for many families. School has started, sports have started,

extracurricular activities of all sorts have started, a new college semester has begun. They all

demand the time and the talent, and yes, the treasure of our families, and we stretch to our limits.

Then we stretch some more, because we know what all those activities return to our families. Our

kids are thrust into unfamiliar pursuits, and they grow in confidence and assurance as they find

their places in God’s big world. Another miracle.

So it is with our church. We come together for worship, for spiritual growth and comfort, for

friendship and community. We are offered opportunities to use our time and our gifts in new

ways. We are asked to share our resources to help grow God’s kingdom in this little corner of

Maine, and beyond. Perhaps we wonder if what we can give is too meager to make any kind of

difference. But then we remember the little boy with his few barley loaves and two fishes. He

probably didn’t think they could help much, but he gave what he had, and God made the

difference, the miracle. A seemingly small act of generosity grew into something enormous. Who

could imagine such a thing?

WE can imagine such a thing. We discover that we are wonderfully enriched by our generosity.

And when we stretch to increase our gifts beyond what we have done before, beyond what we

have imagined is possible, and those gifts are combined with what others are able to give, God

helps us make miracles. Who does not want miracles for our parish? Please join us on Dedication

Sunday, November 2nd, and be part of our St. Alban’s miracles.

Faithfully yours,

Connie Babcock Don Bonoff Frank Governali Peg Keyser

Michael Moore Ed Rea Anita Samuelsen Mike Watson

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