On earth the solution

Check off the points as you cover them in your work. You will create a visual representation of the material to guide your presentation, this will go along with your model.

Meeting Needs

❏Explain how the planet you chose will meet human needs in space

❏Research technologies you will use to meet the needs not covered and how they work


❏Pick two of the four- optical, radio telescopes, space probes and remote sensing technologies

❏ create a model or blueprint of this (labeled)

❏explain how itworks

❏ how you are using it to find information about your planet

❏ What information you will be finding

❏ What information this technology will not tell you about

❏Create an unmanned structure that could be sent to another planet to collect data on that planet.

❏What kind of information does it collect

❏How doesitcollect data

❏How does it send that information back to earth

❏Create altitude-azimuth coordinates for your planet and explain how you did this

Otherthings to consider

❏Identify and analyze factors that are important to decisions regarding space exploration and development. Come up with how the space colonies society.

❏identify examples of costs and potential benefits that may be considered

❏investigate and describe political environmental issues ethical issues related to the ownership and who will use of resources in space

Rocket design and how to get there

Check off the points as you cover them in your work. You will create a visual representation of the material to guide your presentation, this will go along with your model.

Meeting Needs

❏Explain how the rocket meet human needs in space in the microgravity environment

❏Research technologies you will use to meet the needs not met and how the technology works


❏Design a model of a rocket. Mention the following;

❏Research the parts of the rocket. What are they and what they do?

❏How will you ensure you make it the entire way (Which rocket designs today are best suited for this?)

❏What parts are reusable and which are not (once you get to the new location)

❏What fuel would you use? (Note will it react with your new atmosphere?


❏How will you move in space once you are on your way?

❏How you measure distances in space using triangulation (create an example and solve it); how may this be used while you are moving to the new planet?

❏What you see on your way there (What you pass as you are on your way, in order)

Otherthings to consider

❏Dangers of takeoff, moving through space, landing (GO4)

❏How will you keep your rocket safe in space from meteor showers, ect?

❏How will you locate things you may need to avoid?

Space station

Check off the points as you cover them in your work. You will create a visual representation of the material to guide your presentation, this will go along with your model.

Meeting Needs

❏Explain how the space station will meet human needs in space (remember to look at the gravity and how the human body will react

❏Research technologies you will use to meet the needs not met and how the technology works


❏Design a Space station (Draw a blueprint or model)

❏Research real or developing technology that will meet human needs on the planet and show them on your design

❏Explain the different parts of the station and LOGICALLY how you would create it

❏Research the technology that will meet that need and explain how it works

❏Pick two of the four (DIFFERENT FROM THE ON EARTH SPECIALIST)- optical, radio telescopes, space probes and remote sensing technologies

❏explain how itworks

❏ explain how you will use them on your new planet

❏ What kinds of information you will be finding and how might that help you on the new planet

❏ What information this technology will not tell you about

Otherthings to consider

❏Describe the use of artificial satellites on the plane and explain how we will use them for communication, GPS—global positioning system, and weather observation

❏Explain how you will further explore the areas using manned and unmanned space crafts

❏Explain how you will further explore your planet to find more information to ensure your survival