Outlined below are the meet entry procedures for both Manual and Online entries. Whilst most entries will be via the Online system, for some carnivals, manual entries are still required, or may be required when non-standard conditions are likely to be encountered.

Online Entries

A more detailed guide to online entries is on the NSW Swimming website.

1. Make sure you are an ACTIVE and FINANICAL Member of the KWS Swimming for the upcoming season otherwise you will NOT be able to enter in the meet.

2. Make sure you have a List of Events you wish to swim in, and you have checked these with your coach. The order of events will be listed in the same order as the program.

3. Make sure you have your Username and Password as you will be prompted to log in throughout the Online Entries process.

4. This is the same Username and Password you use to log in for membership registration. If you do not know your Username or Password please contact our Registrar –

5. Go to the EVENTS section of the club website to enter the meet. Or if the meet is not listed on our website go to:

a. For all Swimming Australia Championship meets:

b. For all Swimming NSW Championship meets:

c. For all Mountains and Plains approved meets:

Manual Entries:

1. Make sure you are an ACTIVE and FINANICAL Member of the KWS Swimming Club for the upcoming season otherwise you will NOT be able to enter in the meet.

2. Make sure you have a List of Events you wish to swim in, and have checked these with your coach. The order of events will be listed in the same order as the program.

3. Complete with all details, a Multi Entry Card which can be found on our club website. Boy’s entries must be printed on a blue card, girl’s entries on pink. Note: Where qualifying times are applicable, only a time swum at an outside carnival may be used as your entry time, the date and location the qualifying time was achieved within the applicable time period must be stated.

4. Either – a. give the completed card to our Race Secretary, Jo Keown. or

b. email a word copy from website: of the completed entry card to the Race Secretary at .

Our Race Secretary (Jo Keown) will nominate a closing date for manual entries to be lodged with her. This date will always be earlier at least 1 week than that nominated on the carnival advertisement. This additional time allows the Race Secretary to process and forward entries to the hosting club. Note: Limited entry meets can close well before the advertised closing date.

5. Cheque payment to Kinross Wolaroi School is required with the Manual Entry.