Fundamentals of Math

Mr. Stone & Mrs. Marinaccio

2010 – 2011

Welcome to Fundamentals of Math! This course will develop essential skills needed for Algebra as well as problem-solving strategies for real-world problems. You will have multiple opportunities for practice and help in all of the topics covered in this course. Please take advantage of the help that is available to you this school year.

·  Materials

  • 3 ring binder with 4 tab sections
  • Textbook
  • Notebook paper
  • Graph paper
  • Pencils/Pens
  • TI-84+ or TI-83+ Graphing Calculator (preferred!!) or TI-30X IIS scientific calculator

v  Students are expected to bring agenda, textbook, binder, calculator, and pencil to class everyday. You will not be allowed to go back to your locker to get materials.

·  Notebook

  • Each student will organize a 3 ring binder for use throughout the school year.
  • The notebook will be divided into the following four sections:
  1. Class Notes Dated and organize, including activities from class
  2. Daily Homework Should be in order and completed
  3. Tests and Quizzes The corrected test and/or quizzes for each unit in order.
  4. Loose-leaf paper and graph paper


·  Entering and Exiting the Room

  • Quietly arrive prior to the bell for the start of class with all the necessary materials (see above).If a student is late three (3) times, an activity period will be assigned
  • Begin checking your homework assignment and/or the warm-up exercise immediately.
  • Students will remain in their assigned seats until the teacher dismisses the class

·  Classroom Rules
  1. Respect others
  2. Come to class on time and prepared
  3. Always raise your hand when you wish to speak
  4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
/ ·  Class Discipline
  1. Warning and discussion with student
  2. Assign Activity Period and/or call home
  3. Assign Teacher Detention and call home
  4. Behavior Referral sent to Main Office

·  Grading Policy

  • Averages are based on the following

Tests: 50%

Daily Homework : 25%

Quizzes and Graded Assignments: 25%

·  Extra Credit-Test Corrections

  • The only form of extra credit that we offer is test corrections; written corrections explaining how to do the entire problem correctly in complete sentences. You will need to schedule an appointment with one of us to do test corrections. You will have one week after a test is returned to complete test corrections.
  • You can earn up to ½ of your points back and will only be allowed to do test corrections on one test per quarter.

·  Homework Policy

  • Homework will be given daily and is expected to be complete at the beginning of the period. Select assignments will be graded.
  • Homework will be checked daily with the possibility of up to 4 points.

ü  4 pts: Homework is completed and legible

ü  2 pts: Homework is more than ½ done

ü  0pts: Homework is incomplete or illegible

  • Graded assignments will be collected and graded on accuracy. You will know in advance if an assignment will be graded.
  • We do NOT accept late assignments!

v  Homework Passes: Each student will be given 2 homework extension passes every quarter. These passes will entitle the student to hand in a homework assignment the following day.

·  Absences

  • Absence from class DOES NOT excuse you from material and work covered. When you are absent from class, you are responsible for getting notes from one of your classmates during time we are going over homework.
  • If you missed a test or a quiz, you will make it up within 3 days upon your return during activity period or after school. It is YOUR responsibility to show your teacher ALL homework you owe by handing it in following your return to class.
  • If you are absent during review for a test, you will still be required to take the test on the scheduled day.
  • If you are absent due to a music lesson, field trip or situation you are aware of in advance, please notify us a day ahead.

·  Extra Help

  • Do NOT wait to ask for extra help. Ask as soon as you are having difficulty.
  • Questions are important. Take advantage of homework time during class to get your questions clarified.
  • We are available for extra help during activity period and after school.

·  Contact Information

Mr. Stone Mrs. Marinaccio

Office: B-127 Office: B-218

Phone: 687-2300 EXT. 7124 Phone: 687-2300 EXT. 7189

Email: gstone@eastauroraschools Email:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year. Your child is enrolled in Fundamentals of Math taught by Greg Stone and Cindy Marinaccio. We are looking forward to working with your child this year and working cooperatively with you to make it a successful and enjoyable year!

In order for your child to be successful, he/she must:

Ø  Attend class every day

Ø  Complete daily homework

Ø  Keep a neat and organized notebook

Ø  Be prepared for class with necessary materials

As a parent/guardian, you can monitor your child’s progress by:

Ø  Verifying completion of daily homework assignments

Ø  Helping to ensure organization of notebook

Ø  Contacting me if any questions/problems should arise

Ø  Reviewing the attached sheet carefully with your child, signing the bottom of this sheet, and having your child return it tomorrow.

As your child’s teachers, we will:

Ø  Provide a progress report every five weeks, regardless of grade

Ø  Monitor completion of daily homework assignments

Ø  Offer extra help during activity period and after school

Ø  Maintain close contact with you should any concerns arise

Ø  Answer any questions you may have

Thank you for your support in taking an active role in your child’s education. Please review the attached sheet carefully with your child, sign the bottom of this sheet, and have your child return it tomorrow.


Greg Stone & Cindy Marinaccio


I have read the attached information and understand the classroom policies.

Student’s Name (print)______Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______Signature ______

Student’s Email: ______Parent’s Email:______

Home Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______

Work Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______

Describe any important information that might be needed when calling home or work.
