Background Information
Forename: / Surname: / DoB:
Preferred name: / Male/Female:
Home Address of Child/Young Person:
Ethnicity (SIMS): / English as an Additional Language (Y/N):
Parental Responsibility (Y/N): / Home Language:
Name of Parent(s)/Carer(s):
CAF/Early Intervention involvement (Y/N): / Date:
Social Care / CIN (Y/N): / Date:

Your information and advice needs to be:

  • Clear and accessible to a wide audience (child/YP, parents, other professionals)
  • Follow a person centred approach.
  • Provide a rich and holistic picture of the child, including strengths, difficulties, support needs, outcomes, future support needs and aspirations.

Briefly describe the type of support and interventions offered, including arrangements for universal and targeted support.
Include information on:
  • What is the child like now?
  • What are the main areas of concern about the child’s education?
  • How do you think these difficulties can be best provided for?

What are their strengths:
What is important to them?
What is working for them now?
Include what is in place now and outline its impact, including what is not working.
The following needs have been identified (needs should be described as next steps in learning and relate to one or more of the four areas below)
  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and physical

For each need outlined above suggest long (end of phase) and short term (6 – 12 month) outcomes and the provision and support which would be needed to achieve these outcomes. It should refer to educational provision which is additional to or different from that which is normally available.
It may include suggestions about curriculum features, teaching strategies and approaches, differentiation or classroom organisation, specialist materials or equipment, physical environment, pastoral care, staff skills, training and knowledge.


Communication and Interactions
Outcome to be achieved by the end of :
Short term outcomes (6 – 12months)
Special Educational provision - Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Outcome to be achieved by the end of :
Short term outcomes (6 – 12months)
Special Educational provision - Cognition and Learning
Social Emotional and Mental Health
Outcome to be achieved by the end of :
Short term outcomes (6 – 12months)
Special Educational provision - Social Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and / or Physical
Outcome to be achieved by the end of :
Short term outcomes (6 – 12months)
Special Educational provision - Sensory and / or Physical
Parental involvement
Other comments
In accordance with The Education (SEN) (England) (Consolidation) Regulations 2001, I confirm that this advice:
  • Relates to the features of the pupil’s educational needs, including likely future needs
  • Indicates how those features could affect the child’s educational needs;
  • Describes the special educational provision which is appropriate for the child in light of those features. This should not include the name of any specific school or institution;
  • If you have not taught the child within the previous 18 months then the advice is drawn up following consultation with the teacher(s) who have taught the child;
  • Include all the steps which have been taken to assess the child’s needs and provision to meet those needs.

Name of professional completing this form:

Please return to: Learning & Skills, SEN Team, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP