POINT PRIDE. Honor tradition. Instill Integrity. Exceed Expectations.

Mrs. Emily J. Caster, Principal

August 1, 2017

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:

I’m excited to welcome you to the 2017-18 school year; it’s going to be an outstanding year at Sparrows Point High School! Our school community will continue to raise the bar and achieve excellence in academics, athletics and civic engagement. Our goal is to have every student graduate from high school prepared for the demands of postsecondary education, meaningful careers and effective citizenship. We continue to celebrate being named by the Washington Post as one of “America’s Most Challenging High Schools,” for 2016.

We welcome and encourage active involvement from our parents and families. Please consider joining our PTSA, attending a parent workshop, following us on Twitter @SparrowsPointHS, accessing our school website reading our quarterly community newsletter, or attending the many activities and athletic events here on campus. We value a productive partnership with you to ensure allstudents can achieve their highest potential.

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 5. Before the first day, please review the following information and procedures to ensure we maintain a safe and academically rich learning environment:

Sollers Point Technical High School Students: On Tuesday, September 5, all students scheduled to attend Sollers Point Technical High School in the morning should ride the Sollers Point bus. Students who miss their bus must find transportation and report to Sollers Point. Do not report to Sparrows Point High School. Afternoon Sollers students should report to their regular first period class at Sparrows Point High School and will be transported to Sollers Point at 11:20 a.m. following “A” lunch.

Schedule Changes: A student with an error on his/her schedule may come to the School Counseling Office on the following days to make schedule corrections:

August 15 from 8:30-11:30 am and 12:00-1:30 pm

August 17 from 8:30-11:30 am and 12:00-1:30 pm

After these dates, schedule changes will only be granted in certain circumstances. Please see the Student/Parent Guide for additional information.

Student Pictures: Pictures of students in Grades 9, 10 and 11will be taken on September 12 and September 13. All students are expected to have their photo taken for the yearbook and ID cards (no cost). Payment for picture packets is made to Lifetouch at the time the picture is taken. More information about prices will be provided by Lifetouch closer to the picture date. The scheduled makeup day is October 25.

Seniors who did not have their photo taken this summer should participate in the final make-up date of October 9 and 10. This will be the last opportunity for Lifetouch to take senior photos on campus.

Pointers for Peace: This year we once again are proud to welcome “Pointers for Peace,” our peer mediation program which is a process where participants work together with impartial, trained student mediators to address conflict. Mediation provides an opportunity for students to hear and be heard, clarify issues, identify possible solutions, and create an agreement that works for everyone. Pointersfor Peace is a respectful process where students will learn life skills to problem solve, become more confident and engage in direct, meaningful and positive communication with one another.

Student Leadership Opportunities: At Sparrows Point High School, we provide many opportunities for students to develop and strengthen their leadership skills, including:

Pointers for Peace Peer Mediator: contact Ms. Blair or Ms. Lord

Principal’s Advisory Council Member: contact Mrs. Caster

Orientation and Event Leader: contact Mrs. Caster

Student Government Association: contact Ms. Bray or Ms. Masel

Class of 2021 Student Leaders: contact Ms. Donahue or Ms. C. Taylor

Class of 2020 Student Leaders: contact Mr. Bianco or Mr. Wynne

Class of 2019 Student Leaders: contact Ms. Saja or Ms. Whitehead

Class of 2018 Student Leaders: contact Ms. Kirkpatrick or Mr. Webber

Extra-curricular Activities: There is a club, activity or sport for every student at Sparrows Point High School! We encourage every student to GET INVOLVED and maximize their high school experience. Extra-curricular opportunities include athletics, theatre, book club, honor societies, chess, culinary club, key club, student government, newspaper, yearbook, weight training, ethics, mock trial, FBLA, DECA, vocal and instrumental music, SADD, robotics and many more!

BCPS One: BCPS One is an online environment with integrated tools and resources for all BCPS students, staff and parents. It is accessible anytime and from anywhere. Students and parents can create an account and access BCPS One from this link: If you need BCPS One account information, please contact the main office.

SPHS Student/Parent Guide: This guide provides students and parents with information specific to a variety of procedures and expectations at SPHS. Copies are available in the main office and on our website.

BCPS Behavior Code and Student Handbook: During the first week of school, each student will participate in a presentation about BCPS policy and rule related to student behavior, as well as SPHS specific procedures.

Morning Procedures: Please be sure all students are inside the building by no later than 7:35 a.m., ensuring they have enough time to be in class and prepared for instruction to begin at 7:45 a.m. Any student not in their classroom by 7:45 a.m. will be directed to the late center to obtain a pass.

Student Dress Expectations: In alignment with BCPS, we continue to implement our student dress expectations during the school day and during other school-sponsored activities. Please review the diagrams of student dress on our school website or on the posters in the school building. Hats and headwear are not permitted at any time during the school day, except as worn for medical reasons or as a legitimate expression of a student’s religious practice and faith as approved by the school principal.

Electronic Devices/Cell Phones:In the classroom, cell phones are used for instructional purposes only, when directed by the teacher. Cell phones may not be used for making or receiving phone calls during the school day- this includes during class, passing time and lunches. Students may use the text or music features (with headphones) during their change of class time or during their lunch period.

Early Dismissal: Students needing early dismissal are required to bring a signed early dismissal note from a parent/guardian who is listed on that student’s emergency contact form. The note must be delivered to the main office between 7:15-7:40 a.m., and must include a parent/guardian phone number for contact to confirm the early dismissal. Adults picking up a student are required to show proper photo identification and be listed on the current year emergency contact form.

Student ID Cards: Students should continue to carry their BCPS-issued school ID cards with them at all times during the school day and at school events in the afternoon or evening. Replacement cards will be available during the first week of school. Students with release time for any reason must go to the counseling office during the first week of school and pick up a special sticker that identifies that student as having release time.

I thank you in advance for supporting our school procedures. Our goal is to ensure each student feels safe, connected and a valued part of the Sparrows Point High family.

If you have any concerns, your first point of contact should be your son or daughter’s school counselor. Our counselors are Mrs. Jubb (A-F), Mr. Barton (G-O) and Ms. Warm (P-Z). Counselors are most easily reached by email, but can also be reached at 410-887-7519. Each student also has an assigned administrator. Our administrators are Mr. Hanmer (A-K) and Mrs. Brennan (L-Z).

Upcoming Events:

Athletic Parent Night: Tuesday, August 15 at 6:00 pm (stadium)

  • Required event for students/parents playing a fall, spring or winter sport

Grade 9 Early Entry Day: Wednesday, August 30 from 7:45-11:15 am.

  • Welcome Class of 2021! Students will ride their regular bus to and from SPHS and participate in activities to orient them to high school.

Combined Orientation and Back to School Night: Thursday, September 14 from 5:00-8:00 p.m.

  • 5:15-6:00 p.m.- Orientation for new students, grade 9 students and their parents
  • 6:00-8:00 p.m.- Back to School Night for all students and their parents

PSAT Exam: Wednesday, October 11

  • Grades 9, 10 and 11

Homecoming Weekend

  • Football Game: Friday, October 20 at 6:30 pm
  • Dance: Saturday, October 21 from 6:30-9:30 pm

I am honored to be the principal of Sparrows Point High School and look forward to working with you this year. Let’s make it the best year yet!


Emily J. Caster


Our Vision: Sparrows Point High School honors tradition, instills integrity and exceeds expectations. Our students will be supported within a community oriented, student centered, academically challenging learning experience which nurtures their educational and career aspirations.

Our Mission: We will provide students with real world opportunities, a focus on environmental literacy and a safe and positive environment that equips them to flourish as a responsible citizens.