Your Excellency, Ambassador Maria Eugenia Correa Olarte,
Your Excellency, Ambassador Bene M’Poko, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps
Your Excellency, Ambassador WilfriedRoseval, Dean of the GRULAC Group
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Government Colleagues, friends and compatriots
- It is indeed an honour for me, on behalf of His Excellency President Jacob Zuma, the Government and the people of South Africans, to deliver this message on the occasion of the National Day of Colombia.
- Let me take this opportunity to welcome you, Your Excellency, Ambassador Correa Olarte to South Africa, as this is the first Colombian National Day celebration that you are hosting; it is indeed a pleasure to be with you on this occasion! We wish you a successful and fulfilling stay in South Africa, and please be assured, that we are ready to assist you in your endeavors.
- Let me, on behalf of H.E. President Zuma, the government of Republic of South Africa, ccongratulateH.E Juan Manuel Santos, the Government and the people of Colombia, on the Anniversary of the Independence of your country!
- Your Excellencies, for South Africa, 2017 marks the centenary of the birth of one of our iconic leaders, former ANC President Oliver Reginald Tambo. He was a celebrated internationalist who spent a considerable time travelling abroad to set up the ANCs international missions and mobilize international community in opposition to the apartheid system. Assisted by our fellow African states, he was able to establish missions in Egypt, Ghana, Morocco and in London.
- From these small beginnings, under his stewardship the ANC acquired missions in 27 countries by 1990. These included all the permanent members of the UN Security Council.
- Our foreign policy is clearly articulated on the Freedom Charter, our lord-star and vision for the future. It proclaimed that “there shall be peace and friendship” and that all conflicts should be resolved through negotiations, not war. President OR believed in this vision. His Legacy continues to guide the values of South Africa’ s foreign policy, namely, Patriotism, Loyalty, Dedication, Ubuntu, Equity and Integrity.As we celebrate this year of OR with you, let us strive to live by his vision of working together as equals of peace and prosperity.
- This is particularly relevant now as some nations in the world are increasingly seeking to achieve their national interests at the expense of others. Some states want to impose their unilateral decisions in an increasingly multi-lateral framework of nations.Our responsibility as equal citizens in the international community is to resist such advances, and turn to lessons of cooperation and working together for the good of all humanity.
- As we deal with the challenges that confront the world today- challenges of unilateralism, protectionism, fighting terrorism and economic challenges, amongst others- we must remember that no single nation can claim wisdom, power or might to solve these global challenges but these can be better addressed if we work together in the spirit of cooperation, addressing whatever might divide us in a mature manner.
- Your Excellences, it has been a momentous and exciting year for Colombia, with peace finally coming to the country after more than 50 years of armed conflict.
- We congratulate all Colombians for their efforts to bring the Peace Process to a successful closure, with the ratification of the Peace Accords at the end of November 2016.
- Indeed, 2016 will be remembered also as the year whenyour President, His ExcellencyJuan Manual Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to resolve a 52- year conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
- We rejoice with Colombia at the prospects of new prosperity and the growth that comes with peace. South Africa, with our similar history of internal conflict, and finally the triumph of democracy and rule of law, looks forward in the coming years, to strengthen and expand our excellent relations with your country.
- Relations between South Africa and Colombia were established in 1994. The South African Embassy in Venezuela is accredited to Colombia on a non-residential basis. The two countries continue to work together to improve bilateral relations.
- In this regard, a Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultation between the two countries was signed in 2015 in Colombia and negotiations continue on a number of Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding, including the Agreement on the Waiver of Visa Requirements. Colombia has also proposed a Memorandum of Understanding on Security Cooperation.
- Just recently, in March 2017, Deputy Director General of Dirco, MsYolisa Maya hosted her counterpart, MrAlfredo Ramos Gonzales, and held fruitful discussions on bilateral matters and it is expected that the first bilateral consultation meetingwill be held in due course.
- While we celebrate the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that unite our two nations, we are well aware of the amount of work that still needs to be done, in order for our two countries to achieve the levels of strengthened relations that we both desire. There is a lot we still need to learn from one another, just like there is a lot that we have already gained from our relationship. I am not sure how many people here present, know that the bus rapid transport system, operational in major centres in our country, is a concept that South Africa got from Colombia.
- This is a true demonstration of the fact that as friendly countries, we are here to learn from one another. Colombia also has a lot it can learn from South Africa, from our world renowned experience in the negotiation processes, to our mining experience. From our world class tourism, to our scientific and technological achievements.
- From our music and dance, to our achievements in environmental development. South Africa is a world class player, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with Colombia, on further areas of cooperation.
- Your Excellencies, please join me in raising our glasses in a toast to the Government of the Republic of Colombia, and its people, on the commemoration of its Independence Day and to wish all Colombians the fruits of peace, liberty and freedom!
Viva Colombia! Viva!
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