Math 8 with Mrs. Hickey
We are going to have a fun and interesting year in Math. Below are some guidelines that will help our class run smoothly and an explanation of what is expected of all students.
Class Conduct
1. All rules/policies printed in the 2007-2008 student agenda/handbook apply to our classroom.
Pay close attention to what the agenda says about tardies, dress code, late work, and electronic devices.
2. Students are expected to bring all necessary supplies to class and be in the room when
the bell rings – DAILY.
3. Being respectful, responsible, and safe are important to remember at all times. Should any student cause a problem for anyone, I will be asking that student to fix the problem or expect a consequence. A warning will be given and then consequences, such as, but not limited to, lunch detention and/or after school detention may be given. Parents will be notified if detention is warranted.
4. POWER time – All students in the 8th grade are expected to participate in POWER (Providing Opportunities With Every day Reading). This takes place at the beginning of 3rd hour and students are expected to bring reading material to that class EVERY day.
5. Hall Passes – Every student will be given TWO passes to leave the classroom per 9 weeks. If the student does not have the pass, they will not be allowed to leave the classroom. Passes do not hold over from 9 weeks to 9 weeks.
6. MLA Heading – Every student in this building is expected to use an MLA heading on every paper, in every class. An example of this heading is posted in the classroom.
7. Progress Reports – The school will provide Progress Reports every 4.5 weeks during the school year. The first report will be mailed; the subsequent reports will be handed to the student. The schedule is located in the student’s agenda.
Classroom Procedures
Supplies: Students will need to have a 3-ring binder with dividers and paper to make 5 sections (this will be used only for math) for notes/vocabulary, daily work, warm-up exercises, journal, and test/quizzes. Each student will also need pencils with a good eraser, a red pen for grading, and a CALCULATOR (one that will do square roots). Having a pouch/pocket in the binder may be helpful in keeping track of these important supplies. NO backpacks, Trapper Keepers, bags, or purses will be allowed in the classroom.
Textbook: The school will provide each student with a textbook. We also have a classroom set available for use in the classroom, so students will be issued a book that may be taken home and left there for the duration of the year. It will need to be returned (or paid for) at the end of the year. A lost of damaged book will have to be purchased. The cost of the Pre-Algebra book is $53.00.
Warmups: Daily warmup questions will be given at the beginning of each class. These are answered each day and collected on Fridays. Having all five days’ questions/answers will result in a 100%.
Homework: Homework will most likely be assigned daily. Most days we will begin by checking the previous day’s assignment. I will try very hard to make an assignment so that the student will have time to begin in class. Any classwork not finished by the end of class will be considered “homework”. A weekly homework quiz will occur on most Fridays. Calling it a quiz is actually a misnomer, since students will be allowed to use the work of the week. In fact, the “quiz” is actually 10 problems selected from the week’s work. Preparation for this quiz comes from the corrections the student does at the time we check/correct/discuss our work from the previous day. The grade comes from the quiz, not the score received on the daily assignment. Keeping the work in the binder and taking care of corrections will enable the student to do well on the quizzes. Any work not ready/handed in on time will be considered late (See ZAP policy in the agenda). Expect a penalty if that occurs. ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE DONE IN PENCIL.
Tests/Quizzes: Tests can be expected when we complete a chapter or unit of study. From time to time there may be additional quizzes to check for learning and understanding. Student will always be informed about an upcoming test, but quizzes may just “pop” up.
Grades: Grades will be based on the percentage scale of 90% or better is an A, 80% or better is a B, 70% or better is a C, etc. Daily work (HW quizzes, warm-ups, activity grades) is 60% of the total grade earned. Tests (Chapter/Unit) make up 30% of that grade with the Semester test counting for 10% of the grade. Grades are cumulative up to the semester break, and then the student starts with a clean slate.
Dear Parent(s),
Please sign the bottom half of this page indicating that you have read the previous page that explains the policies and procedures for you child’s math class. You may save the top half of the page as a convenient source for contact information.
Mrs. Hickey’s phone number: 461-3765 Email:
I am available for visiting: 7:15 – 7:35 am (Before school)
9:35 – 10:45 (3rd hour plan) 2:20 – 3:30 pm (after school)
OPEN HOUSE – August 28, 6:30 pm
I will try to be available for extra help one morning (7:05) and one afternoon (until 3:00) each week. I will know what days will work once school gets underway and I will let your child know. If a morning time is good for your child, they will need to see me for a pass.
Please call me if you would like to meet with me for any reason so that I can arrange for an uninterrupted visit. If the above times are not convenient, please leave me a voice mail or email message stating when I may best reach you. I will make every effort to contact you.
Thank you for the privilege of teaching your son or daughter. Together we will all work to have a great year of learning.
Susan Hickey
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MATH Mrs. Hickey
Returning this form signed by a parent and the student is the first assignment of the semester.
Student Name (printed) ______
Student Signature ______
Parent Name (printed) ______
Parent Signature ______
Parent’s Daytime Number (How I may contact you) ______
Parent’s email address (if that works for you) ______
Anything you want me to know ______