EHS Spring Musical Contract

Cast, Crew, & Pit

As a future cast member of this show, I understand the following:

★There will be ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONE USE at rehearsals. To be musicians, actors, and technicians, we have to be both mentally and physically present, and cell phone use deters us from this. I will turn my phone into the cell phone bin w/the assistant student directors BEFORE warm ups each day

Warm ups are crucial to my craft as a performer. I will take VOICE, VOCAL, AND DANCE WARM UPS SERIOUSLY

★I will be on time to the rehearsals I am called to

★For updates, I will check my remind texts and the EHS Musical Page

○Remind EHS Musical Texts:

○Text: 81010

○Message: @4thebest

★If for some reason I am late, I will have a pass and will email my director, Ms. Monaco: and my assistant director: Ms. B: , and/or Mr. Silipino , EMAIL, NOT AN IN PERSON CONVO! We are old we will forget!

○If I show up late w/out a pass the following options will take place:

■1st Lateness: Warning from Director and Student Assistant Director

■2nd Lateness: Infraction

■3rd Lateness: Potential to be TERMINATED from the cast

○I understand, that during the musical season, I have to be less involved with other clubs after school in order to be at practice each day I’m called.

★If I am absent from school or rehearsal, I will email my director, Ms. Monaco: and my assistant director: Ms. B: BEFORE REHEARSAL.

○1st absence w/email is excused

○1st absence w/out email: Infraction

○If a cast member is absent 2 or more times: Potential to be TERMINATED from the cast

I understand that rehearsal starts promptly at 2:45 each day. Dance warm-ups run from 2:45 -3:oo pm. I will take these warm ups seriously.

★I will respect my directors, choreographers, vocal directors, dance captains, student assistant directors, stage managers, prop master, costumer, cast, crew, pit, backstage process, and the auditorium.

★I will hydrate responsibly throughout the musical season, take care of my body both physically and mentally. DRINK WATER ONLY.

★I will pay all outstanding school fines so I can be a part of performances

★I will stay on top of my GPA, grades come first! If I go to extra help, I will email my directors and bring a pass to rehearsal

I will bring a pencil to each rehearsalto write down blocking, script, notes, set transitions, props/costume changes, and song changes

I will NOT lose my script!

★I will take notes and critiques and make the necessary changes each rehearsal and performance.

★I will bring HW to rehearsal for the down time I’m not on stage to stay on top of my work.

★I will be silent during choreography, blocking, voice work, and directing

★I will notbring food on the stage

I will ask questions

I will treat each rehearsal like a performance!

I will be professional

★I will NOT wander the halls during rehearsal

★I understand if I do not show up to production week rehearsal, a performance, or strike I will receive ISD.

★I will most importantly HAVE FUN!


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

*Please bring this contract to your open call vocal audition as well as your Audition Info Sheet and headshot. Failure to do so will result in you MISSING YOUR AUDITION.