Doctor Appt. Day / TUESDAY
Doctor Appt. Day / WEDNESDAY
Shopping Day / THURSDAY
Doctor Appt. Day / FRIDAY
Doctor & Activity Outing / SATURDAY
Remember to wear your Name Badges the first seven days of each month
& to the Social Hour
/ (GRA) Glenn Rouse Assembly
(CR) Conference Room
(GL) Game Lounge
(LP) Lodge Parlor
(TR) Training Room
(PDR) Private Dining Room
(HC) Health Center
(RBC) Resident Business Center
(P) Pool
(FC) Fountain Court
(LTV) Lodge TV Parlor 1st or 2nd /
Lynda will be on vacation
October 8th – returning on October 23rd
Nelson will be on vacation
October 15th – returning on
October 29th / 1
9:00a Nob Hill Shopping
9:40a Westgate Shopping
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
International Food Buffet
No Dinner Served today
Chaplain’s Corner Canceled
3:00p Auxiliary Qtr. Mtg. (GRA)
7:00p Duplicate Bridge (GRA) / 2
1:00p Vision Support (CR)
2:00p Contemporary Issues CR
4:00p Dance Practice (GRA)
7:30p Poker (GL)
Vision Support Group today!

Candy Corn Contest starts / 3
9:00a SF Golden Gate Bridge –Walk or Ride
Trans. $6. Code: A or E
Lunch: Spinnakers
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
7:30p AAUW Travel (GRA)
12:30-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
2:30p Games (GL)
2:00p Red Thistles Dancers GRA
Scottish Dancers
3:00p Days in History (CR)

5 0 3u
Church Transportation
8:30-9:30-10:30 (sign up)
11:00a-1:00p Brunch
3:30p Vespers Service GRA
Chaplain Cox / 6
10:00a Décor Comm. (CR)
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
1:15p Notables Sing! (LP)
2:00p Grief Support Group
Chaplain Cox’s Office
4:00p Wii (GRA)
7:30p Play Reading (GL)
“Under Milkwood"
by Dylan Thomas / 7
9:00a Podiatrist (TR)
10:30a Social Committee (CR)
2:30p Games (GL)
2:00p Opera SJ (GRA)
3:00p Art & Craft (CR)
4:00p Wii (GRA)
6:30p Poker (GL) / 8
9:00a Trader Joe’s Shopping
9:30a Line Dancing level 1 GRA
9:40a Oakridge Shopping
10:00a Line Dancing level 2 GRA
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
10:30a Chaplain’s Corner LTV2
1:30p Scenic Drive- sign up
2:00p Dining Services (CR)
7:00p Duplicate Bridge (GRA) / 9
2:00p Resident Forum (GRA)
Topic: Fall Prevention
Speaker: Evangeline Fogam
4:00p Wii (GRA)
7:00p Contemporary Issues TR
7:30p Poker (GL) / 10
HIKE: see fitness calendar
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
3:00p Posit Science (GRA)
Graduation / 11
12:30-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Days in History (CR)
7:30p Square Dance Club (GRA)

12 0 3u
Church Transportation
8:30-9:30-10:30 (sign up)
11:00a-1:00p Brunch
/ 13
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
11:00a Wii Olympics (GRA)
The Terraces vs. Pilgrim Haven
Bowling and Golf
7:30p Movie: (GRA) 2005
“Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont”
/ 14
8:00a Women’s Breakfast MR
Speaker: Jackie Hicks
Topic: Chickens & the Green Egg
2:00p Resident Council (CR)
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Art & Craft (CR)
4:00p Wii (GRA)
6:30p Poker (GL) / 15
9:00a Audiologist (TR)
9:00a Nob Hill Shopping
No Mall Shopping
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
10:15a SJ Rep (sign up)
10:30a Chaplain’s Corner LTV2
12:00p Birthday Lunch (PDR)
7:00p Duplicate Bridge (GRA) / 16
2:00p Contemporary Issues CR
4:00p Supper Dance (GRA)
"You Gotta Be a Football Hero,"
7:30p Poker (GL) / 17
9:00a Half Moon Bay
Scenic Drive
Code: E Trans. $6
Lunch: Phil’s Fish Market
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs / 18
12:30-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Days In History (CR)

Church Transportation
8:30-9:30-10:30 (sign up)
11:00a-1:00p Brunch
1:30p Symphony Silicon Valley
Trans. $8.00
3:30p Vespers Service GRA
Pastor McCarty / 20
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
1:15p Notables Sing! (LP)
4:00p Wii (GRA)
7:30p Movie (GRA) 2007
“Young @ Heart”
/ 21
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Art & Craft (CR)
4:00p Wii (GRA)
6:30p Poker (GL) / 22
9:00a Trader Joe’s Shopping
9:30a Line Dancing level 1 GRA
10:00a Line Dancing level 2 GRA
No Mall Shopping
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
10:30a Chaplain’s Corner LTV2
3:00p Disney Sing A Long GRA
4:00p Wii (GRA)
7:00p Duplicate Bridge (GRA) / 23
1:30p A Taste of Simchat (CR)
3:00p Ceramics (DTV) Lodge
7:00p Contemporary Issues TR
7:30p Poker (GL)
Candy Corn contest ends. Entry forms must be submitted by this date. / 24
8:00a Elkhorn Slough
Depart at 8:00am
Tickets $ Trans. $3.00
Code: E Code: E
Lunch: Phil’s Fish Restaurant
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
5:00pm – 7:00pm (MDR)
Music by Mike Zampiceni
Enjoy the German Cuisine / 25
CERT Training Starts Today
9am – 12 noon (GRA)
12:30-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Days In History (CR)
7:00p Valley Chorale (GRA)
26 Church Transportation
8:30-9:30-10:30 (sign up)
11:00a-1:00p Brunch
1:00p Erik Hoyer (Galleria)
Piano Concert
Open House Event from
2pm to 4pm. Homes will
be announced soon. / 27
10:00a Welcoming Comm. TR
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
4:00p Wii (GRA)
7:30p Movie (GRA) 2007
/ 28 11:00aCatholic Mass (GRA)
2:30p Games (GL)
3:00p Art & Craft (CR)
4:00p Wii (GRA)
6:30p Poker (GL)
/ 29
9:00a Nob Hill Shopping
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
10:30a Chaplain’s Corner LTV2
11:00a Pan Tao Restaurant
with Biyi- sign up
3:00p Companion Dog (GRA)
4:00p Southern Charm (CR)
Travelers with Dan
7:00p Duplicate Bridge (GRA) / 30
2:00p Contemporary Issues CR
4:00p Social Hour (GRA)
Halloween Contest
“Dress Up”
7pm – 9pmCERT Training (GRA)
7:30p Poker (GL)
/ Halloween 31
10:00-3:00 Notions N’ Needs
1:10p Blossom Hill (Fountain)
Halloween Parade
6:30p Celebrity Forum
Depart at 6:30pm
The winner announced at the Social Hour.

October 2008 R L Activities