Ottery St Mary Town Council


for Maintenance Works

in respect of theCemetery 2018 -2021

Tenders are invited for the grass cutting and maintenance works required to be undertaken in the cemetery situate at Higher Ridgeway, Ottery St Mary. Devon (as shown on the annexed plan) which cemetery belongs to Ottery St Mary Town Council. The draft contract provided is for information purposes only and should not be completed

Submission of tender:

Tender documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked `Cemetery Maintenance Tender` and must be received no later than noon on 2nd January 2018 and sent to the Town Clerk,

Ottery St Mary Town Council, Council Offices, The Old Convent, 8 Broad Street, Ottery St Mary. Devon. EX11 1BZ

The following documents should be included:-

  1. Completed Form of Tender
  2. Completed Contractor Information Form
  3. Copy of Public and Employers Liability Insurance Certificate
  4. Spraying Certificate
  5. Risk Assessment
  6. Certificate confirming attendance on the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) course in respect of the testing of memorial stones

Prospective Tenderers should note that the Council is not bound to accept the lowest, or any tender. The Council`s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into on the reasons why a tender has been rejected


Ottery St Mary Town Council, Council Offices, The Old Convent, 8 Broad Street, Ottery St Mary. Devon. EX11 1BZ Tel 01404 812252 E-mail:


This Contract runs from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2021 unless terminated by either party.


  1. To ensure that the Cemetery situated along Higher Ridgeway, ottery St Mary. Devon (as shown on the attached plan) and which is owned and maintained by Ottery St Mary Town Council (`the Council`) as a final resting place for the people of Ottery St Mary Cemetery as a peaceful and well maintained place for those who wish to mourn and respect their loved ones
  2. All works shall be performed to the satisfaction of those councillors and/or employee of the Council nominated to the role of maintenance supervisor(s) (`the Supervisor(s)) in accordance with the overall programme of works
  3. The Contractor will be expected to show initiative in performing the Contract so as to satisfy the

intent as well as the letter of the contract


  1. The Council reserves the right to add or remove areas to be maintained during the period of the contract and the Contractor will be invited to provide a cost/reduction where applicable in writing to the Clerk. This will then be added to the Schedule and be a binding part of the contract
  2. The Council will not be liable for any damage or loss to equipment incurred by the Contractor during the period of the contract howsoever caused. The Contractor is expected to survey each area before work commences to ensure no obstacles are present
  3. The workmanship must be of the highest standard and shall conform to all relevant British Standards, Specifications and Codes of Practice
  4. The Contractor shall comply with all Health and Safety regulations and all other statues and regulations. If working alone he/she shall be expected to notify a supervisor or line manager of his/her whereabouts and the likely length of time. This can be a relative or work colleague
  5. The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment (including fuel) and personnel to perform the job and a Risk Assessment
  6. The Contractor will at all times during the period of the Contract ensure that machines are properly guarded and maintained so as to present no danger to the operator, surrounding structures, vehicles or any person in the vicinity of operations. The Contractor will provide his staff with all safety equipment, (boots, reflective vests etc) and will ensure that staff use these at all times they are engaged in work for the Council
  7. All persons operating machinery must be satisfactorily trained and the Council reserves the right to ask the Contractor to provide adequate proof that his operators are well trained, conversant with health and Safety legislation and competent in their operating methods
  8. The Contractor shall not assign the contract nor sub-contract any part of the work, without the Council`s prior consent
  9. The Contract (entered into between the Council and the Contractor) may be terminated early within 28 days of notification in writing by either party
  10. If the Council considers the work of the Contractor to be unsatisfactory, the Council shall give a written warning and the Contractor shall remedy the situation within 14 days of such warning
  11. If the Contractor fails to comply with such notice or fails to carry out work to the terms of the Contract within 28 days of the written warning the Council may terminate the Contract with immediate effect and deduct payment proportionally

The Council`s Specification re Maintenance Works (`the Works`)

The Council`s Specification of Maintenance Works (`the Works`)

  1. To cut all grass twice a month during the growing season
  2. To strim around the graves
  3. To keep the yew tree lined drive, clear from weeds
  4. To remove all grass cuttings from the Cemetery and leave tidy as far as practicable
  5. To keep the grass around headstones/vases tidy
  6. To keep the Yew trees at the entrance under control, and pruning/feeding/ mulching of shrubs

as necessary to keep them in good order

  1. To top up graves that have sunk using available spoil, leaving for six months after any interment to allow for natural settlement
  2. At the appropriate time to cut back hard all the shrubs in the flower beds
  3. To trim back any overhanging trees in the cemetery
  4. As a one-off job during the first year of the contract to turf over the flower bed in the top right quarter of the cemetery furthest away from the gate, but retaining the silver birch tree
  5. To manage the flower bed in the bottom right quadrant in the Roman Catholic section of the cemetery
  6. The hedges on the east and west side of the cemetery to be trimmed annually and at the relevant time ( not between 1st March – 31st August when birds are nesting or outside of these times if it is clear that birds are nesting).
  7. To annually check the stability of graves in accordance with the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (`ICCM`) requirements and to complete an Inspection Sheet on each grave. To advise the Council of any issues discovered which are in need of urgent attention
  8. Under NO circumstances is work take place when a burial is in progress. The Clerk will inform you of burials in advance
  9. To regularly spray along the fence as and when necessary

Additional Requirements

  1. The Contractor will report to the Supervisor(s) any vandalism, dumped rubbish, safety issues or defects noticed during the carrying out of the Works
  2. The Works cannot commence until the Clerk has confirmed that all the documentation is in place
  3. The Rubbish bins are regularly emptied by East Devon District Council but in the event of EDDC ceasing to provide this service then the Contractor will be expected to remove the waste

Documentation required

  1. The Contractor to:-
  2. have and to keep up to date his own Public and Employer`s Liability Insurance of £5,000,000 or more
  3. to produce a valid Spraying Certificate to the Clerk and all other certificates required in accordance with statutory legislation in advance of any works being carried out requiring such certificate(s)
  4. provide a Risk Assessment
  5. produce a certificate confirming attendance on the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) course in respect of the testing of memorial stones




I/We agree to complete the work in accordance with the invitation to Tender, Standard Contract Terms, Specification of Works, location plan at a cost of

£ 2018/19 (exclusive of Vat)

£ 2019/20 (exclusive of Vat)

£ 2020/21 (exclusive of Vat)

I/We understand that Ottery St Mary Town Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender and that the Council will not be responsible for any expense incurred in preparing this Tender

I/We certify that the amount of the Tender has not been calculated by agreement or arrangement with any other person, firm or company and that the amount of the Tender has not been communicated to any person until after the closing date for the submission of Tenders

Signed ______ Name______



Please complete in block capitals

Name of Individual or Organisation:
Type of Organisation eg limited company, sole trader etc
Address (if a Company the registered office address to be provided):
Tel No:
Contact Name and Position in Company
Nature of Business
If the business is a company to provide the date of registration and the company registration number
If the Business is a Company - is it a subsidiary of another Company? If so please give details
Are you Vat registered? If so please provide VAT registration number
Please state number of grounds maintenance employees
Please give any other details which you may feel are relevant eg similar contracts in the area for similar authorities etc. If not known to this Council please supply three references


Signature Dated
