DARU Update
2 August 2010
Former Minister to Head NDIS Campaign
The National Disability and Carer Alliance is delighted to announce John Della Bosca will spearhead the campaign for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
After a stellar career in the New South Wales Parliament, Mr Della Bosca has decided to resign from politics and has accepted the role of National Campaign Director for the NDIS campaign.
Here is what John Della Bosca said in his media release statement:
“I have always held the view that the best measure of a civil society is reflected in the ways in which it enables all people to lead full and active lives.
For a considerable period of my tenure as a minister I held responsibility for Disability Services .This was an incredibly rewarding portfolio that allowed me to work with dedicated people, some living with disability and some supporting or caring for people with disability. During this time I commenced significant reform in disability services in NSW, known as Stronger Together.”
To read full statement, visit
Philanthropy Boss Resigns
Gina Anderson, the CEO of Philanthropy Australia has resigned but won't leave her post until September 30th saying she has no firm plans for her future employment.
She says working for Philanthropy Australia has been a wonderful experience and as philanthropy has moved from the fringe to mainstream in Australia she is very proud of the progress and achievements that Philanthropy Australia has made.
Philanthropy Australia President, Bruce Bonyhady says Anderson has ably overseen the development of Philanthropy Australia into an organisation with a truly national focus and can be justifiably proud of the progress and achievements that Philanthropy Australia has made.
Bonyhady says he wants to place on record the appreciation of Council for the dedication and verve with which Anderson has served Australian philanthropy while Chief Executive.
The Council of Philanthropy Australia will be appointing an agency to handle the process for the recruitment of her successor, which could take several months.
The newly appointed CEO of ACOSS, Cassandra Goldie will move into the top job just four weeks before the Federal Election.Goldie has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of ACOSS, the nation's peak council of the community and social services sector after the resignation of former Northern Territory Chief Minister, Clare Martin who led the organisation for the past two years.
ACOSS President, Simon Schrapel says Goldie comes to ACOSS from the Australian Human Rights Commission where as Director of the Sex and Age Discrimination Unit she played a pivotal role in the inquiry into pay equity and paid parental leave.
Schrapel says her impressive leadership, public advocacy credentials and her track record in policy and management make her ideally suited to this position.
Goldie has an extensive career in the community sector in Australia and internationally working in the human rights, law and justice fields.
She has previously been the Director of the Homelessness Legal Rights Project at UNSW, a consultant to UN Habitat, Solicitor in Charge of Client Services with Legal Aid in Western Australia and Executive Officer of the Darwin Community Legal Service.
Goldie has also been President of NTCOSS and Board Member of ACOSS (2001-2002) and was an ACOSS Law and Justice Policy Advisor (2000-2006).
She will take up the position on July 26th, replacing Clare Martin who has been appointed a Professorial Fellow with The Northern Institute, a new research and development enterprise with Charles Darwin University.
To read the full media release from The National Disability and Carer Alliance, visit
Vulnerable People Increased Supports in Emergency Management
Action for Community Living Response to Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Report, 31 July 2010
“The Commission finds it particularly worrying that nearly half of the people who died were classed as ‘vulnerable’ because they were aged less than 12 years or more than 70 years or because they were suffering from an acute or chronic illness or disability” [Executive summary, pg 5]’
Increased supports for vulnerable people at all stages of emergencies are a positive step forward in ensuring safer, more resilient communities’ says Steve Peuschel, CEO Action For Community Living, on reading the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission report. Steve lives in a bushfire prone area with a young family with disability and chronic health conditions.
Action for Community Living is a statewide community organisation providing leadership, empowerment and advocacy in disability. Their program, Disability Emergency Management Advocacy, (DEMA), has been working in this area since the 2009 bushfires, advocating significant work is required to empower people with disabilities in all stages of emergencies.
DEMA particularly supports Royal Commission Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 48, 49 increasing support for vulnerable populations, and in the last 16 months has been advocating with local, state government, emergency services and community to ensure:
To read the full article, visit
Children with Disability Given a Better Start
Joint Campaign Media Release, Prime Minister, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Parliamentary Secretaryfor Disabilities and Children’s Services, 28 July, 2010
The Gillard Labor Government will provide new access to early intervention services to help give more children with disability a better start in life.
The Better Start for Children with Disability initiative will ensure children with disabilities that affect their development have access to intensive early intervention therapies and treatments from expert health professionals.
To read full article and to download the accompanying Fact Sheet in a variety of formats, visit
More Supported Accommodation for People with Disability
Joint Campaign Media release, Prime Minister, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services, 29 July 2010
A re-elected Gillard Labor Government will establish a new capital fund to build innovative, community-based supported accommodation places for people with disability.
Federal Labor will provide capital grants to community organisations to construct up to 150 new supported accommodation or respite places.
For the first time, Federal Labor will be giving community organisations the opportunity to apply for direct capital funding from the Federal Government for supported accommodation.
To read full article and to download the accompanying Fact Sheet in a variety of formats, visit
National Disability Strategy
Joint Campaign Media Release, Prime Minister, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Childrens’ Services, 29 July 2010
The Gillard Labor Government has released its draft National Disability Strategy which outlines a 10-year national plan to improve the lives of people with disability, promote participation, and create a more inclusive society.
The Gillard Labor Government is committed to ensuring that people with disability are able to fulfil their potential.
To read full article and to download the National Disability Strategy in pdf or Word format, visit
Abbott Vies for Disability Vote
Carol Nader, July 31, 2010
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has sought to trump Labor on the issue of disabilities, pledging $314 million to help students with a disability and their families.
Previously politically overlooked, disability has now earned prominence as an election issue, with Mr Abbott's announcement coming a day after Prime Minister Julia Gillard's announcement of $182 million of measures, including giving families of young children with particular disabilities $12,000 to help pay for early intervention treatment.
The Coalition will create a so-called education card worth up to $20,000 a year, indexed to inflation, to provide students with disabilities funding that they can take to any school. This will start in 2012.
NEDA’s Election 2010 Campaign
National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) has begun a campaign to lobby for the migration issues for people from culturally diverse and non-English speaking backgrounds.
Actions being called for:
- Application of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) to the migration Act
- Withdrawal of the interpretive declaration made upon ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities pertaining to the health requirements for non nationals
- Application of DDA to Social Security Act
To improve the situation of people from non-English speaking backgrounds with disability, please write a letter and/or meet with your local member and ask them what they will do to change the points identified in the Facts Sheet which can be downloaded by visiting
For more information and to report responses, please contact Zeliha Iscel on mobile 044 772 4001 or email .
Lobbying for a National Disability Insurance Scheme - National Visiting Day
Scope has joined a coalition of groups representing people with a disability, families and service providers to lobby for a National Disability Insurance Scheme. The coalition believes a strong collective voice is required to ensure the needs of Australians with a disability and their families are finally placed on the political and public agenda.
When: Friday 6th August.
Action: Visit your Federal or State Member of Parliament to share your story. Share your current difficulties and challenges with the system, how it is letting you down and the difference a National Disability Insurance Scheme would make.
To register your interest in being part of National Visiting Day please contact Ruby Dubash on 9843 3043 or email .
For more information, read the letter to members on the DARU website
Call to the Parties 2010 State Election
Coalition for Disability Rights
The Coalition for Disability Rights brings together people with a disability, families, carers, advocacy bodies and disability support provider organisations to work together to ensure that people with a disability and their families have the right to be fully participating citizens of Australia.
To view this document, visit the DARU website
Melbourne Mobility Centre Open Day
When: 9 August 2010, 2:00 - 4:00pm
Where: Federation Square, 1st floor of car park, Cnr Flinders & Russell Streets, Melbourne
Come and try the mobility equipment and get information on how to access the City of Melbourne.
For more information, visit or phone 1800 755 266.
“Accessible Community...Your Say Forum” Accessible Voting Workshop
When: Monday 27 September, 10 -11.30am and 12.00 - 1.30pm
Where: Camberwell Community Centre, Room 1, 33 Fairholm Grove Camberwell
When: Wednesday 6 October, 10 - 11.30am and 12.00 -1.30pm
Where: Balwyn Community Centre, The Function Centre, 412 Whitehorse Road Surrey Hills
With two elections this year, State and Federal, City of Booroondara Council, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC), will conduct workshops for people with disabilities.
The purpose of these workshops is to encourage people with disabilities to participate in voting and civic participation disciplines, raise awareness of the process and identify and utilise accessible voting options.
For more information and to book your place, contact David Williams, Metro Access Project Officer, by phone (03) 9278 4722 mobile 0448 990 417 or email
Demystifying Accounting and Financial Statements...Guaranteed Financial Literacy in Just 2½ Hours!
When: Monday 9 August, 10am – 12 noon
Where: Angliss Conference Centre, Auditorium, Level 5 Cnr La Trobe and King Street, Melbourne.
To register: Online at
Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, insolvency, bad debts, depreciation and of course ‘bottom line’. We’ve all heard our accountant, auditor or Finance manager use these terms…but what do they really mean?
By the end of this seminar you will not only be able to know what the major financial statements are, but you will be able to interpret them and make judgments about the financial performance of your organisation and others.
This program has been designed for non–accountants and assumes little or no knowledge of the subject.
For more information and to download a flyer, visit or phone Pathways on 8530 64444 or email .
Just How Financially Strong and Stable is Your Organisation? ...Measurement Tools and Techniques that Reveal Everything!
When: Monday 9 August, 1pm – 3pm
Where: Angliss Conference Centre, Auditorium, Level 5 Cnr La Trobe and King Street, Melbourne.
To register: Online at
How would your organisation cope with a sudden loss of a major funding source or loss of a government contract? Is the financial position of your organisation becoming stronger or weaker? How does your organisation’s financial position compare with other similar organisations?
The truth is that only a small number of not-for-profit organisations have a good understanding of their financial strengths and weaknesses. Organisations that don’t know (or don’t care) do so at their peril!
This seminar will furnish you with the knowledge and tools you need to accurately assess and track the financial health of your organisation.
For more information and to download a flyer, visit or phone Pathways on 8530 64444 or email
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission eBulletin July edition
This is a monthly newsletter providing links to media releases, speeches presented by the Commissioner Dr Helen Szoke, topical community news, upcoming training courses and much more.
The e-bulletin is circulated by subscription. To sign up, visit
2010-2020 National Disability Strategy (Draft)
The Gillard Labor Government has released its draft National Disability Strategy which outlines a 10-year national plan to improve the lives of people with disability, promote participation, and create a more inclusive society.
To read the strategy, visit
Respite Coordination Competency Development Project
Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&H ISC) is holding an industry consultation forum and conducting an industry survey to obtain feedback on Draft 1 components reflecting the work functions of Intake and Respite Coordinators.
When: Thursday 5 August, 9:30am – 1:00pm
Where: Citigate, 270 Flinders Street, Melbourne
To Register: Visit
The consultation forum is an opportunity for Community Services stakeholders to provide detailed feedback on the proposed draft additions to the CHC08 Training Package based on their experience with the work functions of an Intake and Respite Coordination role.
Please read the relevant materials, including the survey, available for download through the link provided in the “To Register” section.
For more information, contact Rebecca Seib, Project Coordinator, on phone 02 9270 6648 or email .
Encouraging Active Lifestyles for People with a Disability
Whitehorse City Council is keen to hear from people with disability about their experiences participating in sport and recreation. The Whitehorse Sport and Physical Activity Survey aims to gain a greater understanding of the sport and physical activity interests and aspirations of people with a disability within Whitehorse.
Council will explore the differing perspectives of people with a disability, their families and carers as well as disability service organisations and sport providers to gather information about:
- Sport and physical activities people with a disability take part in or would like to undertake.
- The range of sport and physical activities currently available to people with a disability within the City of Whitehorse.
- The barriers people with a disability face when participating in sport and physical activities.
The survey aims to discover what people’s interests actually are and compare this to the services and facilities that are currently available. People with a disability, their families, carers, disability services and sporting organisations are all encouraged to complete the surveys. The findings from the surveys will assist Council to advocate and promote opportunities to people with a disability as well as work with community groups and sporting and recreational organisations to develop more options.
The online surveys will be available on Council’s website at from 1-31 August 2010. A printed survey will also be available until 31 August 2010. Individual and group discussions can also be arranged.
For more information, contact Council’s MetroAccess Development Officer Maureen D’Arcy on 9262 6516.
Boroondara Community Consultation
When: Wednesday 18 August, 9.30 -12.30pm
Where: Wattle Room - Camberwell Town Hall, Camberwell
To Register: Contact David Williams, Metro Access Project Officer, by phone (03) 9278 4722 mobile 0448 990 417 or email
Boroondara City Council is conducting community consultations to identify priorities that enhance access and inclusion of people with a disability across the municipality. The consultations will inform Boroondara Council's Metro Access priorities and work plan.
Endorsement of Inclusive Education Report Sought
In May last year DARU facilitated the forum ‘Mainstream Education, Inclusive Practices and Students with Disabilities with parents, people with disabilities, Department of Education representatives and disability advocates all taking part. A working group was established at the time and has been meeting on a regular basis.
Further research was undertaken and a report written based on the issues identified at the forum.To read the report, visit the DARU website
The working party is now seeking endorsement for the report and its recommendations. Could you please email DARU - by Friday August 13th with your endorsement. Please include your full name and organisation you are representing (if appropriate)
I____ (name)______of ____(organisation)______ endorse the contents and recommendations contained in the “Inclusive Education – Opportunities for Every Victorian Child to Reach their Full Potential” report.
Contact phone number ______
If you have any questions regarding the report please contact Elizabeth McGarry Chief Executive Officer, Association for Children with a Disability 9818 2000, 1800 654 013 (rural callers), or