A Disturbance in the Force has been Detected!

Jedi Council requests that all local Padawans and Jedi Council Members report to Jedi Training Camp

on June 5 – 7, 2015

at Good Spirit Lake!

29thAnnual Saskatchewan Cub Scout Camp

Saskatchewan Cub Scout Camp is here again, June 5th –7th, 2015

Hello, Akela! If you are new to Cub Scout Camp, you may want to take a few moments to read this page of the package. Even if you’ve been out before, there may a couple helpful reminders.


This camp runs two programs: a standard Cub program for the first and second year Cubs, and 3rd year Beavers; and an introduction to Scouts program for the third year Cubs. First and second year Cubs are considered to have been participating in Cubs for most of the year. 3rd year Beavers are those that are eligible to move into Cubs in the fall. The third year Cubs will be of age and maturity to move into Scouts in the fall. The third year programming will likely include map & compass, canoeing, stove & lantern, and knife & axe safety – at an introduction to Scouts level. The daypack is very important for both groups, since they will need to carry gear and snacks from event-to-event.

Youth are split into two camps: one for the first and second year youth and one for the third year youth.

This year we are again inviting the 3rd year Beaver Scouts to camp. We feel that having 3rd year Beavers will be an opportunity for them to experience the Cub program and support the youth’s continuation in the Scout program, and there was strong support for this concept at last year’s leader’s meeting after camp. We are aware that this will present some challenges for you and it is our strong recommendationthat 3rd year Beavers be accompanied by a parent as this might be a new experience for them and we certainly don’t want to turn them off scouting at this point.

Groups will need to feed and supportall youth as they would normally handle Cub-aged youth (The Cubs are responsible for the tidiness and care of their personal belongings and their tent area, they participate in the meal clean-up, they may or may not be part of the meal preparation – there will not be a lot of time for grand meal-time plans).

Groups will need to supply a leader to supervise and assist the third year Cubs as they set up their shelter, pack their own daypack, light their own fires, and participate in their programming. Because they are separate from the rest of the pack, they will need to have a stove & lantern. NOTE: In the past the third year cubs have eaten in their camp area, however now the third year Cubs will eat with their group, but will camp in a separate area. Also make sure that your third year Cubs have food to take “on the trail” Saturday.


On Friday night, there will be an informal campfire after supper. This is where the “articles of engagement” (rules of camp) will be discussed, but it will also be a time to “set the stage” for the fun and adventure of the weekend.

Later on Friday night, we will have a Leaders meeting to set out roles and responsibilities. When you register, if you have leaders and parents that are directly required to help with the youth, we ask that you sign them up with Offer of Service preferences. We will then be able to fill in the programming needs ahead of time, and the parents and leaders will be able to get their operating instructions during this meeting.


The programming will start on Saturday, shortly after the opening ceremony. There will be a break for Lunch, in which the first and second years may return to their campsites.

On Saturday, we have a camp banquet which all participants will attend, followed by a “Social” time after supper. The Social should reflect the “Star Wars” theme for this year. Each group decorates their camp site to suit the theme of camp. Some of the decorations are quite extravagant. After supper, the Cubs are encouraged to check out the other campsites. There can be a small game or activity for the visitors to participate in, or they can simply “come and see”. Games or Activities that work best are quick and easy (a few seconds), since this time is usually very fast paced (Guess how many light sabers are hidden in the decorations, etc). Each group should have a small item as a give-away for their visitors. You may wish to include this in your meetings prior to the camp. Past items have included woggles, hand-made flags, necklaces, coins, etc. nothing extravagant, but the youth really enjoy the hunt.

There will be a formal campfire on Saturday evening, after the social. Your Cubs should be prepared with a Song, Skit and Cheer. Depending upon the size of the camp, we may need to “double up” some groups. If you have special requirements, please contact the campfire chief prior to the camp fire.


There will be a Scouts’ Own on Sunday prior to the closing ceremony. The Scouts’ Own will be conducted by the Offer of Service youth (hence the term “Scouts’ Own”). The loose “theme” will be “Looking back, and seeing the future”. If any of your youth are so inclined, they may wish to offer a reading or praise song. You can bring this up during the Leaders’ meeting on Friday Night.

Other items

Please note there will not be a night patrol this year as there has been in past years. Leaders are expected to take care of their youth overnight.

No vehicles will be allowedto proceed past the main gate without a spotter to guide each vehicle. We require that whenever a vehicle is moved in the parking lot or main grounds that a spotter be present for safety of all.

Please consider bringing garden trolleys, wagons or carts for hauling your goods to your campsite.

There will be plenty of washing water onsite.

Please bring enough potable water for Friday Night and Saturday Morning (cooking and drinking) if desired.

Camp water is potable from blue marked spouts.

For security reasons, the Leader tents or sleeping shelters must be well marked and visible with flagging tape.

There is cellphone service. Camp staff EMERGENCY contact numbers are available: Kent (camp chief) 306 621-1367,Mike (camp admin) 306 641-0090 or Dean (Area Comm) 306 621-5863

For more information about Camp Good Spirit (including maps and directions), contact camp staff at numbers above.

Label all items with your group name, including garden trolleys, camp equipment, etc.

Leaders are responsible for getting proper permission from their Group Committee and for ensuring all forms are up to date and are with them at camp. Youth with allergies, medical needs or special diets must have a copy of their registration form with them at all times (pinned under their hat or in their breast pocket).

Please extend this invitation to other groups who may not have email or who may not be aware of this camp (Manitoba and Alberta Groups are also welcome).

Please also mention this camp to your Scout Leaders as their youth or leaders may wish to attend as an Offer of Service.

Information is posted periodically on the Saskatchewan Cub Camp portion of the Saskatchewan Council’s Website: If you have any questions, please contact Kent Latimer (2015 Camp Chief) at 306 621-1367or

Crests are supplied to all registered cubs & adults attending this camp.