Eric Carle Lesson Plan

Name: Gretchen Elliott Date: April 2012

Subject: Music Grade Level: K Length of Session: 20 min.

Lesson Plan Title: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Content Standard:

Standard 1.0 Singing

Students will sing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

Materials&Resources: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle

Brown Bear Music Power point

Video of song


Unit Goal(s):
1.1 Develop skill in singing simple songs.
Learning Objectives
1.1 Demonstrate whispering, speaking, shouting, and singing voices.
Sing a simple song with others (words, pitches, rhythm).
Enduring Understandings:
·  To sing a simple song in rhythm.
·  Listen to the video can you hear the pitch/rhythm?


INTROCUCTION or Anticipatory Set Time: 3 min.
Ask the students about the animals in the book they have been learning about today.
BODY (Activities & Practice)
Activities Time: 12 min.
1.  Show the you-tube video of children singing Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
2.  Talk about the motions the children used in the video and have the students practice the movements.
3.  Whole class will sing the song together with the video to hear the rhythm while singing, and copy motions so they can see what to do and when.
4.  Show the power point this will be the lyrics for the music.
5.  Class will sing the song just looking by looking at the power point. They will use the motions to go with the song.
CLOSURE: Time: 5 min.
Have the students pick a different animal and color we can have the goldfish see (example goldfish sees a pink giraffe).
Transition: The students will act like one of the animals from the book on the way to their next activity.


Observe the students singing. Listening to make sure they have the correct rhythm and pitch.

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