11th- 12th Grade Qur’an Packet 15

Ms. Yasmine

January 19-23

Name ______

Iman Academy SE 2014-2015

What are we learning this week?

·  Write reflections on three selections from the Qur’an

·  Develop the habit of reading/memorizing the Qur’an daily

·  Retell the stories leading up to the story of Yousuf (as) as found in the Book of Genesis.

Qur’an Journal

Wednesday, January 21st : Al-Baqarah 180

كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ إِن تَرَكَ خَيْرًا الْوَصِيَّةُ لِلْوَالِدَيْنِ وَالْأَقْرَبِينَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ حَقًّا عَلَى الْمُتَّقِينَ

Prescribed for you when death approaches [any] one of you if he leaves wealth [is that he should make] a bequest for the parents and near relatives according to what is acceptable - a duty upon the righteous.

How often are you in the situation where you can share something EITHER with a family member or someone else? How often do you share with your family compared to your friends? Why do you think Allah encourages the kindest of treatment to one’s own family and to put them first? What are some scenarios in which it might be preferable to share with a non-family member?


Friday. January 23rd : Al-Baqarah 183

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become God-Conscious (have Taqwa)

Many times when people ask Muslims why they fast, they respond that it helps them feel compassion for the poor. Although this can surely be one of the benefits of fasting, Allah tells us in this Ayah that the main purpose behind fasting is to develop Taqwa. How might fasting help a person develop Tawa?


Memorization Plan (Jan. 19-25) [ 3 Tests]

Day / Surah &
Ayat / Ms. Y’s
okay / Tester Name / Final
Grade / Tester Signature
& Comments

Student observations and comments:


Teacher feedback: ______

Weekly Qur’an Log (Jan. 19-25) [100 Min.]

Day / Suwar/Ayat / Skill / Time

Total Weekly Minutes: ______

Teacher Comments: ______


General Overview: In theTorah's opening reading,Bereishit,Gdcreates the world in six days and rests on the seventh.Adamand Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge and are expelled from theGarden of Eden.CainslaysAbeland is punished accordingly. Enumeration of the ten generations between Adam andNoah, the birth of Noah, and the degeneration of mankind.

First Aliyah: This section recounts the story of creation in six days. On the first day Gd made darkness and light. On the second day He formed the heavens, dividing the "upper waters" from the "lower waters." On the third day He set the boundaries of land and sea and called forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He fixed the position of the sun, moon and stars. Fish, birds and reptiles were created on the fifth day; land-animals, and then the human being, Adam, on the sixth. Gd ceased work on the seventh day, and sanctified it as a day of rest.

Second Aliyah: This section discusses the events of the sixth day of creation in greater detail. After Adam was formed from the earth, Gd placed him in a garden just east of Eden. Gd permitted Adam to eat from any tree in the garden, with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge. Adam named all the animals and birds, and Gd decided that Adam needed a mate.

Third Aliyah: Gd caused Adam to fall into a deep slumber and formed a woman, Eve, from one of his sides. Adam was delighted with his new mate. The serpent, at the time the wisest of all animals, sweet-talked Eve into eating from the fruit of the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Eve shared the fruit with Adam, and imbued with a new sense of knowledge and awareness, they were ashamed of their nakedness and clothed themselves. The fallout was quick to come: Gd cursed the serpent, Eve, and Adam too, with various maledictions.

Fourth Aliyah: Adam and Eve were then expelled from the idyllic Garden of Eden. Eve gave birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. When Abel's offering to Gd was accepted, while Cain's was rejected, Cain murdered his brother in a jealous rage. Gd punished Cain, designating him to be a lifelong wanderer, but postponing his ultimate punishment for seven generations.

Fifth Aliyah: The sixth generation descendent of Cain was Lemech, who fathered several children -- seventh generation descendents of Cain.

Sixth Aliyah: Lemech accidentally killed his great-great-great-great-grandfather Cain in a hunting accident; the blood of Abel was finally avenged. Adam and Eve gave birth to a third son,Seth. This section then chronicles the first seven generations of mankind, from Adam to the righteousEnoch.

Seventh Aliyah: The next three generations are chronicled in this section -- concluding with Noah, the tenth generation from Adam. At this point in time, the wickedness and immorality of the people on earth reached such proportions that Gd regretted creating man. Gd gave the world 120 years to clean up their act or be destroyed. Noah, on the other hand, was an exception. He was righteous and found favor in Gd's eyes.


General Overview: In this week's reading,Noach,Noahand his family, along with at least one pair of each living creature, survive the Flood by taking refuge in an Ark. The erection of the Tower of Babel angersGd, and leads to the dispersal of Noah's descendants.AbrahamandSarahare born.

First Aliyah: While society as a whole descended into a state of anarchy and utter corruption, only Noah remained righteous and faithful to Gd's ways. Noah was informed by Gd that amabul("flood") will soon destroy all of civilization, and only Noah and his immediate family would survive in ateivah("ark," boat) that he was to build. Gd gave Noah the exact dimensions of theteivahhe was to build, and commanded Noah to bring along into theteivahspecimens of every species of animal and bird to repopulate the world after themabul, and to stock the boat with food to feed all its inhabitants.

Second Aliyah: Ofkosheranimals and birds, Noah was commanded to take seven pairs of each species (as opposed to one pair of all other species). Noah, his family, and the required animals boarded theteivahand themabulbegan: "The springs of the great depths burst forth and the windows of the heavens opened."

Third Aliyah: The torrential rains lasted for forty days and nights. The waters rose to great heights and covered even the highest mountains, killing all humans and animals; everything died aside for Noah and the other occupants of theteivah. After the waters raged on the earth another 150 days, Gd caused the waters to subside. Theteivaheventually rested on the Ararat Mountains, and shortly thereafter the mountain peaks came into view. Noah opened the window of theteivahand dispatched birds to see whether it was time to leave theteivah. First he sent a raven, which refused to execute its mission and just circled the ark. He then sent out a dove. On its third attempt the dove went and did not return, signaling that the earth was once again habitable. After one full year in theteivah, the earth had dried.

Fourth Aliyah: Gd commanded Noah to leave theteivah,along with all his fellowteivah-mates. Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices. This pleased Gd, who then promised to never again curse the earth as He had just done. Instead, the regular seasons (which had not functioned during the year of themabul) would continue perpetually. Gd then blessed Noah and his sons: "Be fruitful and multiplyupon the earth." Gd allowed mankind to eat meat, but prohibited murder, suicide, and the consumption of a limb ripped from a living animal.

Fifth Aliyah: Gd told Noah that he is establishing a covenant to never again bring a flood to destroy the world. Gd designated the rainbow as the sign of this covenant: "And it shall come to pass, when I cause clouds to come upon the earth, that the rainbow will appear in the cloud. And I will remember My covenant..."

Sixth Aliyah: Noah planted a vineyard, made wine, became drunk and fell into a deep drunken slumber -- while naked. Noah's son, Ham, saw his father naked, assaulted him, and informed his two brothers of their father's state. The brothers,Shemand Japeth, modestly approached their father and covered him. When Noah awakened, he cursedCham's son,Canaan, and blessed Shem and Japeth. This section then names Noah's seventy grandsons and great-grandsons, the antecedents of the "seventy nations," and their adopted homelands.

Seventh Aliyah: This section recounts the story of the Tower of Babel. Noah's descendents gathered in the Babylonian valley and started building a tower, in an attempt to reach the heavens and battle Gd. Gd disrupted their "plan" by causing them each to speak a different language, thus destroying their communications. This caused them to disperse and settle in different lands. TheTorahthen lists the ten generations of Shem's descendents. The tenth generation isAbram(later to be known as Abraham), who married Sarai (later to be known as Sarah).


General Overview:Abramand Sarai travel toCanaan. Due to a famine in the land they temporarily relocate to Egypt, where Pharaoh unsuccessfully attempts to add Sarai to his harem. They return to Canaan with great wealth and Abram parts with his nephew Lot. Abram defeats the armies of the four kings who had taken his nephew Lot hostage.Gdseals a pact with Abram, bequeathing the lands of Canaan to his descendants. Childless Abram marriesHagarand she gives birth toIshmael. Gd changes Abram's name toAbraham, and Sarai becomesSarah. Abraham is circumcised at the age of 99.

First Aliyah: Gd commanded Abram to leave his father's house and homeland, and travel to the land that He will show him. As reward for doing so, Gd promised to make Abram the patriarch of a great nation. Abram obeyed, taking along his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot. Once Abram arrived in Canaan, Gd informed him that He will eventually give that land to his descendents. Abram traverses the length of the land until a famine forces him to travel to Egypt. Fearing that the Egyptians would kill him in order to take Sarai, Abram asked her to allege that he was her brother.

Second Aliyah: And indeed because of her beauty, Sarai was taken captive and brought to Pharaoh. Gd struck the members of Pharaoh's palace with a plague, causing Pharaoh to hastily release Sarai. Pharaoh loaded Abram and Sarai with gifts and riches, and had them escorted out of his land. Abram returned triumphantly to Canaan.

Third Aliyah: Lot, who had accompanied Abram and Sarai, was independently wealthy. When Lot's shepherds quarreled with Abram's shepherds, the two parted ways, with Lot settling in the province of Sodom, which was renowned for its evil inhabitants. After Lot departed, Gd spoke to Abram again, reiterating His promise to bequeath the land to his descendents, and promising to make his descendents numerous as the soil of the earth.

Fourth Aliyah: The southern region of Canaan was embroiled in a major war involving many kings. When the dust settled, the victorious kings took captive all the inhabitants of the Sodom region -- Lot included. When Abram was informed of Lot's plight he rushed to the rescue along with a handful of men, engaged the victorious kings in battle, soundly defeated them, released all the captives and returned all the spoils.

Fifth Aliyah: Abram rebuffed the king of Sodom's wish to award him with all the war's spoils. When Gd reassured Abram that he would be greatly rewarded for his righteousness, Abram broaches his childlessness. "What is the point of all the reward and wealth," Abram cried, "if I have no heir to inherit it?!" Gd assured Abram that he will indeed have a child, and promised that Abram's descendents will be as numerous as the stars of the heaven.

Sixth Aliyah: Abram requested a sign from Gd that his descendents would inherit the land of Canaan. Gd responded in the famous "Covenant Between the Parts." Abram and the Divine Presence passed between an assortment of halved animals, and Gd told Abram that his descendants would be exiled and in bondage for four hundred years. At the conclusion of this period, Abram's descendents would leave with great wealth, Gd would punish the nations which enslaved them, and Abram's children would inherit the lands of Canaan. Following this pact, Sarai -- seeing that she and Abram were still childless -- suggested that Abram father a child with her Egyptian maid, Hagar. Hagar conceived and began to mistreat her mistress Sarai, who responded with a heavy hand, prompting Hagar to flee. Hagar encountered an angel who encouraged her to return to Sarai, promising her that the child she will bear will become a great nation. She obeyed, and gave birth to Ishmael. At the very end of this section, Gd added the letterheyto Abram's name, making it "Abraham."

Seventh Aliyah: Gd sealed a covenant with Abraham and his descendants; the sign of the covenant is the circumcision of all males when they are eight days old. Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and Gd promises a delighted Abraham that he will father another son, this time from Sarah. At the age of 99, Abraham circumcised himself, his son Ishmael, and all the members of his household.