Friday Newsletter
9th June 2017
Well done to all of our award winners this week!
Can we please remind parents/carers to take care when parking around school – please be aware of where you are parking and when approaching the school and when pulling away from school, please be extra vigilant for children crossing the road. No cars should stop on the ‘School Keep Clear’ area. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our children safe.
Wednesday 14th June is Sports Day for children in main school (weather permitting). If you are able to attend please arrive just before 9.30am for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 and just before 2.15pm for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. The events will be held on the big field around the back of school (next to the trim trail) and we ask that you enter the school grounds via the side gate (down the cut). We hope to see everyone there. Children may come to school on Wednesday 14thwearing their sports kit and if possible a t-shirt in the colour of their house team.
We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 14th June at 3.00pm regarding our trip to York to discuss the activities and questions parents might have.
Our Year 1 children will be visiting Newbiggin on Friday 16th June 2017. If you have not already done so, please complete and return your child’s consent and SV5 forms as soon as possible to allow them to take part. Thank you. Spare copies are available from the school office.
We are holding auditions for our annual Stead Lane’s Got Talent event on Monday 19th June 2017. All children in main school should have received a letter inviting them to audition if they have a talent which they would like to share. If your child would like a chance of taking part in the event on the evening of Tuesday 18th July, please complete and return the application form as soon as possible. Spare copies are available from the school office.
At Stead Lane we use lots of different learning muscles to recognise that we learn in a variety of ways. We represent our learning muscles with seven different animals. Can your child tell you the names of each learning muscle?
Complete the names below and send back this section for 2 merits Rec – Y4 or 200 air miles Y5/6.
------Name: ______
Class attendance for week ending26th May 2017
Year 185.17%
Year 292%
Year 392.26%
Year 495.49%Winners this week!
Year 595.16%
Year 689.67%
Class percentage for children who were on time for week ending 9th June 2017
Reception100%WOW!Winners this week!
Year 198.62%
Year 299.67%
Year 3100% WOW!Winners this week!
Year 498.75%
Year 599.03%
Year 698.67%
There were 15late marks in our registers this week. Please be punctual. This means your child is included in all learning and lessons are not disrupted by latecomers. Bell rings at 9.00am.