Curriculum Outline for Year 6 Spring Term 2018

Please remember this is a summary and a guideline. Therefore it may be subject to alteration as circumstances change, at the teacher’s discretion.

English: Towards the start of the term we will reflect on, and share, the biographies written by the pupils over the Christmas holidays. We will then investigate a range of different genres of writing including ghost stories, detective stories, morality tales and fantasy. Pupils will then plan and write their own stories in a chosen genre. We will enjoy a Shakespeare Workshop and look at extracts from Shakespearean plays and some of his poems. We will also learn how to evaluate poems and reflect on the work of individual poets. We will revise the rules of punctuation, particularly the use of the comma.

Maths: In our number work we will be learning about fractions and their link with percentages and decimals. Pupils will be extending their understanding of the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to include decimal numbers. We will also be learning about negative numbers and continuing to lay down the building blocks of basic algebra. Our measure work will be based around calculating area of regular and irregular 2D shapes as well as looking at calculating rate and speed. In shape we will be studying reflective and rotational symmetry. In our work on data handling, pupils will be learning how to use and draw line graphs and conversion graphs. We will be revising 24 hour time to calculate durations and starting/finishing times. The revision of key calculation strategies will continue this term as well as mental calculation practice.

Science:In Science this term, we will study electricity. We will investigate how voltage can affect the output of an electrical circuit. We will compare, and give reasons for, variations in how different components function whilst also drawing circuit diagrams using recognised symbols. Later in the term, we will look at the properties of light, including how it travels and how the eye sees objects.

Humanities:This term we will be looking at Energy and the Environment, investigating how electricity is produced, including renewable energy. As part of this work we will be discussing the issues surrounding climate change.

R.E:In R.E we will be discussing New Year’s resolutions. We will continue to study the life of Jesus through the stories of the three wise men and Jesus’ baptism, and by studying some examples of Jesus’ miracles. In the build up to Easter we will discuss the significance of Lent and the idea of temptation. We will end the term by focusing on the events of Holy Week.

French:Our topic for this term will be face and body, which will include describing appearances in the first person. We will then move on to looking at how to describe someone’s personality in the third person. This will involve looking at adjectives and how they agree with the noun they describe. In the second half-term we will consolidate work on numbers s up to 100. We will also continue work on French phonics.

Music:This term, Year 6 will be learning about the traditions of African Drumming and extending their rhythmical skills by playing the Djembes. We will also be studying the orchestral film music of John Williams and discovering more about the instruments of the orchestra.

Art/D.T:This term in Year 6 Art we will complete observational drawings of the Cathedral arches before designing and constructing a pottery relief tile box. We will also investigate the work of Ben Nicolson and complete a still life painting/collage in his style.

Drama:In Drama this term, Year 6 will be looking at a ghost story and creating scenes and developing ideas. Old Silas Green, a mysterious inventor, will capture their imaginations and they will create something magical using the piece, ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ by Dukas to help them. We will then make a physical Shakespeare sonnet, thinking about structure and rhyme and rhythm patterns. The children will experience a visiting African workshop and this work will then feed into the preparations for the African themed Summer Production.

I.C.T:In I.C.T this term, we will be creating and producing a multiple scene animated movie using Pivot and MS Movie maker. We will also be creating and coding a simple X-Box style 3D game using Kodu Game Lab. By using Espresso Coding, we will also be looking at more complex variables and object properties. We will be applying more advanced research methods and looking at the validity of information and websites on the internet.Through the use of spreadsheets we will be looking at modelling and information presentation and gathering. We will be discussing and learning about sensible, safe and acceptable behaviour online and understand the importance of privacy/location settings on social media sites/apps and mobile devices. We will continue to practise touch typing skills using Typing Web.

P.S.H.E:Year 6 will be reflecting on the diversity of the world and the ideas of prejudice and discrimination. We will also consider the role trade plays in unifying countries. We will then look at the idea of problem solving and working in a group. This will link into discussions of democracy and project planning. Later in the term,we will reflect on different issues involving human rights including race, gender and bullying. Throughout the term, we will discuss any other relevant topics that occur on a weekly basis.

Games and P.E:In Games this term the boys will play football whilst the girls will play netball. In P.E,we will play two different sports: badminton and volleyball. In badminton,we will revise the rules of the game whilst learning how to play different types of shots and thinking about appropriate tactics. In volleyball,we will think about how to play as a team. We will learn the rules of the game and be introduced to the appropriate techniques for serving, blocking and striking the ball. As well as these sports, we will also take part in some gymnastics activities, improving our flexibility, balance and strength. This will include some rhythmic gymnastics work using balls, hoops and ribbons to perform group routines.

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