/ Israel Physical Society

Join IPS



We invite you to join the Israel Physical Society(IPS). IPS arranges an annual meeting, presents graduate student prizes, and circulates a weekly newsletter.
Benefits to Members:
  • Receive a substantialreduction in registration fees for IPS meetings
  • Take advantage of our reciprocal arrangements with EPS, APS and IOP
  • Strengthen our ability to promote physics in
    Israeland take an active part within
    the European Physical Society
IPS Membership Rates:
This year, there will be a special opportunity to pay 200 shekels for full membership for both 2006 and 2007. Pensioners, students and teachers are charged a reduced rate of75 shekels in a usual year or 100 shekels for 2006/7.
Type of Membership / Regular year / 2006+2007 only
Full Member / NIS 150 / NIS 200
Student Member / NIS 75 / NIS100
Retired Member / NIS 75 / NIS100
Life Member / NIS 2000
Teacher Member
(Current High-School Physics Teachers only) / NIS 75 / NIS 100
Please send the application form from the IPS website and a cheque for membership (sorry, no credit cards) to:
TheIPS Treasurer, c/o Liz Yodim,
Physics, Technion 32000, Haifa. / IPS is a National Member of the European Physical Society (EPS)
All IPS members are entitled to:
  • Register to EPS organized conferencesand symposiaat low EPS rates
  • Receive other EPS journals at low EPS rates
Full IPS members are entitled to:
  • Receive 'Europhysics News' for free
  • Become a full individual EPS member for a reduced rate of about19 €, instead of almost 60 € (enables you to become an EPS Fellow and be elected to EPS committees)

IPS signed an Agreement with theAmerican Physical Society (APS)

All IPS members are entitled to:
  • Register to APS meetings at low APS rates
  • Submit papers to APS meetings with the same privileges as APS members
  • Subscribe to APS journals at the same low rates as members of other member societies of the American Institute of Physics (AIP)

IPS signed an Agreement with theInstitute of Physics (IoP)(UK and Ireland)

All IPS members are entitled to:
  • Register to IOP conferences at IOP members rates
  • Have access to IOP's London Headquarters, including access to the Members' Center and its facilities
  • Subscribe to'Physics World'at a substantially reduced fee

IPS Council Structure
President: Dr. Joan Adler
Technion, Haifa
Vice President: Prof. Avishai Dekel
HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem
Secretary: Prof. Cezar Bruma
College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel
Treasurer: Dr. Nathan Netzer
OrtBraudeCollege, Karmiel
Prof. Lior Klein
Dr. Shimshon Barad
Tel_Aviv University;
Prof. Michael GedalinBen-GurionUniversity; / Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
Negev NRC;
Dr. Israel Mardor
Soreq NRC;
Dr. Zvi Rosenstock
Prof. Nir Davidson
Weizmann Institute of Science;
Prof. Raoul Weil
Technion, Haifa;
Dr. Eli Raz
OrtBraudeCollege, Karmiel;
Mr. Michael Savin
Teachers Representative.

Prof. Cezar Bruma IPS_Join_to_2006_05_06.doc created 2006_04_30 printed: 10/4/2018