“And whoever welcomes one such child in my

name welcomes me.”

Matthew 18:5, NIV

Currently I am reading You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church. . . And Rethinking Faith by David Kinnaman. In his work with the Barna Group, one of the nation’s leading demographic research firms, he has discovered a growing trend of disillusionment with and disconnection from the Church and the Christian faith among people 18-29 years of age. It is a book worth reading if you have children or grandchildren in or approaching that age bracket.

Kinnaman cites many contributing factors to this trend; let’s consider just one of them: alienation. He says that teens and young adults often feel high levels of isolation from the very structures – family, community, and institutions – that form the bedrock of our society. A single story might put in perspective just how disconnected, isolated, even lonely, it may be for some in our culture.

He tells of Ashley, a twentysomething Christian wife and mother who sat next to a twelve year old girl flying alone cross country; ironically, the girl was headed to Georgia to visit her dad whom she sees “a few times a year” following her parents’ divorce. Ashley spent the flight talking to the girl and then the two maintained a relationship via cell phone, texting, and email. Ultimately, the girl gave her life to Christ through Ashley’s mentoring. Here’s the kicker.

After they got off the plane – before their yearlong “digital relationship” – the girl said, “Ashley, I think you know me better than anyone else in the world.” How long could that flight have lasted? Three, maybe four hours?

That landed with a thud on me and I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. “Ashley, I think you know me better than anyone else in the world.” Could she have been headed to Thomaston? How many more are out there just like her? And what are we going to do about it?

God bless, Herb

The flowers on the sanctuary altarthis Sunday are given to the glory of God and in loving memory ofAllen Stiles by his son, Dan.

Wednesday Church Supper

Sept. 25, 5:30pm

Menu: Beef Pot Pie, Mashed potatoes, applesauce,salad, bread,dessert

Adults $6 & 12 & under $3;

Call the office forreservations by Monday 4:00pm


THANKS - to Mr. Dan Stiles for sharing his beautiful calligraphic talents with us in the Children’s Bibles.


Please be on time & bring a little offering when you can.


Parents please let me know if you are going to bring the snack or do I need to get it for you with whatever donation you are able. Yours with gratitude, Miss Pat

9/18 – English; 9/25– Kellys


SEPT 22 - Georgette & Len Holloway

SEPT. 29 - Steve & Hazel Cromer

OCT. 6 - Laura & Anna Siscel

OCT. 13 - Amy & Jeremy Daniel

OCT. 20 - Jessica & Murray Deen

OCT. 27 - Mimi Clark & Elise Delli-Gatti

NOV. 3 - Bobby & MaryAnn Bickley

NOV. 10 - Eric & Jessica Walker

NOV. 17 - Lesley & Michael Murphy

NOV. 24 - Susan & Trey Jordan

DEC. 1 - Daniel & April Chastain

DEC. 8 - Byron & Carson Gleaton

DEC. 15 - Lindsey & Judson Matthews

DEC. 22 - Ben Miller & John Marriage

DEC. 29 - Mia & Steve Mackey


Sept. 22 - Knox Miller & Henry Daniel;

Sept. 29 - Gracie Ward & Jenna Bette Deen

Oct. 6 - Ansley Rawls & Camryn Boatright

Oct. 13 - Rachel Jordan & Lily Baity

Oct. 20 - Benjamin Smith & Murray Deen

Oct. 27 - Cara Mackey & Katherine Washburn

Nov. 3 - Kate Kelly & Carter Gleaton

Nov. 10 - Steven & John Marriage

Nov. 17 - Kaylen Holloway & Jessica Day

Nov. 24 -Jake Davis & Knox Miller (Thanksgiving)

Dec. 1 - PROCESSIONAL (several are needed)

Dec. 8 - Jenna Bette & Murray Deen

Dec. 15 - Camryn Boatright & Rachel Jordan



September 16, 2013


"Where two or three gather there I shall be also", this promise came true this past week for me, and as it has for centuries since our Lord made the statement. This past week a lady I know was struggling with a decision about her employment. Her job had been changed and she quit due to the new position not being one she could deal with at the time. Only to come back and do the new job, but reluctantly. I saw her at dance while dropping off Ava Clare one evening thereafter, she asked if I would pray for her and her job situation. That night as Laura and I lay down with Ava Clare to say our prayers, WE lifted this lady up to God. As the three of us lay there, God was with us, hearing our prayers and made perfect on his Promise that Jesus said to his disciples in the verse above the one I used to open this story. "If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you." WE asked and agreed that she needed help from God, He answered, Wednesday, as the lady burst into my classroom exclaiming " I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE IN PRAYER NOW", her job had been restored to her original position, but more than that she had gained faith in the fact that there is a God, and He is in the business of answering prayers! Just today I spoke with her and asked how she was. She told me that God had shown her how wonderful the job she had was and that she was opened up to a lot of other things in belief due to all of this. Two great things happened here in my observation. God became real to a person; secondly, God can take anything and make it into greatness for HIS glory. Prayer has the power of the ALMIGHTY GOD behind it, use it! I was just thankful to be a "fly on the wall" watching God take the show.

Do your part by praying for others, then let GOD steal the show by doing what He does best, loving us and wanting nothing but the best for all who believe......


(Jason cont’d) YOUTH EVENTS
I’lll be sending an email this week about what was discussed at meeting Sunday. Hopefully to clear up anything for all of us that has become confusing with our new schedule. I am a work in progress, I pray you have patience with me in all that is changing, I just want our youth to be here and happy for the Lord.
Thank you for believing in me and sharing your children's faith with me, iI hope our new schedule will be even better!

Omega group will meet SUNDAYS10th-12th grade 5-6:00
9th Grade can come either time!!
Alpha group meets WEDNESDAYS6th-8th grade at 6-7:00

SEPT. 22- Brian and Greta Trickel


SEPTEMBER21: Murray Deen Jr., 22: Katie Hall, FiskeHopkins; 24: John Williams, Jonathan Sandlin,

Shaw Daniel;25: Wilma Hooper,

Jenna Wilson; 26: Ricky Tucker,

Bert Truesdale, Elise Delli-Gatti

Sunday SEPTEMBER 22, 2013

Rev. Herb Flanders

Scripture: 8:30 & 11am - Acts 6:1-7

Sermon for 8:30 & 11a.m.–

A Church Squabble Leads to Growth

Scripture: 9:00a.m.-John 14:26-27

Sermon for 9:00a.m.

3rd inthe series of "Things Every Kid Needs"

"The Gift of Presence-I’m Here!"

NEW YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (College to 30’s) continues this Sunday, September 22nd. We will meet upstairs at 10am

Nursery will be provided each Sunday.

Congratulations to Marie and Karl Broder on the birth of their new daughter, Margrit Caroline Broder born Su nday, Sept. 15, 2013. The proud grandparents are Mike and Peggy Greene.



CURRENT REQUESTS: Billy Tate,Ben Williams, Mike Anderson (health issues)

FRIENDS AND RELATIVES:Rev. Chuck Peters (cancer),

Delma Walker, William Meador (Golden Living Ctr.),

OUT-OF-TOWN: Martha Mallory, Opalene Woodson, Marion Berry, Gertrude Taylor, Rozelle Orrick, Florine Harper .

AT HOME: Wilma Hooper, Johnnie Sue Tyler, Mary Owen, Billy Fowler, William McManus.

RIVERSIDE: Billie Woodson, Carolyn Knight, Angie Hightower, Nellie Moore

WEST VILLAGE: Betsy White, Evans Bruner, Shirley McClellan



8:30pm Traditional Service/Chapel

9:00am Contemporary Worship/FH

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Worship/Sanctuary

4:00pm Children’s Play Practice

5:00pm Handbells Rehearsal

5:00pm Youth Mtg.

6:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal


3:00pm Wonderful Wednesday for Kids

5:30 Youth (6-8th grade)

5:30 Church Family Supper

6:30pm Bible Studies

Save the Date: September 29-Annual Blessing of Animals