Guilford College United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org.

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SENIOR PROM will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 11:45 am in the Rock for its monthly covered dish luncheon and program. All seniors are invited to bring a covered dish to share and invite someone to come with you. Meat will be furnished.

Dr. Larry Grosman will present the program on “Key Factors to Achieve and Maintain Good Health”. Topics to be covered will be nutrition/weight management, and exercise.

Dr. Grosman graduated from Logan Chiropractic College and has been in practice since 1977, and in practice on Friendly Avenue since 1979.


Our Fall Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday, October 15th from 2:30-7:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Our

goal is to collect 45 units. Please consider giving “The Gift of Life”. A nursery will be provided. Sign-ups

will be held in the narthex on Sunday or you may call David Saunders at 644-1678.


VOL. XIII, No. 18 September 18, 2013


Prayer Concerns: Ed Blackwell, Jack Kayler, Lillian Spicer; Ilene Cummings, David Cummings, Nona Fennell, Betty Kirkman, Lisa Shaw, Janel Greer; Jim Frady; Mary Wall, teachers and students returning to school; families facing storms in life, the leaders of our nation and world, and those serving in the military.

Extended Family: Morgan & Drew Coleman’s father, Ty Coleman; Austin Phillips’ sister, Jane Bulla; Lewey Alexander; Anna Alexander’s sister, Nancy; Mike Corcoran’s stepmon, Joanne; Ben Brothers’ son, Robert; Patty Elkins’ mother, Ann & nephew, Nicholas;; Brenda Frazier’s nephew, Blake Wall; Rev. J.C. Groce; Helen Phillips’ niece, Teresa Dobson & nephew, Terry Thornett; Jackie Morgan’s mother, Margaret Watson; Carla Meissner’s father, Stuart Myers; Bobbye Shelton’s son-in-law, Glynn Boyette; our sister church in Kinanduba, Kenya,

In Home and Senior Living Facilities: Dot Acree, Don Beam, David Bowen, Rachel Brawley, Cynthia Brown, David Cummings, Ilene Cummings; Edna Derrick, Sue Gerringer, Janel Greer, George & Nancy Holmes, Sunny Horner, Barry & Barbara Jones, A.C. Jordan, Betty Kirkman; Dave & Betty Kirkman; Colleen McKoin; Alice Ross, Lillian Spicer, Allene Wakefield, Les and Helen Wray

Sincere Sympathy is extended to Anna, Caroline and Parker Leach in the death of Ryan Leach, who passed away on Sept. 11th.


Congratulations to Michael and Jennifer Graham on the birth of their son, Hunter Davis Graham, who was born on September 12th.

Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one confidential care. Stephen Ministers listen and offer encouragement and support during a crisis or transition in life. If you or someone you know could benefit from the gentle and tender care of a Stephen Minister, please contact Donna Ford at 292-5833 or



September 8: Sara Hardin; Bob Hagmann; Janet Van Hook; Steve & Pam Roberts; Kathy & David Cosgrove; Caryl Schunk; Laura Schunk; Ann Fanjoy; R.J. & Cody Westphal; Ken, Michelle, McKenzie, Cameron & Keaton Waldron; Bill & Daryl Watkins; Richard Connor; Grace Murphy; Maria & Barbara Blust; Cyndi Wastler; Ron & Barb Arthur; Steve, Barbara & Zachary McDonald; Krista Mabe

September 15: Linda & Chuck Whiting; Kate Hewitt; Evan McLaughlin; Levi Mlo; Janet Van Hook; Katherine, Tommy, Emilio & Tristan Gomez; Grace Gibson; Greg, Ona & Galen Ellington; Jodi & Shelton Knox; Christy & Cindy Sykes; Jennifer Hudson; Cyndi Wastler; Ann Mills; Scott Graham; Steve, Barbara, Zachary & Joshua McDonald; Michelle, McKenzie & Keaton Waldron; Jackie Hardcastle; Jessica Dalton; Peggy Hewitt; Leslie & Ryan Patterson; Tim Iarussi; Grace Murphy; Sara Hardin; Linda & Bob Meyer; Linda Ryan; Steve & Pam Roberts; Nelva Grace; Kevin, Rylee & Ally Petty


5:15-6:30 pm

September 25

BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad bar, brownies

Children: chicken nuggets, chips, fruit

Volunteer group: James Tew Class

October 2

Baked lasagna, garlic bread, salad bar, cake

Children: same menu

Volunteer group: Foundations Class

$5.00 adult; $3.00 child; $15.00 max per family

( $1.00 will be charged for each take-out meal to cover the cost of the containers.)


Oct. 12 – Pumpkins arrive

Oct. 13, noon – Family Picnic at Bur-Mil Park

Oct. 13, 4:30 pm – Our Charge Conference at Mt. Pleasant

Oct. 15 2:30-7:00 pm – Fall Bloodmobile

Oct. 19 – Fall Festival & Brunswick Stew

Oct. 20 – CROP Walk

Oct. 31 – Trunk or Treat


Youth News

Fall Retreat: Oct. 4-6; Cost - $100

Sign Up outside Robert’s office

Pumpkins Arrive Oct. 12th @ 9am

We need all the help we can get unloading! Sign ups to volunteer will be posted outside Robert’s office this week!

Small Groups Wed. nights after WNO

UMYF on Sundays from 5:30-7:30

GCUMC PRESCHOOL has spaces available in our Pooh Bear Toddler class and our M/W Teddy Bear Twos class. GCUMC church members and sibling discounts offered!

Toddlers meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30am-12:30 pm (must be 1 yr. old by August 31st of this year.)

Teddy Bear Class meets from 8:30am-12:30 pm (must be 2 yrs. old by August 31st of this year.)

Call 336-294-6730 or 336-209-3647 for information.

During the rest of September we’ll spend three weeks asking the question, “Who Is My Neighbor?” Our key scripture for these services is one of Jesus’ most popular but perhaps least understood parables, The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Join us each Thursday at 7:00 PM as we see that Jesus is teaching us something quite radical about prejudice, holiness and compassion.



Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30 p.m. in Room C15, Second Floor, Children’s Building. Children enjoy a Bible story, games, puzzles, activities, prayer, and lots of fun! Begins September 11.


Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30 p.m. in Room C11, Second Floor, Children’s Building. Games, Bible story, activities, and more! Tons of fun!! Begins September 11.


September is National Preparedness Month. Have you thought about being prepared for emergencies as a part of living a healthy life? How is your family and our

Church community prepared for unexpected events? Take the first step by talking with your family and check out more information, including preparedness toolkits at: or

5 Practices of Fruitful Living

Jesus taught a way of life and invited people into a relationship with God that was vibrant, dynamic, and fruitful. He wanted people to flourish. What are the core fundamental spiritual practices that sustained the disciples and motivated them to relieve the burdens that kept people from living into God’s preferred destiny? How do we cultivate a life that is abundant, purposeful and deep? Join us for this time of discovery of 5 essential practices: Radical

Hospitality – Passionate Worship – Intentional Faith Development – Extravagant Generosity – Risk-Taking Service

Leader: Joy Southerland, ; Book $10; Wednesday evenings – September 4-October 2, 6:30-7:30 pm – Room C1


(Beth Moore study meets every other week – 7 sessions)

Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of the Lord and as key elements of the worship at those festivals. Just as a song or poem can express feelings of fear, doubt, hope, and joy, these 15 psalms model how we can voice our own petitions and praises to our God, who is always available and ready to hear us. Explore the major feasts of Israel and journey through themes of unity, joy, gratitude, redemption, repentance, the power of blessings, facing ridicule, and more. Modern-day believers in Jesus Christ can learn much from these treasured Psalms in their journey toward greater intimacy with God.

Leader: Vita Alligood, ; Workbook $13

Thursday mornings – September 12-December 5 – 9:30-11:45 a.m. – Room B6

[The Journey: Bible Understanding – Beginning, Growing & Christ-Centered Levels]

To register for any Bible study, please contact Donna Ford in the church office, or 292-5833.


MATTHEW PART 1 - THE KING AND THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (7 sessions) (Chapters 1 - 13)

Who is the promised Messiah, the King who will sit on the throne of David? What is His kingdom? What is the character and lifestyle of those who are a part of this kingdom? Matthew Part 1 answers these questions and brings you face-to-face with the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. Walk with Jesus through the towns and villages of the Galilee, see the miracles He performs - healing the sick, casting out demons, calming the seas. Listen to His teaching as He explains His kingdom. And then evaluate your life against the standard Jesus holds high and ask: Does my life show that I'm part of His kingdom?

Leader: Donna Ford, ; Workbook $16

Tuesday evenings – September 24 (Intro)-November 12 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Room A6 OR Wednesday mornings – September 25 (Intro)-November 13 - 9:30-11:45 a.m. – Room A6


(Beth Moore study meets every other week – 11 sessions)

God will never give up on you. Explore how David's life proves this promise to be true. In this examination of the "man after God's own heart," David will delight and disappoint you. You'll want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others. If you've ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, family problems, or personal inconsistencies, this study is for you!

Beth walks participants through each trait listed in the fruit of the Holy Spirit as presented in the book of Galatians and encourages women to know the freedom of a Spirit-filled life. Through this study, participants will look at the supernatural aspects of the fruit and that you cannot grow, learn, or produce the fruit on your own. Beth challenges you to develop the fruit by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God.

Leader: Barbara McDonald, ; Workbook $16

Wednesday mornings – beginning September 25 – 9:30-11:45 a.m. – Room B6




(8:30 – 125…...... Porch – 32……JFC - 25.……….11:00 – 291)

Sunday School………………………………………...... 198



(.8:30 - 118 ………...... Porch - 33...... 11:00 – 338)

Sunday School…………………………………………………242

Thank You Note

The family of Harold Cummings would like to thank you for your prayers, love and support during Harold’s illness and death. Your donations to the church in Harold’s memory are greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Ilene Cummings


COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS AND LEADERSHIP has begun the process of recruiting volunteers to help lead our church during the coming year. If you have an interest in serving, please contact Clint Debrew at . No experience necessary – just a sincere desire to serve. Please prayerfully consider where you could contribute to the life of our church..

PATHWAYS FAMILY SHELTER currently need disposable diapers for its babies and toddlers. If you would like to donate diapers, please place them in the wagon in the Serving Closet. As always, gently-used household items and new bed pillows are accepted. Questions? Contact Lynne Beck at 314-8471.


Our Wednesday Night Out fellowship meals will begin again on September 18th. We need additional volunteers and it’s not too late to sign up. If you are interested in helping with preparation, etc., please contact Barbara Lauritano at or Alyssa Rice at 336-855-1870 or .

GUM FOOD BANK – 648 pounds of food was delivered to the Food Bank during the month of August from GCUMC! Thanks to everyone who continues to bring canned food items for this important outreach!


Bishop Larry Goodpaster and Doug Powe, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Black Church Studies at St. Paul School of Theology will be presenters at a conference being held in Greensboro on Friday, October 11th and Saturday, October 12th. Contact Matt Smith or Ronica Bowen for more info.


2013 Total Budget……………………………………….$ 966,265

Needed weekly for budget…………………………….. $ 18,582

Amount need to date……………………………………$ 687,535

Amount received to date through Sept.15………...... $ 688,189

YTD difference……………………………………………….$ 654

Free to Serve pledges………………………………. $ 1,031,343

Received to date…………………………………………$ 931,554

Loan balance…………………………………………….$ 622,084


Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, October 20th!

That’s the date for Greensboro’s annual Crop Hunger Walk starting at NewBridge Bank Ballpark. A 5K Run is included again this year. So grab your walking shoes, a bottle of water, recruit sponsors and you’re ready! If you are a runner and want to participate, contact Sarah Brubaker for detailed information.

Church World Service, CROP Walk raises funds to finance its services to over 80 countries—food, medicine emergency housing, and training to become self-sufficient. 25% of money raised locally goes to Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Potter’s House, allowing it to serve a daily meal to 500 or more hungry people.

Last year GCUMC raised $4,707.26, and we have been recognized as one of the top 10 in fundraising in the Greensboro CROP Walk for several years. Won’t you help? Contact Sarah Brubaker (292-5656) or Carol Ingram (292-5833) to register and walk/run. Information will be available on Sundays starting on September 22nd, in the Information Center.

Volunteers for Sunday, September 22, 2013

8:30 service

Acolyte: Evan Crews