Blessed Louis Martin Council #15256

Ashburn, VA

Subject: Grand Knight’s Situation Report (SITREP) #2 August 2013

Membership and Degree Updates: Brothers, our Council membership goal this year is for 16 new members and 6 new insurance members. These goals are assigned to us from Supreme and are predicated on the current size of our council. Be sure to invite all Catholic gentlemen of the Parish to join our ranks! If you are in need of insurance, annuity, assistance with fraternal benefits or financial planning, please reach to Brother Wayne Winters at . 1st Degrees this month are scheduled for 22 Aug at St. Josephs in Herndon and on 28 Aug at St. John’s in Leesburg.

Recent Events: Our Worthy Deputy Grand Knight (Program Director) and Warden (Membership Director) accompanied me to Richmond for the State Council meeting on 13 July. Discussion topics were centered on State programs and membership initiatives. Please see Tom to purchase a football Frenzy lottery ticket with special offers and a chance to win some Football pool money this fall.

The Officers and Program Directors of the Council met on 15 July to lock in our fraternal calendar for this year and discuss upcoming events such as the Parish picnic and school maintenance prior to opening in the fall. Our Worthy DGK just sent the current version of the calendar to you this morning.

Food for families drive was a great success in July. Thank you Brothers and families for your consistent and impactful support in helping to keep the food shelves full in Leesburg. Special thanks also to Brother Joe Dame for his leadership with this most worthy program.

The Golden Helmet softball tournament supporting God’s special people was held on Saturday, 20 August in Purcellville. Great turnout by our Brothers and families. Thank you for the help.

Upcoming Events & Dates:

Your help is needed on 17 August to get St. Theresa’s parking lot in shape and ready for the fall. Jason Campiti will provide details soon. Donuts and coffee will be served. Bring the kids to help out too!

In September we will pick up the pace. As Labor Day falls on the 2d, our meeting will slip to the following week, 9 Sep.

Knight of the Month: Michael Patriarco: New to the Order but very active as our new council program chair and taking charge of the council survey. Mike is off to a great start toward attaining the Shining Armor award.

Family of the Month: The Purcell family through consistent leadership in the usher program at St. Theresa’s and their support to the Golden Helmet softball tournament for Special Olympics.

Prayers and Remembrance: Brother and PGK Doug Anderson’s mother and daughter for a speedy recovery from surgery. Judy Cook wife of SK Ray Cook is recovering from surgery as well as Philip Carrescia son of Brother Phil and Barbara Carrescia.

A Final Thought: The fraternal survey has concluded. We are analyzing the findings now and will adjust council activities accordingly. We’re looking to improve our game and need your input to do so. August is traditionally a slow month for the Council and the Order. Enjoy some time off with friends and family and wherever your travels take you, please be safe!

Disclaimer: This update is provided for the Brothers of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Louis Martin Council #15256, Ashburn Virginia. Please limit distribution to State Officers, other councils within District #18, family members of the council and interested members of the St. Theresa Parish. Visit us at: