Chickerell Town Council – Annual Statutory Meeting 16th May 2017

The Minutes of the Annual Statutory Meeting of the Chickerell Town Council held on TUESDAY 16 MAY 2017 at the Town Council Suite, Putton Lane, Chickerell, at 7.00p.m.


Cllr M Jolliffe (Mayor)

Cllr J MoggCllr Mrs J DunseithCllr Mrs L Wise

Cllr I GardnerCllr Mrs E TurnerCllr J Dean

Cllr I Gardner and Cllr Mrs J Dunseith (West Dorset District Councillors),

Cllr Mrs J Dunseith (Dorset County Councillor)

Mrs N Briar (Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer) Mrs M Newport (Assistant Town Clerk/Mayor’s Secretary)

Present 3 members of the public


Apologies were received from Cllr J Worth, Cllr M Smithson and Cllr D Smithson.


The Mayor gave his outgoing speech. He thanked his fellow Members for their continued support throughout the year and praised the office staff for their hard work. He congratulated Cllr Mrs J Dunseith on her recent appointment of County Councillor.

In accordance with Standing Order No 3, it was proposed by Cllr Mrs L Wise seconded by Cllr Mrs J Dunseith and


That Cllr J Dean be elected Mayor of Chickerell Town Council for the period up to the Annual Statutory Meeting in 2018.

Cllr J Dean read the declaration of acceptance of office, which he then signed and dated. The Town Clerk witnessed the Mayor’s signature.

CllrJ Dean (in the Chair)

The Mayor thanked Members and stated that he was looking forward to his term of office.He thanked the previous Mayor Cllr M Jolliffe for all his work over the past year. He thanked Cllr I Gardner for his hard work as a County Councillor and congratulated Cllr Mrs J Dunseith on her appointment of County Councillor.


In accordance with Standing Order No 3 it was proposed by Cllr M Jolliffe seconded by Cllr J Mogg and


That Cllr Mrs L Wise be elected Deputy Mayor of Chickerell Town Council for the period up to the Annual Statutory Meeting in 2018.

Cllr Mrs L Wiseread his declaration of acceptance of office, which he then signed and dated. The Town Clerk witnessed the Deputy Mayor’s signature.

The Annual Statutory Meeting closed at 7.15pm.

Minutes approved as a correct record

Date……………………………………………… Signed………………………………….

Mayor – Chickerell Town Council