Cop Lane C.E. Primary School. PR1 9AE

Newsletter 16-06-2016

Each half term this year we will be focusing on a Christian value.

This half term‘s value is Friendship

*Class Photograph orders need to be in school by tomorrow Friday 17th June*

Year 5 Pirates Day

Year 5 had a fabulous Pirate Day this week. They read, wrote and performed their own ‘sea shanties’ with hilarious as well as educational consequences! Adrian Warrell historian visited school and showed the children some pirate artefacts, the children did a range of activities including how to navigate by compass, and how to fire a canon.

Year 4 Egypt

Year 4 travelled back in time to Ancient Egypt with historian Adrian Warrell this week. They did a carousel of activities ranging from grinding grain to make flour, to making scarab beetle brooches and doing an archaeological dig, everyone had a brilliant morning.

Year 1 Brockholes visit Tuesday 21st June

The children will be outside most of the day and need to wear suitable footwear, trousers with school polo shirt and sweatshirt and a waterproof coat. They also need a packed lunch and drink (non fizzy). Please ensure if your child needs an inhaler that they have one in school on the day.

New Intake Induction Day

Our new Reception children spent their first induction afternoon in school this week. They all had a lovely afternoon and next week they will meet their ‘buddies’.


Please make sure your child has PE kit in school every day as the children will be practising for Sports Day this term.

What’s On


Fri 17th Last day for class photograph orders

Tues 21st Y1 to Brockholes

Fri 24th Y6 to Tower Wood

Y3 to Ribchester Roman Museum

Sun 26th Return from Tower Wood

Tues 28th Sports day Infants am/Juniors pm (Reserve Sports Day Monday 4th July)


Mon 4th Reserve Sports Day

Tues 12th Dress Rehearsal Year 5/6 Production

Wed 13th 10am Y5/6 Production

6.30pm Y5/6 Production

Fri 15th Summer Fair

Tues 19th 2pm Year 6 Leavers Worship and afternoon tea for their parents

Fri 22nd School closes 2pm

Thurs 1st Sept School reopens 8.45am