Tuesday, September 29, 2015

12:30 p.m. Eastern

Chair: Paul Germeraad

Vice Chair: Stewart Mehlman

Board Liaison: Rick Michelman

In attendance: Paul Germeraad, Stewart Mehlman, Phil Russell, Bonnie Bachman, Bruce Janda, Sharell Mikesell, Dave Kashdan, Ernest Gilmont, and Ludita Vallarta.


Paul Germeraad introduced the topics for the call:

  1. Update on IRI Board & Staff direction
  2. Speaker’s Bureau topic
  3. Sales channel & sales cycles for consultancy
  1. Update on IRI Board: Two main topics.
  2. Four or five years ago, IRI updated the Bylaws so that there are only 2 standing committees: nominating and executive. At that time, ad hoc committees were created with the caveat that a committee could not outlive the Strategic Plan. EAG has updated its charter recently. Ed expects that it will be approved.
  3. Meeting design: – What do we want to accomplish with the meetings and who should be at the meetings? The Board discussed how we accomplish the work of IRI and what value of the work is to our members. At the last meeting the attendees were almost 1:1 member: consultant rather than the historical peer-to-peer. The Board is working on a draft policy on attendance. Annual meeting would be open and Member Summit would have some restrictions. Stewart commented that the ROR leadership team pushed back on some of the restrictions. In particular, the leadership team suggests that EAG members can always attend and that ROR project teams can invite as many SME’s as they require. Lou Gritzo, the ROR board liaison will take these recommendations to the full Board.

Additional comments:

1) RTM is now run by a third party: Taylor & Francis as publisher. IRI maintains editorial control.

2) IRI staff has restructured into 5 teams.

Ernest had some questions about EAG who are now on a university faculty. How are they to be treated in terms of attendance, as consultants or practitioners? Ludita will check with Ed. (Note: a university faculty member is not a consultant, per Ed.)

2. Speaker’s Bureau – Dave Kashdanreported that he hasn’t discussed with SusanGaud. The IRI presentation is extremely wordy and should be converted into bullets. Paul commented that it was something that we might be able to use at other meetings that we may attend to introduce IRI. Ludita said that the presentation is used by the Membership group to recruit members and also is used by Board members and staff when they travel. It is a useful compilation of information. Dave’s intent would be to simplify the slides. In a senior staff meeting, Ludita mentioned that the EAG was looking at the presentation; the staff indicated that they would welcome an update. Phil suggested that the deck could be supplemented by a written brochure and a link to the web site.

Dave Kashdan and Susan Gaud will update the deck and then forward to Paul. Paul will put this on the EAG agenda for the Member Summit.

Ernest asked whether there is a video presentation. Ludita checked with Michele Taussig ofCommunications who advised that there is currently no plan for the video but if we wanted one, it could be done. Paul will place the video as a topic on the Member Summit EAG agenda.

Ernest is a member of International Association of Innovation Professionals and will forward information on that organization.

Ernest asked if any EAG members will attend the CIMS meeting in NC. No one on the call said that they were. It would be a good venue to present info on IRI.

3. Sales Channel & Sales Cycles for Consultancy

Paul introduced this topic and turned the meeting over to Phil. Selling professional services is not the same as selling physical products. One channel is networking with colleagues at professional meetings. It creates opportunities but has a downside if members feel they are being accosted. Ernest asked if anyone knows David Maister. Here’s his web site:

Phil mentioned that we may be able to leverage the existing business relationships that our potential clients have: what publications or other media do they read, who are their current consultants, who are their current suppliers, what meetings do they attend? More information on these ideas can be found at

Paul suggested that Dick Lee would be an excellent resource to discuss this at a future EAG meeting. Both Paul and Phil mentioned that the sales cycle needs to be a conversation; not one-way data dissemination. Trust-based selling is very important. The inclusion of small deliverables early on in the conversation helps to build trust. In addition to early deliverables, having exit ramps in the project also help to build trust. Here’s a link to additional content on trust creation: .

Next Meeting: at Member Summit in Chicago on Sunday October 18, 2015from 3:00-5:00 pm. Ludita will arrange for electronic attendance by phone.

Submitted by:

Stewart Mehlman

EAG Vice Chair, 2015-2016