JANUARY 25, 2018


1)  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was opened by Chairman Harrison at 7:00pm.

2)  ROLL CALL: Present: Harrison, Mann, Nix, Wood, Vincinanza Absent: Merner, Heeter

3)  Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented. (Motion: Vincinanza, Second: Wood).

4)  Approval of Minutes: The November minutes were approved by unanimous vote. (Motion: Vincinanza, Second: Mann)

5)  New Business

a)  Rezoning Case: R-01-18 (John & David Williams)

Ø  Mr. Parker introduced the case and entered his report for the record.

Ø  He stated that John & David Williams of 962 Burlington Ave. are requesting to rezone 11.5 total acres from RS-20 to RM-8.

Ø  He explained that all adjacent property owners have been notified and proper advertisement has been made.

Ø  Mr. Parker stated the request is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan.

Ø  Mr. Harrison opened the public hearing and asked to hear from the applicant.

Ø  Mr. Steve Scott spoke on behalf of his clients John & David Williams.

Ø  Mr. Scott stated the brothers inherited the property from their parents, and has been approached by a builder who wants to build a high end multi-family development.

Ø  Mr. Scott stated that the builder proposes to build townhomes for that location.

Ø  Mr. Harrison asked for any questions from the board.

Ø  Mr. Vincinanza asked if there had been major interest in the property.

Ø  Mr. Scott replied they are under contract pending approval of rezoning and annexation.

Ø  Ms. Mann asked how many units they builder is planning to build.

Ø  Mr. Scott explained that he is only the listing agent for the owners.

Ø  Mr. Harrison asked for any public comments, and asked for each speaker to keep their remarks to three minutes.

Ø  Mr. Grant Fox of 212 Sullivan Ct. stated his property backs up to the proposed property to be rezoned.

Ø  He stated he was the original builder of the subdivision next to the proposed property.

Ø  He explained that under the RS-20 zoning, it allows 1.9 units per acre that would allow 21 homes.

Ø  He stated that RM-8 would allow 92 units.

Ø  Mr. Fox stated those numbers would create 3 or 4 buildings at three stories to meet the maximum number of units.

Ø  Mr. Fox explained having apartments in that location would not be compatible with the neighborhood, and decrease their property values.

Ø  He stated that the adjacent property owners would not be objective to a higher residential zoning like a RS-12, or RS-9.

Ø  He asked that the board consider no buildings above 2 stories and provide additional buffer between the properties.

Ø  Mr. Scott stated that the property to the east will be part of the development, which is already zoned RM-8.

Ø  Mr. Fox stated that with the extra property adjacent to the rezoning, would create 122 units.

Ø  Mr. Harrison explained to the public that the Planning Board only makes a recommendation to the Alderman for approval or denial.

Ø  Mr. Fox asked if the town has staff that reviews a plan before the builder starts breaking ground.

Ø  Mr. Parker stated the town has a TRC Committee that reviews all site plans before they are approved by staff.

Ø  Mr. Vincinanza asked how big the buffer would be for the adjacent property.

Ø  Mr. Parker stated when residential is adjacent to residential the buffer requirement is not very wide.

Ø  Mr. Harrison asked for any other comments from the public.

Ø  Ms. Sandy Sparks stated she works for Keller Williams Reality, and does a lot of real estate in the area.

Ø  Ms. Sparks stated the homes on Sullivan Ct. are all custom built that range from 1,200sf to 1,700sf.

Ø  She explained that these homes would sell very quickly as is now with vacant land adjacent to them.

Ø  She stated if the rezoning is approved, three story apartment buildings would negatively affect the properties on Sullivan Ct.

Ø  She stated the homeowners would take a significant percentage loss on their property values.

Ø  Ms. Sparks explained there are a number of things that can diminish an adjacent property value.

Ø  Mr. Vincinanza asked if Mr. Sparks lived in the neighborhood.

Ø  Ms. Sparks replied that she did not, but has been a realtor in the area for many years.

Ø  Mr. Dan Burannic of Sullivan Ct. stated the listing agent stated the builder is proposing town homes, and stated once property is zoned the builder could build anything.

Ø  Kathy King of 210 Sullivan Ct. stated she has lived there for 18 years and have enjoyed living in the area.

Ø  She stated Alamance County has the highest apartment vacancy rate, and there are apartment complexes going up in Elon and Burlington.

Ø  Ms. King explained that there are other uses other than residential that could be used for the proposed property.

Ø  She stated that the property owner’s lifestyle would drastically change if apartments are built in the location.

Ø  Mr. Dewy Braxton of 211 Sullivan Ct. stated he has lived there for 18 years, and was against the proposed rezoning.

Ø  Wendy Hughes of 206 Sullivan Ct. stated she would be affected the most because her property backs up directly to her property.

Ø  Mr. Scott informed the public that he was in conversation with the builder during the meeting, and was assured that the builder is to build one or two story town-homes on the property.

Ø  Mr. Vincinanza asked if they were any other offers on the property.

Ø  Mr. Scott replied that he has had several offers on the property, and the proposed builder was the first that approached them.

Ø  Mr. Fox stated there are tons of money available from banks and private entities for apartment development.

Ø  Mr. Harrison stated that there are several townhome communities in town that have sold well within the last 8 years.

Ø  He explained that the Planning Board role is to make sure rezoning’s are consistent with the towns Land Use Plan, and that the proposal is consistent with what the plan designates in that area.

Ø  He stated that the Board of Alderman will make the final decision on the rezoning request per the Planning Boards recommendation.

Ø  Mr. Harrison also stated the board cannot place specifics requirements on the property for rezoning.

Ø  Mr. Vincinanza asked how many homes were on Sullivan Ct.

Ø  Mr. Fox replied there are around 20 homes.

Ø  Motion was made to close the public hearing.

Ø  Motion: Mann, Second: Vincinanza

Ø  Mr. Nix stated that 60% of the people don’t own homes, and people who move into the neighborhood are not looking to buy homes.

Ø  He explained that many people are moving to town-home and apartment developments to have maintenance free property.

Ø  Mr. Harrison explained that the town has to rely on developers to come to Gibsonville to build nice developments.

Ø  Mr. Harrison asked for a motion from the board.

Ø  Motion was made to approve the rezoning request.

Ø  (Motion: Vincinanza, Second: Mann)

Ø  Motion was passed by a 3-2 vote, with tie breaker vote by Chairman.

6) Old Business

(a) Development Permit Activity

Ø  The board reviewed the permit activity from December 2017.

(b) Downtown Committee Updates

Ø  Mr. Harrison stated the GDAC committee did not meet this month, and there will be another business social held in town this year.

Ø  He stated they will also be having another golf tournament this year.

7) Public Comments

Ø  Mr. Harrison asked for any public comments and none replied.

8) Adjournment

Ø  Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Ø  (Motion: Vincinanza, Second: Mann)