Standards For Searching and Entering Into Banner


General Notes:

It is important that you perform a COMPLETE SEARCH to see if the person or vendor is in the system to avoid creating duplicate PIDM’s. The PIDM (Personal Identification Master Key) is the unique internal ID number that Banner creates for each person in the database. Be aware that name fields are case sensitive, e.g., “Smith” must be entered with an uppercase “S” and lower case letters for the rest of the last name.

There are two ways you can search by name.

Click on the down arrow next to the ID field and you are brought to a search form. You can perform all the detailed searches described below.


Quick Search

Type the name directly into the name field on the form (last name, first name or any combination) and hit the ENTER key. You can also use the wild card %. If the system only finds one individual matching what you entered it will populate the name field and the ID in the key block. If the system finds various individuals with the name you typed in you will see a pop up box titled ‘ID and Name Extended Search’. You can click the down arrow and view the names that match your search. If you find the individual, just click on the name and you will be returned to the key block with the name and ID populated.

! ! ! ! ! ! Use the following searching methods to find an entity ! ! ! ! ! !


Use a minimum of letters for the name and add wildcards. The wildcards available in Banner are the percent symbol (%), which stands for one or more characters, and the underscore(_), which stands for one character. For example, if you are searching for Mary Smith, you can use “Smi%” in the last name field and “Mar%” in the first name field. This example tells Banner to “show me everyone in the database who has a last name that starts with “Smi” and a first name that starts with “Mar”. (Note: you cannot search on the date of birth field). The following examples show how wildcard characters can be used differently:

Smi% All names that begin with Smi

%smi All names that end with smi

%smi% All names that contain smi

Smit_ All names that start with Smit and have any one letter at the end

Wild cards are also a time saver when it comes to typing long names or if you’re not sure about the spelling of a particular name. For example “Mac Donald” could be spelled a number of ways in Banner. Using wildcards in the following way saves typing and allows for different spellings:







Once in a while you can find a person with a confusing name and/or a typo may exist in the name. Try searching on the full Key ID (RIN or SSN). However, mistakes can be made on ID as well so search for parts of their ID. You can search by Social Security Number or RIN. The primary key ID in Banner is the RIN number, however, the SSN is loaded into the key ID field as a secondary key ID. Therefore, you can now search on RIN or SSN and you will find the individual.

e.g., if the RIN number is 660 01 3465, search the following combinations:

%01% or %3465%

e.g., if the SSN number is 074-56-9576, search the following combinations:

%074% or %56% or %9576%


If you know a name but are not sure how it is spelled, you can use the soundex function in Banner. This feature will bring up all names that sound similar to the name you enter.

Click soundex: if you’ve just run a query you can simply press next block. Enter the letters which sound most like the lst name, for example “shmi” for a name like “Schmidt.” (note: soundex is not case sensitive.)

Click search to start: if your search results are not what you want, press next block to go back to the soundex window and enter another name.

After exhausting all the above search methods, if you cannot locate the entity in Banner you can then create the entity (individual or vendor).

Standard for Entering Key ID into Banner

Human Resources and Student System

If you need to create a person:

For Human Resources go into PPAIDEN

For Student go into SPAIDEN

  • click on the ‘GENERATE ID’ button, the word GENERATED will appear in the ID field.
  • CTR-Pg Down, enter Name information
  • SAVE (F10)

The system will automatically populate the field with the next available 9 digit number which will always begin with 660. This is what we call the RIN, Rensselaer Identification Number.

  • In addition, if creating an employee and you do not have a SSN, enter the RIN into the SSN field.

Changing the Key ID from a SSN to a RIN

If you find the individual during a search and the Key ID is a SSN

  • Go into PPAIDEN or SPAIDEN
  • Ctr-Pg Down into the Current Identification Block
  • Enter the word GENERATED in the ID field
  • SAVE (F10)
  • The system will automatically populate a RIN in the Current Identification Block ID field and the Key ID field.

Purchasing/Accounts Payable

If you are creating an entity that is not already in Banner (not an employee or a student and has never been in our system before) and you do not have a taxpayer identification number (SSN or Federal Identification Number) you have to create an identification number using the following standards. This usually occurs for foreign entities only.

Create the Key ID as: Last Name, First Name, Number

If the full name is less than 9 characters:

Example: Hu Lee

Enter: LEEHU0001

If a second Hu Lee needs to be created:

Enter: LEEHU0002

If a third Hu Lee needs to be created:


If the name is equal to 9 characters:

Example: John Smith


If a second John Smith needs to be created:


If a third John Smith needs to be created:


If the name is greater than 9 characters:

Example: Emily Toolongname


If a second Emily Toolongname needs to be created:


If a third Emily Toolongname needs to be created:


If a vendor with an SSN as the Key ID becomes incorporated:

  • Terminate the record with the SSN
  • In the address field enter: Do Not Use See (new ID)
  • This can go into the second line of the address
  • Create new vendor/entity with the new ID

NOTE: There is a primary and secondary ID for all non-vendor records. The primary ID is the Banner Generated number = Rensselaer Identification Number (RIN). The secondary ID is the SSN. Therefore, you can enter the RIN or SSN and find the individual. A job runs every night to populate the secondary ID. (Using the data in the SSN field).

Standard for Entering Names into Banner

The name should be entered exactly as printed on a Social Security Card or if not available enter per the source document.

Field Specifics:

  • Last Name:
  • Enter what is on the social security card – if available
  • Enter last name only
  • Do not enter suffixes (example: Jr., Sr., II)
  • If a foreign name and you can not tell which is the last name, look at

government documents, (such as passport, I-20, IAP-66) if available.

  • Example: Jean Paul Freyssinier Nova
  • Last name is Freyssinier Nova
  • First name is Jean Paul
  • Include
  • – (hyphen)
  • ‘ (apostrophe)
  • or first letter is lower case - if appropriate per paperwork
  • First Name
  • Enter what is on the social security card – if available
  • If card not available
  • If someone uses their middle name as their primary name
  • Enter their actual first name in the first name field
  • If they prefer to use a different name than is on the SSN card enter the preferred first name in the Preferred Name Field if available in your module.
  • Middle Name
  • Enter what is on the social security card – if available – Do not abbreviate it.
  • If the card is not available – enter per the source document – Do not abbreviate. If you are only provided a middle initial enter the letter and punctuation.
  • Prefix
  • Enter the appropriate prefix using the following standards (include punctuation). Examples but not limited to:
  • Dr. Prof. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Miss
  • Suffix
  • Enter the appropriate suffix using the following standards (include punctuation.) Examples but not limited to:
  • Jr. Sr. I II III Esq.
  • Use Ph.D. or MD. only if Dr. is NOT entered as a prefix

(unless specifically requested by the individual)


If you find an entity (person or vendor) which has been created twice (under two different Key ID Numbers in Banner [RIN]), follow the procedure outlined below.

  • Look in Banner to see what departments have records for this person. Look at GUASYST. Determine what ID you think is best to use. Make your best judgmentby the departments already having records using the RIN.

  • Report the finding to a member of the CORE team. Each area creating entities has a representative on CORE.
  • The CORE team member sends an e-mail message to the CORE group reporting the find. Your e-mail should contain the name of the entity and the two ID numbers in Banner. Specify which number you believe is the correct number or the best number to use and which number is the incorrect number. Provide a deadline date to CORE for all data to be transferred.
  • Each department is responsible for moving any and all data (if possible) under their domain from the bad number to the correct number prior to the set deadline date. OR contact the reporting CORE member if there are issues with the number they chose as correct.
  • After the deadline date the individual who originally reported the duplicate PIDM is responsible for going into Banner and changing the Key ID[RIN] and Name as follows:
  • Change the Key ID to:
  • Example: 660-87-9874 incorrect ID
  • Change to: ZZ0-87-9874(always enter two Z’s)
  • Change the Name to:
  • In the Last Name field:
  • Example: Smith
  • Change to: Do Not Use Smith
  • Be sure to put the Do Not Use BEFORE the last name and since the name field is case sensitive be sure to capitalize the Do Not Use.

Standard for Entering Addresses into Banner

The postal guidelines request that an address be printed in a specific order.

  • The Post Office reads addresses from the bottom up:
  • If foreign address: the last line must be the full country name in capital letters.
  • If US address: the last line must be City, State, Zip-(extension if available)
  • Next line up: PO Box
  • Next line up: Delivery Address (street address)
  • Next line up: building, apartment number, room number etc…
  • Next line up: attention line
  • Next line up: Entity Name

To support these guidelines, entry in BANNER should following these standards:

BANNER supports 3 address lines, city, state, zip code, county code and a country code.

  • For the 3 address lines, follow the postal standards described above, keeping in mind that the 1st address line will print directly below the Entity Name. Work your way down through the address, filling in the 2nd and 3rd address lines only as needed.
  • Punctuation and abbreviations may be used.
  • Example: Ave. Dr. Apt. 3

Examples of entry into BANNER:

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Address Line 1:Attn. Dr. Peter Lee13 Creative Pl.30 Trunk La.

Address Line 2:J-BuildingPO Box 55

Address Line 3:25 Swat Dr.

City:Pleasant ViewPleasant ViewPleasant View





Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

Address Line 1:c/o China University54 Hockey La.c/o Mrs. Student

Address Line 2:KulinlanApt. 34

Address Line 3: 198 Main St.



Zip:M2L 2L2 55174



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