LaBelle Media Center Goals and Procedure
The purpose of the media center is to supplement the curriculum by offering resource enrichment materials and instruction in information access for students and teachers. Using Cobb Digital Library (CDL) makes access to information unlimited.
Materials are selected from all forms of media—print and non-print sources. Care is taken to balance the resources based on the interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students. In order to meet the needs of the faculty, a variety of professional and recreational books and magazines is included in the resources. Suggestions from staff and students are greatly encouraged.
Research has shown that the quality of education increases as use of the library increases. Therefore, students and staff are encouraged to become acquainted with the library database (Destiny), CDL, eResources (MackinVIA), and the collection and services of the media center.
MEDIA CENTER HOURS and Check Out Policy
The Media Center is open to students, parents, and teachers from 7:25 am to 2:45 pm during school days.Whole group visits to the media center are flexibly scheduled by appointment between 8:00am – 2:00pm. Students should checkin/check-out library books between 8:00am – 2:00pm either whole group scheduled by their teacher or small groups/individually with a current media center pass. (Due to unforeseen activities and media center facility obligations, these hours are subject to change.)
All books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed for additional time if needed.
Lost or damaged books must be paid for before students are allowed to check out additional materials.
Any items removed from the media center must be checked out to the patron through the Destiny Circulation System. When items are removed from the media center without being checked out: A) The Destiny Catalog states that the item is in the media center and is considered lost when it is not located on the shelf. B) The item is not included in any statistical report. This gives us false data when it is time for end of the year circulation reporting to central office. C) Items are eventually weeded from the collection if they do not show any circulation.
Please adhere to CCSD Rule IFBC-R ttp%3A%2F%2F 4.docx&ei=qQzhU5ykEcXesASl-ILYCQ&usg=AFQjCNHDGp-zkV76zmCMx0uorcWNyiNzog
IMPORTANT: If you change classrooms, the equipment must stay in that classroom. This includes all classroom computers, printers, LCD projectors and VCR/DVD players. These items are CCSD Property Control inventoried by classroom and must not be moved. If you want CCSD property moved, prior approval must be given by the principal. The media specialist must be notified of the property control number of the item(s) moved and the new room number where that item is now housed. Instruction on the use of the equipment can be scheduled at your convenience.
The library is allotted funds in the fall to purchase books and AV materials that support all areas of the curriculum. Materials are selected according to the diverse interests, cultures, and abilities of the school population. Data is collected from Destiny to determine patron interests and areas of weakness in the collection and this data is used to make selection decisions. The LaBelle ES Media Committee meets periodically to discuss long-term collection development goals. Staff and student suggestions are actively solicited. Magazines are ordered in the spring for the following year. The media center collection can be located on the Destiny Online Catalog. New materials are added throughout the school year. Some out of date materials not circulated for three consecutive years and worn materials are weeded from the collection on an ongoing basis. These discarded materials are placed on a cart in the media center for teachers to add to their classroom collection. Please do not return a discarded item back to the media center. If you no longer want the discarded item, it is yours to discard at that time. If you have a need for media center materials to use with your curriculum needs, please contact the media specialist with your purchasing suggestions. The media specialist has specific required guidelines to follow regarding ordering media center materials. If your request falls within those guidelines, the media specialist will try to honor your request(s).
Currently, the CCSD Library Media Services Department is a division of CCSD Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment. Due to this change from Technology to CI&A, the CCSD Library Media Department implemented Resource to Instructor (R2I) during the 2014 SY. Now, the main role of the media specialist is to serve as instructional partner with teachers. Common Core Curriculum encourages teachers to collaborate with the school media specialist, to integrate information literacy skills into some of your research project lessons. At times throughout the year, teachers are encouraged to collaboratively plan a lesson with the media specialist that promotes appropriate and ethical use of digital and print media. The media specialist is available to assist your class with the use of best research practices (reference materials, search engines, databases, eBooks, and information literacy skills) for your grade level (K-5). In addition, when planning a performance-based project, please consider scheduling a collaborative lesson with the media specialist. The goal of the media specialist is to improve student achievement by teaching best research practices within a performance-based lesson. This can be accomplished by the media specialist assisting students individually, in small groups, or in a whole group setting. As instructional partners, the classroom teacher and the media specialist will assist students in meeting the requirements of the Common Core Curriculum Performance Standards. Keep in mind, through a collaborative effort, the classroom teacher is teaching the subject content to the students; the media specialist is teaching the literacy/research skills required to accomplish the research objectives of the performance-based assignment. To achieve best results and to insure the media specialist’s schedule allows, please schedule this collaborative lesson and plan the lesson with the media specialist well in advance. Collaborative lessons will be on a first come, first serve basis depending on the media specialist’s schedule.
CCSD Media Materials Acquisition Guidelines: Books, eBooks, magazines, print materials • Must be something that can be circulated to all staff or students • Maximum of 5 copies per title Videos, DVDs, audio materials • Must be something that can be circulated to all staff • Limited to 1 – 5 copies only
HANDLING OF CONTROVERSIAL MATERIALS: Should an objection arise to any type of material in the library collection, a special form is used to obtain complete information on the material in question (see media specialist for form). This form and the material in question will be presented to the library media committee to be examined. This committee will make a decision as to the merit of the objection and the value of the material to the library collection. Any objections to library materials should be directed to the media specialist.
The LaBelle ES library media staff will be happy to assist you with Destiny, the online library catalog. We also help with the use of video streaming, and Cobb Digital Library (CDL) databases. The Technology Department is asking that all staff place their own technology work orders. Problems with classroom computers, printers, teacher laptops, LCD projectors and DVD/VCR’s should be reported to the CCSD Customer Care Center @ (770) 426-3330, Email: , or complete an on-line request through the CCSD Technology Department using the Helpdesk Assistant icon on your desktop.