April 20, 2010

9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Regional Transportation Commission of So. Nevada

600 S. Grand Central Parkway, Room 296

Las Vegas, Nevada


Members in Attendance:Vicki Adams, City of North Las Vegas

Paul Andricopulos, City of Henderson

Mauricia Baca, Outside Las Vegas

Erin Breen, UNLV/Safe Communities

William Cadwallader, Nellis AFB

Polly Carolin, RTC

Mike Colety, Kimley-Horn

Connie Diso, City of Las Vegas

Jerry Duke, RTC

Toni Ellis, City of North Las Vegas

Randy Fultz, City of Las Vegas

Nathan Goldberg, City of Las Vegas

Scott Hagen, ClarkCounty

Mike Janssen, City of Las Vegas

Tracy Larkin Thomason, Nevada Department of Transportation

Tony Letizia, Nevada Department of Transportation

Greg McDermott, City of Las Vegas

Michelle Menart, City of North Las Vegas

Diane Phomninh, City of Las Vegas

Dennis Taylor, Nevada Department of Transportation

Jason VanHavel, Nevada Department of Transportation

Item 1: Introductions

Jerry Duke opened the meeting with introductions and covered items 2 though 5 using a powerpoint presentation. The purpose of the presentation was to review the history of alternate mode planning in ClarkCounty, to define terms, and to establish the purpose of and rationale for the planning effort.

Item 2: History of Walking and Biking Initiatives

Item 3: Getting People to Walk and Bike

  • Trip Making Facts
  • Reasons to Bike and Walk
  • Key Factors Influencing Biking and Walking

Item 4: Facility Status – Where Are We Today?

Item 5: Getting Started

  • Mission Statement
  • BPE Goals
  • Proposed Areas of Focus
  • Selection of Topics/Sequencing

Item 6: Setting the Agenda for the Next Meeting

  1. Alternative Mode System Modification
  2. Planning Information and Data
  3. Funding/Prioritization

Before the next meeting, participants were asked to review goals and mission/vision, roadway standards, and focus areas, so they may comment and make recommendations for changes. Mr. Duke reported that the RTC is identifying gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and the characteristics of those gaps.

The next meeting was planned for June 8, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at the RTC.

Item 7: Questions and Comments

It was recommended that Marketing be added to the Encouragement focus area. There was much discussion about working with agency Public Information Officers to create a coordinated marketing campaign for the “non-spandex” rider. A need for end of trip facilities was identified. It was noted that bicycles do not come with baskets anymore, nor can they be purchased in local stores or on line. This makes it difficult, if not impossible to use a bicycle for shopping.

Item 8: Adjourn