Cyberbullying Jigsaw Activity for Upper KS2/KS3
To understand what is meant by cyberbullying.
To investigate an incident of cyberbullying from different points of view
To decide on a course of action for a cyberbullying incidentfrom different perspectives
Resources required:
Jigsaw sets provided (pieces numbered 1/2/3/4)
Let’s Fight it Together film (altered version of mobile phone screen containing ‘older’ material pixelated )
Collaborative Discussion Forum – for primary users this could be set up in Starz
Blank Flick-Flacks – one per child
Getting started
Organise the whole group into groups of four (if total number is not divisible by four then ask two pupils to work as one) refer to these groups asHOME GROUPS.
Each HOME group should appoint a leader/spokesperson.
HOME group Activity 1:
Ask HOME GROUPS to discuss any e-safety incidents experienced by or known to members of the group.Activity Leader should decide whether or not to share some of these aloud.
Members of the HOME GROUP should next take a jigsaw piece and look for the number on the back.Activity leader indicates where the 1’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s will move to in the room.
At a signal from activity leader all children move into EXPERT GROUPS
EXPERT group Activity:
Explain that you are going to show a video a part at a time. Each time the video is stopped the children are asked to be like a ‘Jiminy Cricket’ sitting on the shoulders of one of the characters in the video and whispering advice into their ear. They are to agree as a group what advice to give this character and record this on the post-it notes provided. These should be displayed on the large sheet of paper.
This should be repeated each time the video is stopped. Emphasise that it is important that the group discuss and agree prior to entering their text on the post-it note.
Show the first part of the video to the approximate point suggested here then stop the video
Ask Expert Group 1 to advise Joe about what to do.
Ask Expert Group 2 to advise Joe’s mum and tell her what to do.
Ask Expert Group 3 to advise Kim thebullywhat to do.
Ask Expert Group 4 to advise the school/teacher what to do
First time this all may need some explanation- advice may be ‘you’ve done nothing wrong carryon as you are ‘ or there may be more reading around the film text to determine what one of the four may be doing at this time.
Show the second part of the video to the approximate point suggested here then stop
Repeat Expert Group advice roles
Show the third part of the video to the approximate point suggested here then
Repeat Expert Group advice roles
Show the final part of the video.
Repeat Expert Group advice roles
The group should now review all the advice given to their character and make sure it makes sense, that it is readable etc.
Return to HOME Groups
You may wish to show the video in its entirety without interruptions at this part. Make the point that there were lots of times when if the advice given had been taken then things would have been different for everyone concerned.
Use a discussion forum and get the children in their groups to use their expertise from different viewpoints to contribute help and advice :
- To the victim
- To the bully
- To the friends/bystanders of Joe
- To the parents
- To the school
Use the knowledge now known about cyberbullying to createa Flick Flack to be shared with someone else.
Finish the session by talking to the children about the whole issues of cyberbullying and how they should always talk to someone – perhaps point out the REPORT ABUSE button on the ThinkUKNOW website and elsewhere.
If there is extra time and you have internet access the go to the Digizen website and review the character cameos
Further Resources:
Lets fight it Together Teachers Notes